Monthly Archives: December 2016

33 Greatest piece’s of Advice That You Can Give to Your Kids

I believe that being a parent is loving your children more than you’ve loved yourself. As they grow, I’ve given a lot of thought daily to what they need when they venture out into the world. What things could I say to them that would be equip them for the world? Other than setting a good example.  While our ancestors have been around for about six million years, the modern form of humans only evolved about 200,000 years ago. Civilization as we know it is only about 6,000 years old, and industrialization started in the earnest only in the 1800s. Currently there are over 6 billion people on this planet. Everyone who has lived and died have all been unique. Each day people will offer you advice and their opinions but what you need to know is they can only understand from the paths that they have walked and their experiences up until that moment. This doesn’t make it wrong but you have to listen with open ears. Life is not a singular vision!
Try to seek a room full of “different” minded people, for no one grows when they sit in a room full of “like” minded ones! Most people have crippled themselves by their own limitations and try to impose that view on you. You will find that people are often unreasonable, irrational and self centered.     

1.Do not undermine your worth by comparing yourself with others.

2.Be more concerned with  your character than your reputation, because your character is what you really are, while your reputation is merely what others think you are.

3.You have to be a independent thinker. Think for yourself. It’s okay to listen to other peoples wisdom but keep in mind they are limited from their own experiences. You have to form your own opinions and ideals. This is a trait of a leader.

4.Question everything! Some people are very persuasive and have the uncanny ability to have you leaning toward their way of thinking.

5.Keep Integrity. Having a good strong quality of being honest along with having strong moral principles.

6.You are valuable. Value yourself enough to walk away from a bad situation, value yourself enough to walk away from a person who doesn’t love you the same.

7.Respect  your body. Move your body and feed it good nourishment. What you put in to it and how you treat it will come back to you.

8.You are enough! There is only one you and you are very unique and wonderful. Embellish who you are.

 9.Spend less than you earn. If you can’t pay cash for it then you don’t need it unless its a house or a car.

10.Don’t seek happiness through drugs, alcohol, sex and fake friends.

11. Life is short. Find what brings you joy in life. Make the most of your life by doing what you love and give it all  you got.

12.  Believe anything is possible.

13.You are the creator of possibility in your life so, follow your dreams.

14. Kindness goes a long way.

15. You will fall. It’s how you get up that counts. Never give up. 

16.No matter what happens good or bad life is about moving forward.

17. The world owes you nothing.

18. Hold fast to the adventure that life has to bring.

19. Being grateful will open your eyes and unlock many things in your life. 

20. Don’t follow the crowd and never be afraid to be different and do what is right.

21. Don’t give your emotional power to someone else. Don’t let another steal your joy.

22. Time is Precious. Be mindful of how you spend it. Where you spend it. Who you spend it with and how you waste it.  It is one of the greatest gifts bestowed upon us and the greatest gift we can give another person.

23. Don’t ever go with the flow , be the flow.

24. Close your mouth and open your ears Better to listen, learn and hear.

25.Try to always be nice to others. You never know what kind of day they’re having. A smile is always a free thing to bestow upon another person.

26. Always speak words of good to yourself. Never speak negative or bad about yourself because your mind is listening.

27. Remember when you get married , your marrying not on that person but the entire family.

28. Enjoy every day as a gift and never let loved ones in doubt of how much they mean to you.

29. Not everyone you meet will like you. Who cares they weren’t your cup of tea anyways.

30. Try to be  humble, kind, and confident in who you are.

31. Take no shit.

32. Never tell people about your lifestyle. There are certain details about your personality such as; your sex life, religious life, overcoming a bad habit, pretty much anything that might concern the world. People will hold things against you or use it against you. Sometimes its just  not worth the emotional stress to tell people your business.

33. Never air out your family’s dirty laundry for the world to see. People will gossip and twist things you say. It really disrespectful and not to smart to let others know the conflicts that are within your family. It also devalues you, your family. The stories that you tell  are usually passed on by the people you told to some other friends of theirs and this can make the issue worse if it gets back to the person in your family that you were talking about. If you have issues in your household  its best to resolve them at home.

