Tag Archives: #knowledge

The Ignorance of the Educated: Navigating Knowledge Beyond Specialization

Mark Twain, with his characteristic wit, once quipped, “There is no one so ignorant as the educated man, once you get him off the subject he was educated in.” This statement, though humorous on the surface, holds profound truth about the nature of education and the limits of specialization. In a world where expertise is highly valued, it’s easy to overlook the vast ocean of knowledge beyond our specific fields. In this blog, we’ll delve into the phenomenon of educated ignorance, explore its implications, and discover ways to broaden our intellectual horizons.

The Paradox of Education

Education is often viewed as a beacon of enlightenment, a gateway to knowledge and understanding. However, it can also create blind spots. As we immerse ourselves in a particular discipline or area of study, our focus narrows, and we become experts in a niche corner of the vast universe of human knowledge. This specialization is essential for progress and innovation, but it can also lead to intellectual myopia.

The Comfort Zone of Expertise

Imagine a physicist discussing the intricacies of quantum mechanics. Their expertise is undeniable, but ask them about Renaissance art, and they might falter. Similarly, a historian might excel in recounting the events of ancient civilizations but struggle with the basics of molecular biology. These examples highlight the comfort zone of expertise, where individuals feel confident and competent within their specialized domains but may feel out of their depth when venturing into unfamiliar territory.

The Pitfalls of Ignorance

Educated ignorance poses several pitfalls. It can foster arrogance, as individuals may overestimate the scope of their knowledge based on their expertise in one area. This can lead to closed-mindedness and a reluctance to explore new ideas outside of their field. Moreover, it can hinder interdisciplinary collaboration, as experts from different domains may struggle to communicate effectively due to their specialized jargon and assumptions.

Breaking the Chains of Ignorance

So, how do we overcome educated ignorance and broaden our intellectual horizons? The first step is awareness. Recognizing the limitations of our expertise is the key to unlocking new pathways of learning. Humility plays a crucial role here; acknowledging that there is always more to learn keeps us curious and open-minded.

Embracing Lifelong Learning

Lifelong learning is another antidote to educated ignorance. Instead of resting on our laurels after completing formal education, we should embrace learning as a lifelong journey. This means stepping out of our comfort zones, exploring diverse subjects, and challenging our preconceptions. Whether it’s through books, podcasts, online courses, or engaging in conversations with people from different backgrounds, every opportunity to learn is an opportunity for growth.

Cultivating Intellectual Curiosity

Curiosity is the engine that drives intellectual exploration. Cultivating a curious mindset involves asking questions, seeking answers, and being unafraid of uncertainty. Instead of shying away from topics outside our expertise, we should approach them with a sense of wonder and excitement. Who knows what hidden gems of knowledge we might uncover along the way?

The Humor in Ignorance

Finally, let’s not forget to inject a dose of humor into our exploration of educated ignorance. After all, laughter is the best medicine for intellectual hubris. The ability to laugh at ourselves, to acknowledge our limitations with a good-natured chuckle, is a sign of wisdom in itself. As Mark Twain aptly demonstrated, humor can be a powerful tool for enlightenment, cutting through the pretensions of knowledge and revealing the absurdity of our own ignorance.


In conclusion, educated ignorance is a paradoxical phenomenon that reminds us of the limits of specialization and the boundless expanse of human knowledge. By embracing humility, lifelong learning, and intellectual curiosity, we can transcend the confines of our expertise and embark on a journey of intellectual exploration. And let’s not forget to sprinkle some humor along the way, for laughter is the best antidote to the folly of our own ignorance. As Mark Twain wisely observed, “The secret of getting ahead is getting started. The secret of getting started is breaking your complex overwhelming tasks into small manageable tasks, and then starting on the first one.” So let’s start by expanding our horizons, one laugh and one lesson at a time.

Finding Your Food Code

Food is thy medicine, right?

Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

A link is attached to the title of the book. Click on it and order yours today!

Beyond the Bite: The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: 75+ Simply Easy Recipes to Help You Feel Amazing

The Awakened Warrior: We must protect our children from those who want to commoditize humanity

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Thehypothyroidismchick.com is dedicated to covering health and science news that matters most to our generation. We cover a wide range of stories, but ultimately we are driven by two core values: first, to contribute to our readers’ understanding of what is a very complex and constantly changing field of information, and second, to keep in mind the ultimate “smell test” — we want our stories to be the kind of things you talk about at a bar with your friends. Thehypothyroidismchick.com determines coverage based on relevance, clinical significance, and editorial integrity. We give no priority to commercial considerations, and will always clearly distinguish between factual content, commentary, and opinions to avoid misleading readers with institutional propaganda. and speculation.

There is a war raging against humanity and our earth.  We have been passively indoctrinated and so utterly pre-programmed that we do not ask the questions that need to ask. We have laid our trust completely in those in power or someone with a title behind their name. People conditioned blindly believing in things simply because enough people assured us it was true. Infectious diseases have been irradiated but chronic diseases are the new black plague of our modern time. This book is profoundly personal as it represents a mission brimming with meaning.  As I reflect on extraordinary truths about our nation’s health history, current, and future, I also offer you wisdom, knowledge, and understanding. We must stop the atrocities if we want to become a healthier nation in the future. We must stop the atrocities if we want the human race to survive. I hope my voice and advocacy will continue to help lead the way and this book will make changes for current and future generations to come. No, I simply do not have all the answers but I have written plenty in this book to make you start questioning EVERYTHING.

What you are about to discover is terrifying.

Poisoned Profit

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

I hoped you’ve been enlightened and not frightened by my latest blog — A tale of recovery to save a woman who caught OCD, Hypothyroidism and an Autoimmune Disorder –

Please follow along with me on this journey of discovery as I share with you my brush of madness with exquisite clarity. Luckily, I was never a quick fix-it junkie where I said no to many suggestions from board certified or certifiable doctors because I felt it in my soul that it was merely a banaide being placed on my issues. The names of certain doctors have been changed because frankly, I don’t want to be sued for proven their lack in their field. 

Hippocrates was right when he said: Let they food be thy medicine and thy medicine be thy food.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

The views and services offered by Thehypothyroidismismchick.com are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical service, but as an alternative for those who are seeking solutions for better health. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself. Keep in mind that results may vary, and if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a serious condition, you should consult a physician or other appropriate medical professional prior to using any products or information on this site. Thehypothyroidisimchick.com assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms. Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.

The information on this site is not intended or implied to be a substitute for professional medical advice, diagnosis or treatment. All content, including text, graphics, images, and information, contained on or available through this website is for general information purposes only. Opinions expressed here are the opinions of the writer. Never disregard professional medical advice or delay seeking medical treatment because of something you have read on or accessed through this website.

This site is designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice, legal advice, or professional services. If you feel that you have a medical problem, you should seek the advice of your physician or health care practitioner. For additional information please see Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.

Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy. | thehypothyroidismchick

Writing This BOOK Put a Target on my Back

By writing this book, I probably put a target on my back and will certainly encounter a deep well of resentment from many sides of the spectrum.

It is criminal and dare I say genocide what the food industry is doing to us. The FDA sits backs and allows this to happen.  Our bodies are now a chemical dumping ground for the food industry and we need to wake up! These chemicals mimic our very own hormones and start to rearrange our bodies ‘ chemistry.  We are not asking enough questions and not demanding change therefore, we are allowing our very own toxic environment to be created, both external and internal, which none of us will be able to escape. 

With all of Monsanto’s biochemical wizardry, one would think that they could find another way to create pesticides besides dumping estrogen-mimicking carcinogens onto the world’s food supply. Next on their agenda is artificial meat and it may be the “meat of the future”, maybe the only meat?

The pure stupidity and lack of basic human compassion involved in all of this illness and moneymaking are astounding. It is very important to understand that we have ended up in this mess for many reasons. Some of these people do believe they are doing what is best for humanity then you have the ones who simply do not give a damn how they are ultimately destroying what it is to be human and you certainly should never underestimate how low these people will go to gain profit off our health dismay. Americans are just in one big petri dish that seems to be poisoned, and controlled like lab rats.

It is very frustrating when you have doctors and scientists who try to help their patients and the government bureaucracies, private and secretive foundations who do everything in their power to block the science. They are sabotaging us deliberately and the real research controlled.

Accidents seem created more intentionally to murder people who are speaking out where it looks like a plausibly deniable manner – it is just a standard operating procedure for the Our Military Intelligence complex. When you start speaking out and against what is happening you become the Enemy of the State.

The ones controlling the narrative will do anything to discredit, dismantle, and destroy anything or anyone who begins to stand in their way. There are higher powers that are controlling the narrative and they are brainwashing all of us. This whole thing seems a bit sick and twisted. These people need to own and control every aspect of our lives. Anything that goes into your body or on your body they want to control.  Every thought, every breath, every bite of fake food, medication, vaccine, environmental chemicals, household chemicals, and fluoridated water. They have pulled the wool over our eyes to blind us from the truth. We have been guinea pigs for the entire industry far too long. Our fabric of what it means to be human appears torn at the core.

Our society systematically learned social conditioning while passively adjusting to indoctrination that they seem too randomly if ever think out of the box.

Congress, large corporations that donate funding, the power elite, insurance companies, big pharma, and our lobbyist all play a major part.  We are in a baseball game, where we the American people are in the last inning of the World Series, and we are up one run but all of their bases loaded with the other team. The American people are like the pitcher on the mound. We are stuck in classic doubt. We seem to be saying to ourselves,” Can I make this Pitch?” 

 Due to outrageous political influences on medicine and government policy, the vast majority of patients will not be able to receive the correct diagnoses. Correct diagnosis is vital in obtaining the correct treatment too.

Marketing, misconceptions, miss-information, “buying doctors”, outright lies and even conspiracy by pharmaceutical companies throughout the world have led to the unsuspecting public taking billions of pills that do not help us and may even harm us.

High blood pressure, high cholesterol, premenstrual syndrome, ADD/ADHD, pre-diabetes, depression, anxiety, bipolar disorder, hormone replacement, and other “diseases” are really “symptoms, not diseases.” So how did they get to be diseases and produce billions of dollars in drug sales to treat them?

How does that happen? Doctors, medical schools, clinical journals, and even the FDA employees are all dependent on pharmaceutical company dollars and that leads to journal articles that are “ghost-written” by big pharma employees, sent to physicians who “assume” that they are true and disseminated by pharma reps whose considerable income and continued employment depend on convincing doctors to write more of their product.

Just in the last few hundred years what we call modern medication has become a reality for us. You see nutrition history came to life within the context of World Wars, Famines, Politics, and individuals dedicated to saving lives but the idea of nutritional theorizing began, like most everything, with the ancient Greeks. Hippocrates (ca. 460 BCE–370 BCE) is often credited with developing the theory of the four senses of humor—blood, yellow bile, black bile, and phlegm—and their influence on the body. Galen’s understanding of anatomy and medicine influenced primarily by Hippocrates’s theory of bodily humor in the second century CE, in which these teachings lasted for centuries. Most of us seem educated by certain facts from our doctors, scientists, pharmaceutical researchers, our government, and other organizations that have gathered and created data that presented to us throughout our lives to convince us that what we see is truthful.  

We all are going to die. There is no way to achieve immortality. However, if you take effort to improve your health by eating clean food, drinking clean water, also by doing detox cleansing to remove the many thousands of toxins we are exposed to in our modern society then you will be able to optimize your health and be more resistant to any kind of disease.  Our body has the ability to heal any attack but what is missing from the narrative is we have to actually take care of our body. We cannot continually put poison in our body and think it will be ok. We must be aware of what we are eating. They say, “You are what you eat”. That is true in every aspect of the phrase.  We must stop putting these poisons in our body where we can recognize our full health potentials.  

After becoming critically ill with a “so-called” long-term condition. I healed myself with research, knowledge, and courage (induced by our toxic food, metal loaded toxic vaccines, a chemically enhanced water system, and current “health” care system practice); it has become even more important to me to spread the word about how dispensable we are to our capitalistic culture.

We should not be startled when we see a decline in our health because it is completely predictable with all the manipulations with viruses being made to our DNA. Besides the fake foods, toxic medications, and the poisons that are in our environment along with the crap we slather on our body.   

We can always place the blame of our demise at the feet of those who are guilty but somewhere, somehow we must take the responsibility.  Sure, we trusted those who were supposed to be trusted. The deep fake state establishment cares zero about the well-being of the American people. We are just animals with price tags stapled to our ears. You can be the smartest person in the room but still, people will not listen. Humans are undermining their very own existence.

If we do not find a balance between the conservation of nature and the flourishing of humans, there will not be a future on this earth for us. We have taken nature for granted and so arrogantly at that.  I have spent a lot of time making small changes in my life over the last few years to try to avoid chemicals that these large companies expose us to increase their profits. This book opened my eyes to so much more than what I had already researched on my own. I have listed many resources, books to read, and videos in this book for you to seek more education. Never take anyone’s word for granted.  You must find the truth yourself.  This book has been extensively researched and referenced.

I am not here to argue with an unbeliever or persuade anyone to agree with my hypothesis but the truth appears written not only by me but also by other people.  Many will have a difference of opinion but that does not mean we all will have a difference of principle. 

So, what happens when we become sick?

We need treatments, medications, and procedures. Which all of these add to that price tag stapled to our ears. That hidden barcode on our forehead.  

There once was a land where happiness, health & prosperity flourished. People lived with the earth. The earth flourished and so did the humans who lived on it.


A.L. Childers

Interested in reading more? My latest book

click on the link to order yours today!

