16 Healthy Tips on Surviving the Hypothyroidism Holiday Season

beverage blur candy candy cane

Photo by Pixabay on Pexels.com

Sweet Cider
Cozy Blankets
Perfect Pumpkins
Crackling Leaves
Sparkling Fires
Crisp Air
That’s why we love the holiday season!

With the holidays right around the corner, I wanted to share 20 healthy tips that I’ve learned in my experience from working with my Hypothyroidism clients as, I believe, you will may find these suggestions very helpful this holiday season. This is a time when friends and families gather near and far to get in some much-needed quality time.

If you have any dietary restrictions , I know that trying to adapt your dietary needs to the traditional Holiday foods can be tough.

Unfortunately, chronic inflammation is one of the evils that we allow into our lives from what we feel is our modern civilization and it start with the toxic environment and the consumption of these food like products that we gobble down.

If you are need some healthy gluten free holiday recipes order the latest copy of my book

Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season. 

Holiday Hypothyroidism

Finally a Holiday cookbook that will have you sincerely appreciating all the hard work that I put into creating it. This cookbook not only has recipes that caters to your hypothyroidism but the recipes are extremely easy to prepare while still being delicious as they promote your health, help you begin to heal, and you’re eating cleaner on top of it all. These recipes can be used year-round not only around the holidays and will be a great addition to your library. I hope you find this Holiday book a godsend to the particularly crazy holiday season. This book includes a good variety of recipes that I know you will find to be delicious, full of flavor, healthy and just perfect for your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. From appetizers to main meals, side dishes and desserts these recipes are just wonderfully delicious. I am not kidding when I tell you that the recipe options in this book are endless and you won’t be disappointed! You will be able to find that perfect recipe in this book that makes your taste buds soar, fits your dietary needs and has your family bragging on your cooking skills. They may even think you secretly took lessons from Gordon Ramsay or Julia Childs


I’ve done all the work for you! All you have to do is cook.

May Peace, Happiness and Prosperity be yours during this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

1.Just Let Go of Perfection- 

Moments, things and areas of your  life don’t need to be perfect to be marvelous.

We are all human and we should give ourselves a break.

Practice self compassion- You don’t have to attend every holiday party. If you are tired from working all week or just tired in general. Give yourself a time out. You can’t give your best if you are not feeling your best.

Stop beating yourself up over not being able to do everything- Make list of what is most important and do that. Your home doesn’t have to look like a Kardashian or Martha Stuart remember they have people helping them decorate if not doing the decorating for them. If all you can do is put up a tree, then just put up a tree and be happy.

Take smaller steps to what you want to achieve- its easier to make a goal with small accomplishable tasks and this way you can see the things you have done and be joyful.

This year, focus on what you can do instead of what you can’t. Look for solutions instead of repeatedly dwelling on the issues and stumbling blocks.

Besides I’m over being to be perfect because frankly it’s exhausting.

2.Always Stay Hydrated- 

Clean, filtered  water helps to cleanse your body — inside and out. Your kidneys need the water to filter waste from the blood and excrete it into your  urine.  Your bowls need it to help keep things flowing or you can become constipated.

It Boosts Brainpower- According to a new study published in the journal Frontiers in Human Neuroscience, drinking water when you feel thirsty can help you think and act.

It Helps With Appetite Control and Gut Health- although you might not lose a ton of weight , drinking filtered water instead of empty calorie sodas will certainly make a difference on the scales.

Improves your mood-  Lack of sleep isn’t the only thing that can cause  headaches, irritability and fatigue. Studies suggest that increasing your daily amount of water intake can reduce the duration and intensity of headaches.

Remember:  You should drink small amounts of water slowly over time. Never ever chug a ton of water there is something called water toxicity and people have died from it.  How do you know your getting enough water? Take  your body weight and divide it by 2. This is how many ounces a day your body needs.  For example if you weigh 160 lbs. divide that by 2 and you need 80 ounces of water per day for  your body weight.

3.Avoid late-night Eating-

This may  prompt weight gain because your body changes in the rate at which your metabolism functions during sleeping versus waking hours.