In my final analysis, The good you do today, will often be forgotten. Do good anyways. Give the best you have, and it may never be enough but give your best anyways. What  you may spend years creating others could destroy it overnight. keep in mind, it has always been between you and GOD. It was never between you and them anyways.

Audrey- xoxo


I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health

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16 Fluorinated Drugs that CRASH Your Thyroid

Top Fluorinated Drugs that crash your thyroid.

Atovastatin, citalopram, dexamethasone, escitalopram, fluconazole, flunisolide, fluoxetine, Fluoroquinolone antibiotics ( ciprofloxacin, levofloxacin) , fluticasone, fluvastatin, fluvoxamine, lansoprazole, midazolam, paroxetine, flurazepam

Fluoride displaces iodine in  your body and over time that could reduce your thyroid hormone. A very common cause for hypothyroidism, depression, mood disorders and anxiety.

Avoid all sources of fluoride

 As I’ve mentioned in everyone of my books and on blog website. Fluoride suppresses the thyroid  and can be your leading cause of hypothyroidism. We all are  unique Start  drinking spring water, avoid soft drinks, use fluoride-free toothpaste, use a shower filter, and throw away non-stick cookware. Keep in mind that coffee and tea naturally contain fluoride.

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Image result for fluoride dangers

Image result for fluoride dangers


Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. This book is not for readers looking for quick answers. There is not one size fits all. You have to be in charge of your health. I didn’t write my books to sell you any “snake oil” in a bottle. I’ve written my books to be an eye opener for you and to share with you what I have learned on my journey. The solutions in this new book  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving has helped so many people. There are many incredible holistic practitioners, authors and researchers with experience and expertise in this area. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.

 want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health



Image result for fluoride dangers

11 Things to Start Doing Today To Naturally Reverse Hypothyroidism

In this blog I am going to tell  you how I naturally started to reverse my hypothyroidism with whole foods, the right supplements and a complete holistic lifestyle change. People and their doctors …

Source: 11 Things to Starting Today To Naturally Reverse Hypothyroidism

11 Things to Starting Today To Naturally Reverse Hypothyroidism

In this blog I am going to tell  you how I naturally started to reverse my hypothyroidism with whole foods, the right supplements and a complete holistic lifestyle change.

People and their doctors sometimes disregard these side affects that come along with  hypothyroidism as a natural ageing process. There are close to 300 symptoms that you can experience  with hypothyroidism. Many people suffer from fatigue, weight gain, depression and memory loss to just name a few. Some of these symptoms are a side affect as we age, our bodies do start to wear down.  You don’t have to accept these seemingly “age-related” diminishes  as part of your everyday quality of life.

It’s been 20 years since my 1st diagnosis of hypothyroidism. I am always telling my story to share with others my experiences in hopes that it may educate and benefit another person. For years before I was diagnosis I truly struggled with constipation, fatigue, long-large-blood clot filled periods, acne, PMS, weight gain, and my hair falling out in clumps. And yet, despite how many times I seen my regular doctor, several specialist and even my gynecologist. No one could really pin point what my issues were. I was labeled as a hypochondriac and  all of them tried to put me on anti depressants. I was not depressed. Nothing about me was depressed.

All these people I seen dismissed my claims as life or ” a natural ageing process” . They wanted to push prescription drugs down my throat. Oh boy, were they quick to write out a prescription for medication. I wanted to get to the root of my issues. I certainly didn’t want to endure the side effects of the long list of “what if’s”  of the medications.

We need to be kind to ourselves. Give our bodies a fighting chance. If you constantly feed your body crap then you are making it susceptible to inflammation, virus’s and disease.  I want to help you become  successful in your healthy journey by applying the empowering techniques many of my blogs have to offer. This article has been  written by a person who has had real struggles with a hypothyroidism  but has worked through them. I am going to  “keep it real” with you.