Poisoned Profit

Supporting Thehypothyroidismchick.com

As a independent blogger and freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is just not optional but It is essential. Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting. I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work. If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Support Thehypothyroidismchick.com


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.


Recently,  the American  authorities have decided for us, what is “essential and non-essential” for you during this pandemic.

As usual, they are just a wee bit off the mark, on what is important for human survival.
Here’s a top 10 of the most important things for humans to survive, and PROSPER (in no particular order) and how the government has done the complete opposite.
1. Income – As long as money is used for goods and services, human beings require an income source in order to fund things like food and shelter. With the government’s draconian quarantine enforcements in place, millions have lost their income and ability to properly fund the basics to human survival.
2. Food – It is estimated that a human being can go approximately 30 days with no food. Food is the predominant way to feed our bodies, stay nourished, and stay healthy. With lowered incomes and growing disruption of food supplies, this has been put in jeopardy by the government.
3. Shelter – Although it can be done, living without shelter is an extreme hardship. To protect oneself from the elements is not a luxury, but a basic necessity for humans to THRIVE, which is why it is essential. However, with lowered incomes, many people and families will find themselves in the streets or without proper shelter.
4. Outdoors/Nature – Being outdoors, enjoying the fresh air and the sun, is paramount for humans to survive. Without both, food would not grow, nutrient levels (such as Vitamin D) would be compromised, and life would cease to exist on this planet. Asking people to stay indoors, takes away those essential services from the environment, and causes more sickness and disease.
5. Clean water – It is estimated that a human being can go approximately 3 days with no water, and since our body is made up of approximately 75% water, it makes perfect sense. Unfortunately, our municipal water supplies have been tainted with fluoride, chlorine, VOC’s, prescription drugs, and more, and have taken away the gift of clean water, from many humans.
6. Oxygen – Arguably the most important element to human survival, a human being can typically only operate without oxygen for 4-6 minutes, at which point severe brain damage and death can occur. This perfectly illustrates how important oxygenation is for our bodies. So when the outdoors become restricted, and masks are required or heavily encouraged, you dramatically reduce the amount of oxygen available to you. In fact, you do the opposite when wearing a mask, by breathing in your own carbon dioxide.
7. Physical interaction – One of the biggest and most underrated necessities for human survival is physical interaction. Being able to touch, hug, or otherwise be close to your loved ones, is essential to your spiritual and physical needs. However, this has been deemed as non-essential by the government, who have restricted many interactions to being 6 feet apart.
8. Freedom – Another HUGE essential service for humans is freedom. The ability to earn income, travel, visit, and refuse forced medical procedures is at serious risk. This is non-negotiable – our freedom and sovereignty is the essence of being human.
9. Love – Due to media tactics, governmental obstruction, and other divisive actions, “love thy neighbor” has more and more become “question and block thy neighbor”, which has facilitated a general disdain towards those who don’t agree with you. As a result, love has taken a back seat to hate, which is one of the most deteriorating emotions to your health. LOVE is essential, to PROPSERING.
10. Peace – We have been at war for years, with other countries, cultures, and ourselves. Whether it is bombing another civilization, or our bodies with toxic medicines, procedures, and thoughts, we have little idea what peace looks like thanks to the actions of the government. However, it is essential to our survival and to PROSPER, but unfortunately, never ending wars have become an essential item on their list, and the people have suffered as a result.
This is a short list of how many essentials have been tampered with and ruined, at our expense. On the flip side, government has determined other things are more important and should remain at your disposal, like liquor stores, fast food, and big box stores.
Does this sound like the actions of a group of people who care about your well-being? Do you think their enforcements produce a healthier and happier population?
It’s time to wake up from our nap. It’s time to PROSPER.

Poisoned Profit


What does HEALING look like? Healing comes from a deeper place from within yourself, and taking the necessary steps to come into alignment with the truth. Every step, breath and decision you take that brings you closer to your truth, it will simultaneously bring you one step closer to what your healing will look like. It doesn’t matter what treatment you undertake for hypothyroidism. This is your truth and your healing journey. To deny this is to miss the great opportunity and message that hypothyroidism brings. We all have different paths to walk and we must learn from our walk and grow from it or we will stay stuck on that hamster wheel and continue to fall down that rabbit hole of uncertainty. Asking the questions, finding the answers and ultimately learning how to step on that path to create change is where the true healing begins then you will soon see the beginning steps of your body becoming whole again.
Finally, a drop of truth in this Ocean of Propaganda we are given daily.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit


Supporting Thehypothyroidismchick.com

As a independent blogger and freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is just not optional but It is essential. Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting. I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work. If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.


To All You Thyroid Warriors. A Message of Hope.

To all you thyroid warriors out there.
Never forget how far you’ve come and everything you’ve been through.

The panic attacks, the anxiety, the heart palpitations, the insomnia, the hair loss,  the weight gain and the list seems endless.  All the times you’ve pushed forward when you wanted to quit and felt like you couldn’t. Each morning you got out of bed crippled with exhaustion and knowing the world couldn’t possibly understand how hard this is. All the times you wanted to give up but still managed to pull yourself through another day. All the times you were knocked down but always got back up. Never forget how much strength you have learned and developed.

Keep going, my warriors.

Get up, show up and never give up💪🏼.

You are a thyroid warrior.

Don’t let it beat you❤️❤️


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition


What the F#@%, Hypothyroidism?: Why your thyroid is conspiring against you





Hypothyroidism: Author’s Closing: We Don’t Know The Timeline Of Our Days.

Author’s Closing:
We don’t know the timeline of our days.

This is why I continue to write; I feel there is so much more to be said, so many pages that are left unturned, so many pages left unread. I had no choice but to write another book. Because I mean to share the story, and I mean to share my authenticity. These words have made me a believer in seeking good health, and I am not going to be shaken from discovering it, not even from the naked truth…