Did you know that your body has a internal body clock that regulates sleep and other cycles based on light and darkness which is  your  natural circadian rhythm.  You have two hormones that follow your bodies natural circadian rhythm, which is  Cortisol and adrenaline. These two hormones start slowing down by 3 p.m., as do your energy levels. Have you ever needed anything to pick you up in the afternoon? It might not just be that bad lunch you ate, it is also these two hormones working too.  You see your body is preparing for the end of the day.  So, your bodies  metabolism is slowing down thus it being harder for your body to break down the food you consume.

4.Get Plenty of Sleep-

“Sleep is the only time you’ve got when you’re not doing other things requiring energy,” says Michael Ormsbee, director of the Institute of Sports Sciences & Medicine at Florida State University. “When you totally shut down almost every other action other than staying alive, the body is primed to work on recovery, cell turnover, improving immune function and repairing and regenerating sore and damaged muscle tissue.”

5.Wash Hands and Surfaces often-

Why does it matter you ask?  Illness-causing bacteria can survive in many places around your kitchen, including your hands, utensils, and cutting boards. Unless you wash your hands, utensils, and surfaces the right way, you could spread bacteria to your food, and your family. Always wash your hands with soap and clean running water for at least 20 seconds.

When Should We Wash Our Hands?

before eating and cooking
after using the bathroom
after cleaning around the house
after touching animals, including family pets
before and after visiting or taking care of any sick friends or relatives
after blowing one’s nose, coughing, or sneezing
after being outside (playing, gardening, walking the dog, etc.)

6.Don’t forget to take your meds regularly, and to pack them if you are traveling.

7.Sip Smartly-

Always try to keep both your calories and your buzz under control. Try to go for simply and clear drinks for instance a single shot of vodka, gin, or rum mixed with club and a squeeze of lime will set you back only about 100 calories.  Champagne or pink Prosecco are both great options. Not only are they low on the calorie chart—around 80 to 120 per glass—but they’re also more likely to be sipped rather than guzzled. Another rule of thumb is 1 alcoholic drink by following the next drink with a glass of water.  This way you stay hydrated and you are not consuming all acholic drinks.

8.Holiday shopping and exercising all in 1-

Not time for exercising? No excuse. You can still get your exercise in by walking in the mall when you are Christmas shopping, taking the stairs instead of the escalator in the mall or even doing squats as  you are brushing you teeth. remember every little bit helps.

9.Don’t eat mindlessly , eat in moderation-

10. Fill your plate with healthy food choices-

load 3/4 of  your plate with healthy leafy greens, and the rest with a protein

11.Eat Before Attending a Party-

If you know they are going to have things that you cannot eat or unhealthy options , its not rude to eat before you go. This way you are full and if you want to nibble you can control your snacking.

12.Offer to bring a Something Healthy-

Again if you know they will have things you can’t eat, its not rude to offer to bring a healthy side dish this way you know there is something there you can eat.

13. Grab a smaller size plate size-
It’s been proven by many diet researchers that people eat what’s put on their plates.  Grab a smaller plate where it wont be so difficult to exercise portion control.  In studies, people ate as much as 56 percent less when they served themselves from a smaller plate size.

14. Don’t’ Deprive Yourself-  

Don’t deprive yourself , if you just must have a piece of that dessert  then so  but make it a small one. We certainly don’t want you in the fridge at 2am with fork in your hand.  You’ll enjoy this way more guilt-free and not feeling like you’re missing out.

15.Practice Self Care-

The most important piece of advice for those with autoimmune disorder is to practice self care.

16. Relax and enjoy!
It seems that emotional eating tends to increase over the holidays. Try to incorporate relaxation techniques into your day to help manage stress.  I often try to meditate and take three deep, mindful breaths to help reset my mood.