  1. Reduce your inflammation: Cut out foods like gluten, sugar, refined carbs, fake foods, soy, vegetable oils and add in fresh whole fruits, healthy fats and fiber. (click on this link for a free list of foods to eat and foods to avoid)
  2. Drink bone broth daily: if you start to drink bone broth daily this will add collagen protein and good bacteria to your gut. ( click on this link for a great recipe)  
  3. Drink a Green smoothie daily: This will give you a daily boost in your fiber plus cut out some calories. ( click on this link for some great recipes)
  4. Fermented Foods: start eating fermented foods this will start to heal  your gut. ( click here for some fermented foods idea’s)
  5.  Take Supplements:  You need probiotics, fish oil, vitamin b, D3 and a great multi vitamin.
  6. Nurture your adrenals: Start doing yoga and limit your caffeine .
  7.  Reduce your stress: Stress plays a major role in your health. Cortisol ( the stress hormone) affects every single one of you hormones and it add fat around your mid section. You can start meditating, yoga, Epsom salt baths, massages and reading.
  8. Get out in the Sun! The sun is a natural vitamin D and it makes you feel good.
  9. Avoid harsh chemicals: You can start making your own natural cleaning supplies cheaply and without the cost of your health.
  10. Change your personal care products:  Did  you know that it takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in personal body care products to enter into your bloodstream?
  11. Eat Sea Vegetables Twice a Week: Sea vegetables are a good natural source of iodine to support the thyroid.


You have to start addressing what the root cause is of  your hypothyroidism. Would you take Motrin if you got a rock stuck in your shoe? Hypothyroidism does has a root issue. We often ignore the underlying cause of hypothyroidism.  Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. A number of things can be the reason why you have hypothyroidism. It could be a wide range of things from  celiac disease, Hashimoto’s, leaky gut,  autoimmune disease disorder, nutrient deficiency’s, adrenal fatigue, exposure to chemicals, gluten or other food allergies, and hormonal imbalance.  It starts with the foods we eat to the chemicals in the environment, your thyroid can be influenced by many different circumstances.

Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. This book is not for readers looking for quick answers. There is not one size fits all. You have to be in charge of your health. I didn’t write my books to sell you any “snake oil” in a bottle. I’ve written my books to be an eye opener for you and to share with you what I have learned on my journey. The solutions in this new book  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving has helped so many people. There are many incredible holistic practitioners, authors and researchers with experience and expertise in this area. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.

Image result for naturally heal hypothyroidism


I  want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Related Links

 Iodine Supplementation

Sanitary Tampons and Pads: How Their Dioxins Are Leading To The Endometriosis Epidemic

Special Investigative Report: L-tryptophan, Lactic Acid, Prozac and Naturally Treating Depression the Holistic Way

Soy is Unfit for Human Consumption

Why We Bought A Bread Maker, and Why You Definitely Should Too

Juicing: The Hormone Regulator

Your Metal Drinking Bottle Is Probably A Toxic Plastic Bottle In Disguise

How Some Gyms Are Very Dangerous To Health and How They Might Even Eventually Kill You

Poisonous Plastic Containers


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health


A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.

1) Cooper DS. Subclinical Hypothyroidism. NEJM. 2001 Jul 26;345: 260– 265.
(2) Persky VW, Turyk ME, Wang L, Freels S, Chatterton R Jr, Barnes S, Erdman J Jr, Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Potter S. Effect of soy protein on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Jan; 75( 1): 145– 153. Erratum in: Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Sep; 76( 3): 695
(3) Toscano V, Conti FG, Anastasi E, Mariani P, Tiberti C, Poggi M, Montuori M, Monti S, Laureti S, Cipolletta E, Gemme G, Caiola S, Di Mario U, Bonamico M. Importance of gluten in the induction of endocrine autoantibodies and organ dysfunction in adolescent celiac patients. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Jul; 95( 7): 1742–1748.
(4) Ellingsen DG, Efskind J. Effects of low mercury vapour exposure on the thyroid function in chloralkali workers. J Appl Toxicol. 2000 Nov– Dec; 20( 6): 483– 489.
(5) Galletti PM, Joyet G. Effect of fluorine on thyroidal iodine metabolism in hyperthyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1958 Oct; 18( 10): 1102– 1110.
(6) WJ, Pan Y; Johnson AR, et al. Reduction of chemical sensitivity by means of heat depuration, physical therapy and nutritional supplementation in a controlled environment. J Nutr Env Med. 1996;6: 141– 148.
(7) Pelletier C, Imbeault P, Tremblay A. Energy balance and pollution by organochlorines and polychlorinated biphenyls. Obes Rev. 2003 Feb; 4( 1): 17– 24. Review.
(8) Bland J. Nutritional Endocrinology, Normalizing Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis Function, 2002 Seminar Series Syllabus.
(9) Gaby AR. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid. Altern Med Rev. 2004 Jun; 9( 2): 157– 179.
(10) Goglia F. Biological effects of 3,5-diiodothyronine (T( 2)). Biochemistry (Moscow). 2005 Feb; 70( 2): 164– 172.