Just like you, my story is unique. For so many wasted years, I was a shamed of my struggles, particularly with my body image and embarrassed about my mental health. I couldn’t seem to manage my anxiety nor my OCD. I found myself unsure by my imperfect journey and it seemed for many years that I actually lost myself on this stretch of road that I’ve been traveling on. I didn’t like what I seen in the mirror, all the mistakes I’ve made, my flaws, my inability to control the chaos in my head and most importantly the struggles with my weight. I’ve learned that the mistakes where lessons to get me to where I am today and I couldn’t become who I needed to be if I wouldn’t have traveled that uncertain road. I had to stop being concerned with what was behind me! It was behind me for a reason. I’m actually a better person because of it. I dusted myself off and keep going. I started to understand that everything that glitters isn’t gold. I couldn’t be fooled by those SHINY OBJECTS. People that you meet don’t always let you know about their failures. Nine times out of ten they only allow you to see what they want you to see and for you to believe their always winning. I had to learn to stay in my lane and I knew that I would arrive. Anything that I had missed along the journey wasn’t meant for me. I looked myself in the mirror and told myself that: Someone wants what I have!
That MY gift that I am sitting on isn’t mine to keep. I needed to,” Write that book”! My gift means the world to someone else. I knew this in my heart. I felt it in my soul and GOD allowed me to feel it in my spirit.
This book gives me an opportunity to bond with YOU, and my community. I am happy you are here. Let me say it again, I am happy that you are here. I’ve read countless times where people are asking me about losing large amount of hair in their shower, severe dry skin, unable to lose weight and although they might have bought the products from whole foods, it’s just not working! So, it’s my JOY to turn your issue into a solution that is written in many of my books. Sometimes in life we just need clarity. You have to step out of your comfort zone and focus on where your path is headed. You were born with the capacity of abundance. You need to clear away any of the emotional, mental and energetic debris that is in the way of your ability to see who you really are in order to create the life you really deserve.
This isn’t an easy fix but it is your life. Nope, you may not like it after you find out the foods you may be intolerant too but it is what it is. Nope, you may not like having to make your own deodorants, tooth paste, eat organically or even read labels to help you avoid things that are destroying your health but let me tell you that YOU ARE unique that is what makes YOU special. I love being different. It’s the hand you were dealt when your DNA was scrambled up from both your mother and father. It is also from the world we live in. Processed foods, medications, fluorinated water we drink, deodorants with aluminum, cleaners and the list goes on and on.
If you resort back to the harmful ways then you will see the consequences and trust me, you are too important for that!
We all have the ability to do independent research on medications and what ails us. We can see what are the side effects and what it can take to heal us from what others have shared and done.
My friends, I read your comments and listen to people saying they are willing to “do anything” and learn what it takes to be truly healthy, and end their chronic illness and the suffering that goes along with it.
And most people do follow through with just that – anything it takes.
Even when the going gets tough and the work become tedious and yet sometimes down right unbearable they still follow through.
But then you have those few people that have been suffering and are willing to do “anything” – That are really at their wits end and seem so desperate for change but just continue to come up with more excuses than politicians and continue to make empty promises to themselves and others.
And you know what?
Those excuses get you nowhere.
Those excuses have guided you down an endless dark road with nothing in sight. As if you were in a house of mirrors and you can’t find your way out.
My friends, if you want to change your life, you have to do something different.
Doing the same thing over and over will get you the same results over and over.
And please listen to this and take this to heart: Once you’ve been given your solution, the only person responsible for your suffering is YOU.
Self-care means SO much more than manicures, pedicures, massages and getting your hair done.
Don’t get me wrong, I love all of these things. I feel that self-care includes ANY action that promotes physical, mental, or social well-being.
To me self-care includes quality sleep, eating the right foods that promote wellbeing within my body, some sort of physical activity, meditation, being able to unwind from the day, not stress so much, a hot Epsom salt bath in a dark bathroom with only a few candles illuminating with light, spending time with friends, family and loved ones, and pretty much anything that makes my heart smile and helps to fill my cup with joy.
We live in an extremely toxic environment with our air, water, food, consumer products all full of poisons.
It certainly feels like a jigsaw puzzle trying to put all the pieces together. We all want to heal but sometimes it seems like a lost effort when you are trying to fix your out-of-whack thyroid. Everything is intertwined; everything in your body interacts with one another like a car engine and when one part is not working as it was built, problems will certainly start to arise.
There isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.
I don’t want to you to feel overwhelmed with this book. I understand there is a lot of information for you to absorb and to start applying but if you take it one day at a time; one change at a time; you can achieve healing. There are so many people suffering from the “silent epidemic” called hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s.
There isn’t a chance in hell that I will continue to support this “quick fix it” and the “unreal ramblings” that has plagued our society today. My main goal is to help lead people towards good health, boosting wellness and a longevity loving life. If you’re a “quick fix junkie” then this book isn’t for you because you won’t find any of those unreal ramblings written within the pages of this book. If you are not willing to give up the things that have made you sick, then you are not ready to be healed. If you are ready to see a tremendous transformation within yourself and erase years of neglect, then you’re ready for what has been written within the walls of this extraordinary life changing book.
I am also not here to ‘fix” you because you are not broken. Your health is just somewhat off course.
This is a guide book is to help you learn how to get out of Survival Mode with Hypothyroidism and to start guiding you in the redevelopment and healing of your body.
Your health doesn’t have to be a difficult situation but a positive realization that things need to change. Our culture is divided so sharply to the extreme that one end of the spectrum is completely believing in a holistic wellbeing point of view to the other end of the spectrum believing that pharmaceuticals will fix whatever ails you. We should never put a Band-Aid on a gunshot wound. This a minor attempt to deal with a serious problem in an inadequate way.
We must begin to realize and understand the harms caused by the junk food industry, body products and household chemicals. Their Public Relations marketing scheme is to keep us fat and unhealthy. It will take quite some work to shift our psychology back around food, especially since advertising is so saturated with the messages that promotes boxed, canned, wrapped, packaged, processed, or otherwise manipulated by man are good for us and these fake foods won’t harm our body. All the misleading labeling on our foods and what we thought were healthy really isn’t. They are using words like organic and natural but yet still hiding dangerous ingredients although falsely putting them under another name. Many names people fail to research or can even pronounce.
One would think that dangerous or toxic chemicals wouldn’t be allowed by our very own government. It is in our foods we consume and the personal care items we use. This has been going on for decades and we’ve kept a blind eye to it all.
Choosing the right foods, detoxing your life and being aware of what is harming your body means everything and is more important than anything. It means more than the diagnosis, more than the new drug or supplement you’ve been hearing about, more than that fancy watch that tracks your EVERYTHING – none of it matters if you won’t change what’s on the end of your fork.
Why not simply just start with foods that go on the end of your fork that isn’t boxed, canned, wrapped, packaged, processed, or otherwise manipulated by man.
Approaching thyroid disease and autoimmunity from a holistic level and seeing the body as an interconnected system is the most effective way to address disease, particularly starting with your fork.
Hang in there. This won’t happen overnight.
I know, there is so much information overload that most people are confused as to where to start. You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get an idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino effect. If you have something in your body that is overworked, it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.
The foods we are eating have been stripped of the nutrients that would normally bring abundant health to our cells, tissues and gland. Many companies have fought hard to replace it with fake nutrients that creates inflammation, feeds cancer along with heart disease and ultimately wreaks havoc on our liver and hormones that will slowly lead to obesity.
Our bodies have no way of adapting to these GMO and food like substances that we’ve been consuming. Every cell in your body is wrapped in a membrane of half fat and half protein. If you are constantly feeding these cells unnatural fatty acids, that membrane cannot function like it is designed to do and disease starts at the cellular level.
Food is thy medicine, right? Actually it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death.
It’s not enough to be aware of all the outdoor chemicals that we are exposed to everyday but inside our homes we can have more power and control. We have to be more aware about using chemical cleaners, paints, glues, body lotions, toothpastes, underarm deodorants, hair products and pesticides. Instead start to begin to use products that don’t pollute our very own bodies. We must do our own research, make our own products or be a smarter shopper and start reading labels.
What can we do about it? Actually, there is plenty you can do about this.
Are you ready to participate in your own health rescue?
No stone shall be left unturned if you want to heal hypothyroidism. Friends have asked me if changing my life was hard, and my response is “dying is harder”. My “normal” life gave me hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, high Blood Pressure plus all the side effects, but my new life gave me inspiration.