Trying to adapt the traditional recipes to your dietary needs can be tough. Who can ever imagine Thanksgiving and Christmas without gluten filled grains? Let this book,   Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season, be your resource to fabulous hypothyroidism traditional holiday recipes. Finally a Holiday cookbook that will have you sincerely appreciating all the hard work that I put into creating it. This cookbook not only has recipes that caters to your hypothyroidism but the recipes are extremely easy to prepare while still being delicious as they promote your health, help you begin to heal, and you’re eating cleaner on top of it all. These recipes can be used year-round not only around the holidays and will be a great addition to your library. I hope you find this Holiday book a godsend to the particularly crazy holiday season. This book includes a good variety of recipes that I know you will find to be delicious, full of flavor, healthy and just perfect for your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. From appetizers to main meals, side dishes and desserts these recipes are just wonderfully delicious. I am not kidding when I tell you that the recipe options in this book are endless and you won’t be disappointed! You will be able to find that perfect recipe in this book that makes your taste buds soar, fits your dietary needs and has your family bragging on your cooking skills. They may even think you secretly took lessons from Gordon Ramsay or Julia Childs.

Menu items can include
-Turkey and Gravy
-Gluten Free Stuffing
-Mashed Potatoes
-Sweet potatoes
-Glazed carrots
-Green bean Casserole
-Cranberry sauce
-Side salad
-Gluten free dinner rolls

Here are a few sample recipes

Bacon-Wrapped Butternut Squash
2 lbs. butternut squash, cut into cubes
15 slices of nitrate free, uncured bacon, cut in half
1 tsp. chili powder
1 tsp. garlic powder
1 tsp. paprika
Dash of freshly ground black pepper

In a bowl, place the squash in a bowl and sprinkle with chili powder, garlic powder, paprika, and black pepper. Wrap each piece of squash cube with a bacon slice and place on a parchment-lined baking sheet.
Bake for 20 minutes in a 350 degree oven. After the 20 minutes flip the bites over and bake for another 20 minutes. If you like crunchier bacon turn on your broiler for 2 to 3 minutes, be careful not to burn.

Fried Plums with Caramelized Balsamic Vinegar
10 ripe plums, halved, seeds removed
1 tbsp. coconut oil
1/2 cup macadamia nuts, halved
4 tbsp. caramelized balsamic vinegar

In a cast iron skillet add the coconut oil over low-medium heat and place the plum halves skin side up and fry for 4-5 minutes or until the plums are tender. Divide the plums onto two serving plates with macadamia nuts on top and caramelized balsamic vinegar drizzled around the plums.

Pear Pie with Brazilian Nut Crust
4 Bartlett pears, peeled and diced
1/2 cup dried unsweetened cranberries
1/4 cup raw honey
1 tbsp. lemon juice
2 tsp Ceylon cinnamon, divided
1/4 tsp ground ginger
2/3 cup Brazilian nuts, finely chopped
1/3 cup unsweetened coconut flakes, chopped
2 tbsp. Kerry Gold Butter, ghee or coconut oil or non-dairy whipped butter, melted
1/4 tsp Himalayan sea salt or Celtic sea salt

In a bowl, mix your peeled and diced pears along with your cranberries, honey and lemon juice, and sprinkle with one teaspoon of cinnamon and the ginger. Toss well to coat. Place this mixture in a 9-inch pie dish. In another bowl, mix the Brazilian nuts, coconut flakes, butter salt, and the other teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon. Spoon the topping over the pear mixture. Bake for 40-45 minutes, until lightly browned and bubbling. Allow this to rest for 5 minutes before serving.

I want to thank you for reading my latest blog. Please let me know if you need any support with it.
Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet? If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism. I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com . You can also Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick and organic_being      .
Health and Happiness,

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Always consult your primary health care adviser regarding your condition and additional treatment options. If placed on medication, certain food products should be avoided in the juice fast so as to ensure proper absorption of those medications.
The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

PAID ENDORSEMENT DISCLOSURE: In order for me to support my blogging activities, I may receive monetary compensation or other types of remuneration for my endorsement, recommendation, testimonial and/or link to any products or services from this blog.

May Peace, Happiness and Prosperity be yours during this holiday season and throughout the New Year.

christmas tree with baubles

Photo by freestocks.org on Pexels.com

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