Image result for naturally heal hypothyroidism



7 Steps To Wake Up Your Thyroid Naturally

Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. If you’ve been diagnosed with hypothyroidism by now you have figured out that by merely taking a pill isn’t going address all the other aches and pains your experiencing. Hypothyroidism does have a root cause. Once you start to address these underlying issues only then can your  body can start heal but 1st what are you addressing exactly?

Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s like a domino. One thing in your  body that is overworked   can cause a major shift in how things operate. Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. There is not one size fits all.

See we have to get  your thyroid isn’t working properly it can wreck havoc on your life. Your thyroid is responsible for so many things. it regulates  your metabolism, makes energy, adjusts your mood, helps you sleep, even helps aid in good digestion but your see this is where you come into play. Like anything else in life you get back what you give. Start today following these tips and you will start healing your thyroid naturally.

You have to be in charge of your health.

  1. Go Gluten free

Gluten causes an autoimmune reaction. Research has shown a link between wheat allergies and thyroid disease.      One of the most important things to do is avoid gluten, a sticky protein found in wheat, barley, rye, spelt, triticale, semolina, and durham (and sometimes oats, when they’re contaminated with wheat). According to the authors of Dangerous Grains (different book now), half of the US population may be intolerant to gluten. Gluten destroys the villi (projectiles that help with food absorption) in the lining of the gut, so that large particles of food now enter the bloodstream and cause allergies–or remain in the gut and ferment, causing Candida overgrowth. The sticky gluten protein molecule resembles that of the thyroid gland! No wonder the body learns to attack its own tissue. I think everyone should get off gluten, because even so-called “normal” people take a day or two to get back to normal after ingesting gluten.

2. Increase your healthy fats intake

3. Reduce or eliminate your caffeine & sugar  intake

4. Eat more Nutrient Dense Foods

Think about what you’re putting in your body. Either you’re fighting disease or feeding disease. You must get a concept of nutrient density. Many of the foods we tend to eat, block nutrients from being absorbed. Gluten, dairy and soy products create inflammation in the digestive tract. In ancient times grains were prepared by soaking, sprouting and fermenting but that tradition in making them been long forgotten with our fast-paced culture. If you have inflammation in the digestive system undigested proteins leak into the blood stream creating a heightened immune reaction that often makes your thyroid issues worse and can lead to a leaky gut which causes other problems.

    • Olives
    • Avocado
    • Cooked Cruciferous vegetables (Limit this to no more than 2x per week)
    • Fermented foods
    • Fatty fish (e.g., wild-caught salmon trout, tuna and mackerel. )
    • Chicken and Turkey (organic hormone & Antibiotic free)
    • Grass Fed Beef
    • leafy greens
    • Nitrate free bacon
    • Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds
    • Seeds, such as pumpkin, chia and flax
    • Coconut Flour, Almond Flour and hemp seeds
    • Chia Seeds
    • Kelp and seaweed
    • Celtic or Himalayan sea salt
    • Low carb/ Low-glycemic fruits and vegetables
    • cranberries
    • ginger
    • artichoke
    • garlic
    • gluten free oats
    • sesame seeds
    • pineapple
    • olives
    • coconut oil
    • organic butter (preferably Grass fed)
    • ghee
    • Bone Broth
    • Eggs: Look for pastured or omega-3 whole eggs. (if you don’t have a food allergy)
    • Cheese: Unprocessed cheese (cheddar, goat, cream, blue or mozzarella).
    • Fish oil (EPA/DHA) ( omega 3)
    • Magnesium
    • Vitamin B Complex
    • Vitamin C
    • Vitamin D3
    • Zinc
    • Ancient Nutrition- Bone Broth Collagen Loaded with Bone Broth Co-Factors


You must be confused about soy as so much has been said about this little bean. Well, if you have a thyroid condition, it’s likely that your hormonal health overall has been compromised. It’s best to void soy as it elevates the estrogen levels.