Many Blessings,
A.L. Childers

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Hypothyroidism And Synthetic Fragrances

I love to smell good. Don’t we all. Nothing like a good smelling women or man so to speak, right? What a really fun way to stand out from the crowd to be known as the stinky smelling person, right? But is it better to be remembered as the bad breath party person? Oh, the pressure!
The scent will linger on your skin after you have hugged that person at the end of the night or left them after a dinner party. I feel proud, self-confident and of course, sexy when I smell nice and people compliment me on it. I’ve worn perfume for as long as I can remember. If you think about all the beauty products, you use daily on your skin & hair. Perfume can be the most toxic! These artificial fragrances are really messing with our hormones.
Although the FDA “may say” that they require brands to name ingredients on the label, there is a major federal loophole that still allows manufacturers to sneak chemicals under one blanket term – “fragrance”. Due to this blanket term, toxins will make their way into our bodies without us knowing it and of course this explains so many of us have thyroid issues and many are undiagnosed.
This large word “fragrance” can mean so many things and is considered “trade secrets”, therefore, they don’t have to tell us that the real thing deemed as ‘fragrance” are chemicals like benzene, styrene, phthalates, and petroleum. This chemical often find their way into our beauty products and synthetic fragrances. Here we are again with these sneaky hormone disruptors that will mimic the body’s hormones and disrupt our normal body functions, causing our thyroid issues plus other various health problems. Did you know that people who have been diagnosed with thyroid cancer were found to of been exposed to Benzene and styrene and also components that are usually present in gasoline and cigarette smoke are also human carcinogens? Hello, wake up world!!!
Coconut oil is a great wait to start with making your own perfume as a base. If you prefer nothing oily then perhaps a body mist is more your style. You could also simply just add filtered water with an essential oil to get you started but once you’ve found that winning combination that you just adore make sure to write it all down where you will be able to recreate it again. I do like the idea of roller balls for a perfume mix. You can make a larger portion then pour it into a roller ball where you can just glide it on where as needed. Of course place it on all your “heart beat’ points. Spray bottles are also excellent for the mixtures with alcohol and water mixtures.
Perfume Recipe
A solid perfume + Lotion Bar
2 tablespoons almond oil
2 tablespoons beeswax
2-4 drops jasmine essential oil
2 drops clove essential oil
2 drops vanilla extract
You can place these in cute containers.
Pour the oil into a small container. Slowly heat the beeswax in a double broiler. When completely melted combine it with the oil and quickly transfer to a clean container. Let the mixture sit until it hardens – you can put it in the freezer to speed things up. To apply, rub with your finger to soften slightly and apply to skin. If it seems to solid to apply to the skin, then you’ve accidently made a perfumed lotion bar.

Perfume Recipe #1
1/4 cup almond oil (walnut or jojoba oil would also work)
1/2 to 1 teaspoon vanilla extract or vanilla essential oil
2-3 drops clove oil
A small spray bottle
Combine all of the ingredients – minus the cloves – and pour into a small spray bottle. If the vanilla doesn’t seem strong enough add a 1/2 teaspoon more. Cloves can easily over power the smell of the other scents so I recommend adding it last. Close the lid and give it a good shake. Spray the body oil onto your skin and rub it in. The longer it sits the stronger the scent will be.

Natural SPF Coconut Body Oil Recipe #2
1/4 cup unrefined coconut oil (spf 8) or almond (spf 5)
1/4 cup avocado oil (spf 15)
1/2 teaspoon vanilla essential oil
1/2 teaspoon jasmine essential oil
1 teaspoon carrot seed oil (spf 40) or red raspberry seed oil (spf 30)
Melt coconut oil and avocado oil together over low heat. Allow it to cool briefly. Add essential oils and carrot seed or red raspberry seed oil. Stir to combine and transfer to mason jar with sealable lid. This smells fantastic and that is why I put it in this area of the book. Not only is it a natural SPF body oil but a great smelling one to boot! I like to rub it over my body like people do with perfumed body lotions or sunscreens.
**Note** Always use caution when you are going to be out in the sun for a length of time. I get my daily 20 minutes naturally and then use the proper sun hats and so on. I burn easy but I also need a daily free recommended dose of vitamin D from the sun.

Perfume Recipe #3
1 tablespoon jojoba oil
2 tablespoons pure grain alcohol, witch hazel or vodka
10 drops of grapefruit
10 drops of sweet orange
5 drops of peppermint
5 drops of lavender
1 tablespoon distilled water
Start by adding the jojoba oil to the glass container. Then add the alcohol. Add the essential oils in this order: grapefruit next the sweet orange and lastly the peppermint. Add distilled water with a dropper. Mix well and transfer to a dark glass container to store for 48 hours or up to six weeks. The longer it sits the stronger the scent will be.

We must take a stand for our health. Needing more all natural recipes? Throughout this book, you will find useful, informative and easy to understand recipes for your mind, body and spirit. When I started writing this book, I wanted to introduce you to the idea of a cleaner less toxic world and for you to learn just how simply easy it is for you to start creating your own cleaning recipes throughout your home but this book has transformed into so much more than just a book full of all natural DIY recipes. This book will enlighten you and help you have a deeper understanding of not only why you should be more aware but how to be more aware.

* Start making  your own all natural Supplies when you purchase my book.

Fresh and Fabulous Hypothyroidism Body Balance: Learn How to Create Organic Non-Toxic Homemade Products for Your Skin, Health and Home


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way,   Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.      
and   Secrets to my Hypothyroidism Success:: A Personal Guide to Hypothyroidism Freedom.   You can find all these books on Amazon.  This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
You can always click on this Facebook group and order my books too.  A Survivors Cookbook Guide to Kicking Hypothyroidisms Booty.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health. The highlighted links are affiliate links in my blogs.