Food to avoid: tofu, soymilk, soy lecithin (used as fillers in veggie burgers), and soy oil.

Fermented soy like miso and tempeh are OK though. Always pick non-GMO (non-genetically modified) and MSG-free miso and tempeh)

6. Start practicing YOGA

Yoga can stimulate and support the entire endocrine system and not over stress your adrenal gland which can raise your cortisol levels and add fat around your waist.

7. Foods to Avoid

Raw Broccoli

Brussels Sprouts

Soy Bean



Pine Nuts





mustard greens






dairy coffee


calcium enriched anything within 4 hours of your thyroid medication

If you would like to learn more steps to help nurture your  Thyroid back to health please check out my blog 21 Tips To start Naturally Start Healing Your Thyroid.

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. This book is not for readers looking for quick answers. There is not one size fits all. You have to be in charge of your health. I didn’t write my books to sell you any “snake oil” in a bottle. I’ve written my books to be an eye opener for you and to share with you what I have learned on my journey. The solutions in this new book  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving has helped so many people. There are many incredible holistic practitioners, authors and researchers with experience and expertise in this area. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.

Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving


I  want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

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The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health


A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.

1) Cooper DS. Subclinical Hypothyroidism. NEJM. 2001 Jul 26;345: 260– 265.
(2) Persky VW, Turyk ME, Wang L, Freels S, Chatterton R Jr, Barnes S, Erdman J Jr, Sepkovic DW, Bradlow HL, Potter S. Effect of soy protein on endogenous hormones in postmenopausal women. Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Jan; 75( 1): 145– 153. Erratum in: Am J Clin Nutr. 2002 Sep; 76( 3): 695
(3) Toscano V, Conti FG, Anastasi E, Mariani P, Tiberti C, Poggi M, Montuori M, Monti S, Laureti S, Cipolletta E, Gemme G, Caiola S, Di Mario U, Bonamico M. Importance of gluten in the induction of endocrine autoantibodies and organ dysfunction in adolescent celiac patients. Am J Gastroenterol. 2000 Jul; 95( 7): 1742–1748.
(4) Ellingsen DG, Efskind J. Effects of low mercury vapour exposure on the thyroid function in chloralkali workers. J Appl Toxicol. 2000 Nov– Dec; 20( 6): 483– 489.
(5) Galletti PM, Joyet G. Effect of fluorine on thyroidal iodine metabolism in hyperthyroidism. J Clin Endocrinol Metab. 1958 Oct; 18( 10): 1102– 1110.
(6) WJ, Pan Y; Johnson AR, et al. Reduction of chemical sensitivity by means of heat depuration, physical therapy and nutritional supplementation in a controlled environment. J Nutr Env Med. 1996;6: 141– 148.
(7) Pelletier C, Imbeault P, Tremblay A. Energy balance and pollution by organochlorines and polychlorinated biphenyls. Obes Rev. 2003 Feb; 4( 1): 17– 24. Review.
(8) Bland J. Nutritional Endocrinology, Normalizing Hypothalamus-Pituitary-Thyroid Axis Function, 2002 Seminar Series Syllabus.
(9) Gaby AR. Sub-laboratory hypothyroidism and the empirical use of Armour thyroid. Altern Med Rev. 2004 Jun; 9( 2): 157– 179.
(10) Goglia F. Biological effects of 3,5-diiodothyronine (T( 2)). Biochemistry (Moscow). 2005 Feb; 70( 2): 164– 172.

Christmas: A True Ancient Holiday

Most Americans today are unaware that Christmas was banned in Boston from 1659 to 1681.”America and England helped pass laws making it illegal to observe Christmas, believing it was an insult to God to honor a day associated with ancient paganism.