Hypothyroidism and Soy

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but soy is NOT a health food nor your friend. It’s most definitely not a heart healthy or “good for your thyroid” food either.
Soy not only disrupts hormones by mimicking estrogen in your body but it also causes inflammation, contributes to leaky gut syndrome and most likely has been genetically modified (GMO).
Have you noticed the “heart healthy” label from the American Heart Association on soy products? This friendly heart symbol is the result of the US Food and Drug Association deciding about 20 years ago upon some research that soy can lower the risk of heart disease. Sure, it can decrease and lower ‘so-called” bad cholesterol on a very small percentage scale but they fail to tell you the other side to the story.
Soy not only disrupts hormones by mimicking estrogen in your body but it also causes inflammation, contributes to leaky gut syndrome and most likely has been genetically modified (GMO).
In their assessment from 19 out of the 46 studies it showed a decrease in ‘so-called” bad cholesterol but did you know that it’s been proven that many elderly women who had higher cholesterol levels actually lived longer!
(On a side note: After my husband had his heart attack. Yes, it is in his genetic makeup and yes, he was eating badly. His father had 3 heart attacks before the last one killed my father in law. His heart doctor wanted my husband on statin medication and my husband is one of those people who takes what the doctor prescribes but I had to show him, argue with him, plead with him and show him the research where statin drugs were not for him. Now, to this day. He thanks me for being so persistent to his stubbornness. Statin drugs have been pushed on people to lower their cholesterol levels saying it can lower your chances of a heart attack and stroke but no one not even the doctors were telling people what horrible life altering even death in some cases side effects these ‘statin” drugs were having on people. They have been linked to muscle pain, digestive problems, mental fuzziness, liver damage and even death. Do the medications really benefit the person? You must ask yourself. Is it worth the risk? That is your call completely but you can naturally lower your cholesterol if it bothered you with your diet or if it were having an adverse impact on your life… NATURALLY lower it without medication.
You see this friendly heart symbol on unhealthy boxes of cereals, packaged soy milk, edamame, vegetable oils, tofu, High-protein energy bars and snacks or even soy burgers at any given American grocery store. Companies can also take advantage and misuse this heart healthy symbol if they include soy protein on the ingredient list on their highly over processed food aka crap! There is a new trend of soy-based products like the Impossible burger and many more Americans are drinking less cow’s milk and more plant based milks.
Once you begin to read labels then you will start noticing how many companies sneak in soy in the ingredient list.
Brilliant marketing campaigns have lead you to believe that soy products are healthy but in fact it’s completely the opposite.
Soy is cheap to use and it seems to be in everything!
For centuries, Asian people have been consuming fermented soy products such as natto, tempeh, fermented soy sauce, and enjoying the health benefits but there is a difference between real, organic, traditionally fermented soy and unfermented soy. Fermented soy does not wreak havoc on your body like unfermented soy products do and unfermented soy is cheap.
The other issue with soy is that most soy today contains something called phytoestrogens, and these phytoestrogens are estrogen mimickers in the body. And so, if you’re a male consuming extra estrogen, it’s going to give you more feminine characteristics.
If you’re a woman consuming foods that increase estrogen levels, it’s going to increase your risk of breast cancer, cervical cancer, PCOS (polycystic ovary syndrome) and other hormone imbalance-related disorders.
Many have switched to soy milk because they felt they needed a diary substitute since they couldn’t tolerate dairy. Actually your body was doing you an even bigger favor. Cow milk was made for cow’s not humans. We’ve been lied to again. You don’t need milk from cows to get vitamin d! Vitamin D is added to the cow’s milk. You can naturally get your daily dose of vitamin d from 15 minutes of sunlight each day.
There are some chemicals such as isoflavones, found in soy products like soy milk or edamame, that will halter and intercept your thyroid’s ability to make hormones if you’re not getting enough iodine.
Soybeans are one of the crops that are being genetically modified. Since 1997 GMO soybeans are being used in an increasing number of products.
Dr. Kaayla Daniel, author of The Whole Soy Story, points out thousands of studies linking soy to malnutrition, digestive distress, immune-system breakdown, thyroid dysfunction, cognitive decline, reproductive disorders and infertility—even cancer and heart disease. Here is just a sampling of the health effects that have been linked to soy consumption:

Breast cancer
Brain damage
Infant abnormalities
Thyroid disorders
Kidney stones
Immune system impairment
Severe, potentially fatal food allergies
Impaired fertility
Danger during pregnancy and nursing

My final thoughts on Soy are: Soy is terrible – avoid it like the black plague. It contains trypsin inhibitors, is a source of xenoestrogens, even if it’s organic, it comes with a lot of glyphosate and other pesticide residues and will mimic estrogen in your body plus cause inflammation, contributes to leaky gut syndrome and most likely have been genetically modified (GMO).
Personally, I find coconut aminos are a healthier alternative.

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Just like you, my story is unique. For so many wasted years, I was a shamed of my struggles, particularly with my body image and embarrassed about my mental health. I couldn’t seem to manage my anxiety nor my OCD. I found myself unsure by my imperfect journey and it seemed for many years that I actually lost myself on this stretch of road that I’ve been traveling on. I didn’t like what I seen in the mirror, all the mistakes I’ve made, my flaws, my inability to control the chaos in my head and most importantly the struggles with my weight. I’ve learned that the mistakes where lessons to get me to where I am today and I couldn’t become who I needed to be if I didn’t travel that uncertain road. I had to stop being concerned with what was behind me! It was behind me for a reason. I’m actually a better person because of it. I dusted myself off and keep going. I started to understand that everything that glitters isn’t gold. I couldn’t be fooled by those SHINY OBJECTS. People that you meet don’t always let you know about their failures. Nine times out of ten they only allow you to see what they want you to see and for you to believe their always winning. I had to learn to stay in my lane and I knew that I would arrive. Anything that I had missed along the journey wasn’t meant for me. I looked myself in the mirror and told myself that: Someone wants what I have!
That MY gift that I am sitting on isn’t mine to keep. I needed to,” Write that book”! My gift means the world to someone else. I knew this in my heart. I felt it in my soul and GOD allowed me to feel it in my spirit.
This book gives me an opportunity to bond with YOU, and my community. I am happy you are here. Let me say it again, I am happy that you are here. I’ve read countless times where people are asking me about losing large amount of hair in their shower, severe dry skin, unable to lose weight and although they might have bought the products from whole foods, it’s just not working! So, it’s my JOY to turn your issue into a solution that is written in this book. Sometimes in life we just need clarity. You have to step out of your comfort zone and focus on where your path is headed. You were born with the capacity of abundance. You need to clear away any of the emotional, mental and energetic debris that is in the way of your ability to see who you really are in order to create the life you really deserve.

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published over 10 books that aren’t listed here but some of her books are : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving

The Hypothyroidism Battle Within

When I first looked at this photo, all I saw was another over weight person.  I wanted to hide from the entire world. You can’t see the emotional trauma that I have endured from my hypothyroidism or the fight that I deal with daily.


You can’t see my struggles, my family history, my up bringing , if I was lucky enough to have one or both parents willingly active in my life nor can you put yourself in my shoes.
But you know what’s extremely exhausting?
Looking at a photo of another person and wishing you had their life. Frankly, just trying to be someone you’re NOT.
And you know what’s even MORE exhausting?
Judging myself .
There’s nothing wrong with wanting to lose weight, to dress nice, to have a better job or a better relationship with a supportive partner.

There is nothing wrong with wanting MORE.