Christmas is both a sacred religious holiday and a worldwide cultural and commercial phenomenon. For two thousand years, people around the world have been observing it with traditions and practices that are both religious and nonreligious in nature. Christians celebrate Christmas Day as the anniversary of the birth of Jesus of Nazareth. These traditions include exchanging gifts, decorating Christmas trees, attending church, sharing meals with family and friends and, of course, waiting for Santa Claus to arrive. December 25–Christmas Day–has been a federal holiday in the United States since 1870.

Many of us scramble to put up our decorations and buy presents that we cannot afford, while preparing for our Christmas celebrations  not really knowing about the holiday’s real significance.  If you did know the REAL history, would you continue to celebrate? Most people just follow the masses. I am guilty of following and not researching the truth in why we do things. It has become a grand Holiday with love, laughter and joy. Would you stop your celebrations if you knew that Christmas has nothing to do with Christ being born on December 25. In fact, its proven that Jesus was indeed born in the Spring.

An Ancient Holiday

The middle of winter has long been a time for celebrations around the world. Hundreds of years before the birth of our lord Jesus, early Europeans celebrated light and birth in the darkest days of winter. Many peoples rejoiced during the winter solstice which is December 21. Happy to have the worst part of the winter  behind them and they can look forward to longer days and extended hours of sunlight.

In Scandinavia, the Norse celebrated Yule from December 21, the winter solstice, through January. In recognition of the return of the sun, fathers and sons would bring home large logs, which they would set on fire. The people would feast until the log burned out, which could take as many as 12 days. The Norse believed that each spark from the fire represented a new pig or calf that would be born during the coming year.

The end of December was a perfect time for celebration in most areas of Europe. At that time of year, most cattle were slaughtered so they would not have to be fed during the winter. For many, it was the only time of year when they had a supply of fresh meat. In addition, most wine and beer made during the year was finally fermented and ready for drinking.

In Germany, people honored the pagan god Oden during the mid-winter holiday. Germans were terrified of Oden, as they believed he made nocturnal flights through the sky to observe his people, and then decide who would prosper or perish. Because of his presence, many people chose to stay inside.


In the early years of Christianity, Easter was the main holiday; the birth of Jesus was not celebrated. In the fourth century, church officials decided to institute the birth of Jesus as a holiday. Unfortunately, the Bible does not mention date for his birth (a fact Puritans later pointed out in order to deny the legitimacy of the celebration). Although some evidence suggests that his birth may have occurred in the spring (why would shepherds be herding in the middle of winter?), Pope Julius I chose December 25. It is commonly believed that the church chose this date in an effort to adopt and absorb the traditions of the pagan Saturnalia festival.

The Origin of Christmas Tree

Just as early Christians recruited Roman pagans by associating Christmas with the Saturnalia, so too worshippers of the Asheira cult and its offshoots were recruited by the Church sanctioning “Christmas Trees”.[7]  Pagans had long worshipped trees in the forest, or brought them into their homes and decorated them, and this observance was adopted and painted with a Christian veneer by the Church.