And if  you’re not comfortable in your body which I was not then it’s perfectly fine to want to change that.
But hating yourself for where you are currently isn’t and that battle needs to start within.
Realizing in this very moment what I’ve just done.

Which was based solely on where I have been , not where I am going.

As, I look at this photo again. I see, more.


Just like you, my story is unique. For so many wasted years, I was a shamed of my struggles, particularly with my body image and embarrassed about my mental health. I couldn’t seem to manage my anxiety nor my OCD. I found myself unsure by my imperfect journey and it seemed for many years that I actually lost myself on this stretch of road that I’ve been traveling on. I didn’t like what I seen in the mirror, all the mistakes I’ve made, my flaws, my inability to control the chaos in my head and most importantly the struggles with my weight. I’ve learned that the mistakes where lessons to get me to where I am today and I couldn’t become who I needed to be if I didn’t travel that uncertain road. I had to stop being concerned with what was behind me! It was behind me for a reason. I’m actually a better person because of it. I dusted myself off and keep going. I started to understand that everything that glitters isn’t gold. I couldn’t be fooled by those SHINY OBJECTS. People that you meet don’t always let you know about their failures. Nine times out of ten they only allow you to see what they want you to see and for you to believe their always winning. I had to learn to stay in my lane and I knew that I would arrive. Anything that I had missed along the journey wasn’t meant for me. I looked myself in the mirror and told myself that: Someone wants what I have!
That MY gift that I am sitting on isn’t mine to keep. I needed to,” Write that book”! My gift means the world to someone else. I knew this in my heart. I felt it in my soul and GOD allowed me to feel it in my spirit.
This book gives me an opportunity to bond with YOU, and my community. I am happy you are here. Let me say it again, I am happy that you are here. I’ve read countless times where people are asking me about losing large amount of hair in their shower, severe dry skin, unable to lose weight and although they might have bought the products from whole foods, it’s just not working! So, it’s my JOY to turn your issue into a solution that is written in this book. Sometimes in life we just need clarity. You have to step out of your comfort zone and focus on where your path is headed. You were born with the capacity of abundance. You need to clear away any of the emotional, mental and energetic debris that is in the way of your ability to see who you really are in order to create the life you really deserve.

My name is A.L. Childers, and I am an internationally recognized published author, blogger and a wellness health coach. I also dabble in freelance journalism and I have over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. This journey that I’ve traveled on has led me to become a healer and more spiritually-enlightened. I wholeheartedly take a holistic approach to my body, mind and soul. I believe what you put out into the world, it comes back to you good or bad and we make our very own health more complicated than it should be. People have gotten lost in the basic function of how their bodies work. Our cells are cities within themselves and each have their own designed function along with being their very own conscious entities. As humans, we are each on a unique path to find that inner peace. Everything in life is a modest complication of many truths.
I’m was allergic to myself, in theory. Being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism and later Hashimoto’s hasn’t been any walk in the park. My entire body is at the mercy of my thyroid. My body immune system is attacking my thyroid gland – as if it was foreign tissue and my immune systems ultimate goal is to eventually, completely destroy my thyroid gland.
After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 25 years ago. I knew there was something more than just being labeled with a medical condition and taking a daily pill. There wasn’t a lot of information on how to heal myself and I wasn’t okay with this. I was so hungry trying to find the answer where I could be able to feel real again and I became extremely desperate to get my life back after years of living with a chronic health condition.
My doctor did exactly as he was trained to do. He evaluated me with what I presented him, asked me a few questions in return, listened to my basic body functions and gave a solution to best heal the issue at hand but I needed more. I needed him to become a medical detective to look at all the clues that I presented him and for him to investigate through blood work, my medical history, my lifestyle, my food intolerances, my environment and my vitamin deficiencies. I really can’t be upset nor blame my doctor that the root of my health issues weren’t being addressed. He was doing exactly as he had been trained to do in his 12 plus years of medical schooling plus along with his hands on clinical experience and that was to treat the symptoms that I placed in front of him.
Doctors need to rethink how they approach treating our thyroid issues by:
Analyzing a patient’s medical history and recognizing if there is a problem, performing the correct tests, properly diagnosing and treating the causes of thyroid dysfunction, educating the patient by stressing the need for a lifestyle change, a hypothyroidism style healing diet, vitamin deficiencies, food allergens and adding supplements that they aren’t getting from the foods they are consuming. Also, prescribing the right thyroid hormone replacement and dosages specifically designed for that individual person. We are all unique. You see we each have a story and its completely different from the next person.
I learned that my doctor didn’t have a whole lot of training on nutrition nor the medications they were prescribing either.
Also, what “real” clinical trials the medications went though, the adverse reactions and how they evaluated the effectiveness to the human body. I also learned that most medications were designed to only treat the symptoms not to cure the issues at hand. My best bet was to learn nutrition, learn how my body works, teach myself about herbal medicine from the earth & other forms of natural medicine.
After being diagnosed, I started to read everything that was put out there, anything that would lead me to a topic about hypothyroidism. I would research that topic- if there were text books related to that topic- I would order them and based on reading that book it would lead to me to another book or another article or another research paper. What I have learned was really shocking. There has been information out here for all of us to see. Your body simply can’t heal itself when its full of inflammation, parasites, toxic chemicals, fake foods, heavy metals, pharmaceutical poisons and refined sugars. These things are meant to destroy your health not better it.
The science is out there everywhere people are just choosing not to look at it or many who were like I was simply don’t know they do have a choice.

You do have a choice.

I felt as if I had lost control over my body and my mental health as well. It seems that I had experienced every symptom from lack of energy, anxiety, weight gain, scary heart palpitations, brain fog and this was just to name a few. I couldn’t sleep and where the hell had my eye brows gone? My hair was falling out and the regrowth was thin. I was always constipated, my blood pressure started to increase, my fingertips would get cold and numb just out of the blue, my emotions were all over the place as if I was on an emotional roller coaster. I had aches and pains that it seemed hard to explain to my doctor and my doctor thought it was all in my head. Have you ever had a new car and you just made your very last car payment or the 36-month warranty had just expired and it seems things are starting to breakdown. The excitement of that last payment but yet the disappointed of no warranty left. I felt as if I was beginning to slowly die.

There is a major disconnect between what we believe to be healthy foods and what research tells us is healthy. In fact, many of the health foods today that people go out of their way to eat daily are extremely thyroid suppressive and hopelessly inadequate. I started to become my very own health investigator. I started researching what I need to do to start addressing what the root cause is because that lead to me to this point in my life. I certainly wouldn’t take Motrin if I got a pebble stuck in my shoe? So, why am I going to take this new medication for my thyroid if I didn’t understand how I got here?
As I began researching, I soon discovered that hypothyroidism does has a root issue. I often ignored all the underlying causes of my hypothyroidism. What was I looking for? Like an onion, I needed to see it layer by layer. I started to do a little pruning of my branches, I wanted to be healthy again. My thyroid was being influenced by so many different things.
There isn’t a one-size-fits all to hypothyroidism.

My new purpose is to empower people to embrace who they are, to add value to their life, to inspire them and to connect with those who are struggling with hypothyroidism. You need to realize that you have to invest in your health. You are worth investing money into yourself and take charge of your health. Will it “hurt” a little? Ha, you bet, but it will change your life. The choices you make every day has a direct impact on your life. I want you to learn the true meaning of being healthy and HELP give you the resources to where YOU become successful in your healing journey. You have to start to focus on healing your body naturally from the inside out.

Our entire body is at the mercy of our thyroid. After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 25 years ago. I knew there was something more than just being labeled with a medical condition and taking a daily pill. I was frustrated, overwhelmed along with feeling fat, foggy and fatigued. There wasn’t a lot of information on how to heal myself.
A sluggish thyroid has an incredible impact on our health. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime. As diseases go, you would think that it would be a cinch to diagnose and pretty straightforward to treat but it’s not. My main goal is to help lead people towards good health, boosting wellness and a longevity loving life. If you’re a “quick fix junkie” then this book isn’t for you because you won’t find any of those unreal ramblings written within the pages of this book. This book advocates a clean and healthy lifestyle. I’ve been a mess-in-a-dress struggling with daily life and I can show you have to make the modifications according to your own body’s needs. If you are ready to see a tremendous transformation within yourself and erase years of neglect, then you’re ready to explore what has been written within the walls of this extraordinary life changing book.
The Hypothyroidism Fix: A Women’s Holistic Guide to help her get out of Survival Mode with hypothyroidism
In this unique thyroid book, you will Learn:
*How to fight those Hormones that control your weight*
*What are the right lab tests to order and how to read them*
*Understand why 1 in 8 women will develop hypothyroidism in the United States*
*Be able to identify and address sneaky thyroid disruptors*
*Start shopping for the best foods to begin healing Hypothyroidism*
*Discover powerful thyroid healing recipes for the mind, body & soul
*This book empowers women in the redevelopment and healing of the body along with understanding the necessary skills to help get out of Survival Mode with Hypothyroidism.

Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Breaking the Chains of Hypothyroidism: Unlock The Secrets That Help Women Begin to Heal and Get Out of Hypothyroidism Survival Mode

breaking the chains book

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published over 10 books that aren’t listed here but some of her books are : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

How to get out of survival mode Tip #4: Avoiding Sneaky Thyroid Disruptors Sneaky Thyroid Disruptors

There are many things in your life moving forward that need to be changed where you can begin to heal. Cleaning up your endocrine disruptors is only one part of the puzzle.
#4 Let’s identify and address those sneaky thyroid disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. They increase production of certain hormones; decrease productions of others; intimation hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormones signaling; tells cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones and accumulating in the organs that produce hormones.
Our bodies are completely bombarded and overwhelmed with the constant exposed to toxic chemicals through the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the personal care products and cleaning products we use.
Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you eat, the products you put on your body to the house hold chemicals that you purchase for your home. All of these things have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. Not to mention that our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body.
Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s like a domino. One thing in your body that is overworked can cause a major shift in how things operate. Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. Again, there are not one size fits all nor any magical pill to swallow when it comes to healing your hypothyroidism.
As we have all found out when your thyroid isn’t working properly it can wreak havoc on your life. Your thyroid is responsible for so many things from regulating your metabolism, making energy, adjusting your mood, helping you sleep, it even helps aid in good digestion but you see this is where you must come into play.
Like everything else in life you get back what you give.
For example, imagine a car. Its parts are specialized and they each perform specific tasks, but yet they all depend on each other. The human body is the same way. When one thing is being over worked or needs repair it puts a strain on the rest where they can’t perform their specific tasks as designed.
Did you know that it takes 26 seconds for the chemicals to enter into your bloodstream? Most commercial personal care products are full of endocrine disrupting chemicals that wreak havoc on our hormones. On average women use 9 personal care and cosmetic products per day and this can add up to a mixture up its about 126 different hormone disrupting chemicals and add this to the toxins you’re exposed to each day when you got out into the world. Over 1000 of these ingredients have already been banned in Europe but not here in the United States where our FDA has only banned 11 of those ingredients in our personal care products.
These chemicals in our body products, our food, our beverages, the vaccines and the pharmaceuticals create a breeding ground for sickness. Have you heard of gene mutation? It’s when the cells are changed by chemicals they are either damaged, lost or copied. These processed foods that are full of man-made chemicals, fluoridated municipal tap water, genetically modified foods, refined oils, herbicides like roundup, Artificial sweeteners, Vaccines and the yearly flu shot – often contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG. Pharmaceutical medications and a lot of the Pharmaceutical medications are loaded with fluoride, OTC (over-the-counter) medications for colds, allergies, headaches, anesthetics, anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, antifungals, cholesterol-lowering medications, chemotherapy, appetite suppressants, arthritis medications, steroids – often contain heavy metal toxins, artificial sweeteners and toxic industrial-based food dyes. Let’s not forget to mention the over use of antibiotics, antacids, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) which completely change the environment in our gut.
So may products in the environment are laced with chemicals that are known to be endocrine disrupting, which means that they can block or mimic the natural hormones. Here is a list of endocrine disrupting things in your life that you can take control of and change.

Do you want to learn more? Purchase my book!

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Our entire body is at the mercy of our thyroid. After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 25 years ago. I knew there was something more than just being labeled with a medical condition and taking a daily pill. I was frustrated, overwhelmed along with feeling fat, foggy and fatigued. There wasn’t a lot of information on how to heal myself.
A sluggish thyroid has an incredible impact on our health. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime. As diseases go, you would think that it would be a cinch to diagnose and pretty straightforward to treat but it’s not. My main goal is to help lead people towards good health, boosting wellness and a longevity loving life. If you’re a “quick fix junkie” then this book isn’t for you because you won’t find any of those unreal ramblings written within the pages of this book. This book advocates a clean and healthy lifestyle. I’ve been a mess-in-a-dress struggling with daily life and I can show you have to make the modifications according to your own body’s needs. If you are ready to see a tremendous transformation within yourself and erase years of neglect, then you’re ready to explore what has been written within the walls of this extraordinary life changing book.
The Hypothyroidism Fix: A Women’s Holistic Guide to help her get out of Survival Mode with hypothyroidism
In this unique thyroid book, you will Learn:
*How to fight those Hormones that control your weight*
*What are the right lab tests to order and how to read them*
*Understand why 1 in 8 women will develop hypothyroidism in the United States*
*Be able to identify and address sneaky thyroid disruptors*
*Start shopping for the best foods to begin healing Hypothyroidism*
*Discover powerful thyroid healing recipes for the mind, body & soul
*This book empowers women in the redevelopment and healing of the body along with understanding the necessary skills to help get out of Survival Mode with Hypothyroidism.

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published over 10 books that aren’t listed here but some of her books are : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.