  1. The Origin of Mistletoe Norse mythology recounts how the god Balder was killed using a mistletoe arrow by his rival god Hoder while fighting for the female Nanna.  Druid rituals use mistletoe to poison their human sacrificial victim.[8] The Christian custom of “kissing under the mistletoe” is a later synthesis of the sexual license of Saturnalia with the Druidic sacrificial cult.[9]
  2. The Origin of Christmas Presents In pre-Christian Rome, the emperors compelled their most despised citizens to bring offerings and gifts during the Saturnalia (in December) and Kalends (in January).  Later, this ritual expanded to include gift-giving among the general populace.  The Catholic Church gave this custom a Christian flavor by re-rooting it in the supposed gift-giving of Saint Nicholas (see below).[10]
  3. The Origin of Santa Claus
  4. Nicholas was born in Parara, Turkey in 270 CE and later became Bishop of Myra.  He died in 345 CE on December 6th.  He was only named a saint in the 19th century.
  5. Nicholas was among the most senior bishops who convened the Council of Nicaea in 325 CE and created the New Testament.  The text they produced portrayed Jews as “the children of the devil”[11] who sentenced Jesus to death.
  6. In 1087, a group of sailors who idolized Nicholas moved his bones from Turkey to a sanctuary in Bari, Italy.  There Nicholas supplanted a female boon-giving deity called The Grandmother, or Pasqua Epiphania, who used to fill the children’s stockings with her gifts.  The Grandmother was ousted from her shrine at Bari, which became the center of the Nicholas cult.  Members of this group gave each other gifts during a pageant they conducted annually on the anniversary of Nicholas’ death, December 6.
  7. The Nicholas cult spread north until it was adopted by German and Celtic pagans.  These groups worshipped a pantheon led by Woden –their chief god and the father of Thor, Balder, and Tiw.  Woden had a long, white beard and rode a horse through the heavens one evening each Autumn.  When Nicholas merged with Woden, he shed his Mediterranean appearance, grew a beard, mounted a flying horse, rescheduled his flight for December, and donned heavy winter clothing.
  8. In a bid for pagan adherents in Northern Europe, the Catholic Church adopted the Nicholas cult and taught that he did (and they should) distribute gifts on December 25th instead of December 6th.
  9. In 1809, the novelist Washington Irving (most famous his The Legend of Sleepy Hollow and Rip Van Winkle) wrote a satire of Dutch culture entitled Knickerbocker History.  The satire refers several times to the white bearded, flying-horse riding Saint Nicholas using his Dutch name, Santa Claus.
  10. Dr. Clement Moore, a professor at Union Seminary, read Knickerbocker History, and in 1822 he published a poem based on the character Santa Claus: “Twas the night before Christmas, when all through the house, not a creature was stirring, not even a mouse.  The stockings were hung by the chimney with care, in the hope that Saint Nicholas soon would be there…”  Moore innovated by portraying a Santa with eight reindeer who descended through chimneys.
  11. The Bavarian illustrator Thomas Nast almost completed the modern picture of Santa Claus.  From 1862 through 1886, based on Moore’s poem, Nast drew more than 2,200 cartoon images of Santa for Harper’s Weekly.  Before Nast, Saint Nicholas had been pictured as everything from a stern looking bishop to a gnome-like figure in a frock.  Nast also gave Santa a home at the North Pole, his workshop filled with elves, and his list of the good and bad children of the world.  All Santa was missing was his red outfit.
  12. In 1931, the Coca Cola Corporation contracted the Swedish commercial artist Haddon Sundblom to create a coke-drinking Santa.  Sundblom modeled his Santa on his friend Lou Prentice, chosen for his cheerful, chubby face.  The corporation insisted that Santa’s fur-trimmed suit be bright, Coca Cola red.  And Santa was born – a blend of Christian crusader, pagan god, and commercial idol.
  • Each year, 30-35 million real Christmas trees are sold in the United States alone. There are 21,000 Christmas tree growers in the United States, and trees usually grow for about 15 years before they are sold.
  • Today, in the Greek and Russian orthodox churches, Christmas is celebrated 13 days after the 25th, which is also referred to as the Epiphany or Three Kings Day. This is the day it is believed that the three wise men finally found Jesus in the manger.
  • In the Middle Ages, Christmas celebrations were rowdy and raucous—a lot like today’s Mardi Gras parties.
  • From 1659 to 1681, the celebration of Christmas was outlawed in Boston, and law-breakers were fined five shillings.
  • Christmas was declared a federal holiday in the United States on June 26, 1870.
  • The first eggnog made in the United States was consumed in Captain John Smith’s 1607 Jamestown settlement.
  • Poinsettia plants are named after Joel R. Poinsett, an American minister to Mexico, who brought the red-and-green plant from Mexico to America in 1828.
  • The Salvation Army has been sending Santa Claus-clad donation collectors into the streets since the 1890s.
  • Rudolph, “the most famous reindeer of all,” was the product of Robert L. May’s imagination in 1939. The copywriter wrote a poem about the reindeer to help lure customers into the Montgomery Ward department store.
  • Construction workers started the Rockefeller Center Christmas tree tradition in 1931.

Is  Christmas  really a monstrous holiday with a horrible history and meaning? What does Christmas really mean to you?


I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.


[1] Addison G. Wright, Roland E. Murphy, Joseph A. Fitzmyer, “A History of Israel” in The Jerome Biblical Commentary, (Prentice Hall: Englewood Cliffs, NJ, 1990), p. 1247.

[2] The first mention of a Nativity feast appears in the Philocalian calendar, a Roman document from 354 CE, which lists December 25th as the day of Jesus’ birth.

[3] Increase Mather, A Testimony against Several Prophane and Superstitious Customs, Now Practiced by Some in New England (London, 1687), p. 35.  See also Stephen Nissenbaum, The Battle for Christmas: A Cultural History of America’s Most Cherished Holiday, New York: Vintage Books, 1997, p. 4.

[4] Nissenbaum, p. 3.

[5] David I. Kertzer, The Popes Against the Jews: The Vatican’s Role in the Rise of Modern Anti-Semitism, New York: Alfred A. Knopf, 2001, p. 74.

[6] Kertzer, p. 33, 74-5.

[7] Clement Miles, Christmas Customs and Traditions: Their History and Significance, New York: Dover Publications, 1976, pp. 178, 263-271.

[8] Miles, p. 273.

[9] Miles, p. 274-5.

[10] Miles, pp. 276-279.

[11] John 8:44


a. See Jonathan Klawans, “Was Jesus’ Last Supper a Seder?” Bible Review, October 2001.

b. See the following Bible Review articles: David R. Cartlidge, “The Christian Apocrypha: Preserved in Art,” Bible Review, June 1997; Ronald F. Hock, “The Favored One,” Bible Review, June 2001; and Charles W. Hedrick, “The 34 Gospels,” Bible Review, June 2002.

c. For more on dating the year of Jesus’ birth, see Leonara Neville, “Fixing the Millennium,” Archaeology Odyssey, January/February 2002.

d. The ancients were familiar with the 9-month gestation period based on the observance of women’s menstrual cycles, pregnancies and miscarriages.

e. In the West (and eventually everywhere), the Easter celebration was later shifted from the actual day to the following Sunday. The insistence of the eastern Christians in keeping Easter on the actual 14th day caused a major debate within the church, with the easterners sometimes referred to as the Quartodecimans, or “Fourteenthers.”

1. Origen, Homily on Leviticus 8.

2. Clement, Stromateis 1.21.145. In addition, Christians in Clement’s native Egypt seem to have known a commemoration of Jesus’ baptism—sometimes understood as the moment of his divine choice, and hence as an alternate “incarnation” story—on the same date (Stromateis 1.21.146). See further on this point Thomas J. Talley, Origins of the Liturgical Year, 2nd ed. (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 1991), pp. 118–120, drawing on Roland H. Bainton, “Basilidian Chronology and New Testament Interpretation,” Journal of Biblical Literature 42 (1923), pp. 81–134; and now especially Gabriele Winkler, “The Appearance of the Light at the Baptism of Jesus and the Origins of the Feast of the Epiphany,” in Maxwell Johnson, ed., Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000), pp. 291–347.

3. The Philocalian Calendar.

4. Scholars of liturgical history in the English-speaking world are particularly skeptical of the “solstice” connection; see Susan K. Roll, “The Origins of Christmas: The State of the Question,” in Between Memory and Hope: Readings on the Liturgical Year (Collegeville, MN: Liturgical Press, 2000), pp. 273–290, especially pp. 289–290.

5. A gloss on a manuscript of Dionysius Bar Salibi, d. 1171; see Talley, Origins, pp. 101–102.

6. Prominent among these was Paul Ernst Jablonski; on the history of scholarship, see especially Roll, “The Origins of Christmas,” pp. 277–283.

7. For example, Gregory of Nazianzen, Oratio 38; John Chrysostom, In Diem Natalem.

8. Louis Duchesne, Origines du culte Chrétien, 5th ed. (Paris: Thorin et Fontemoing, 1925), pp. 275–279; and Talley, Origins.

9. Tertullian, Adversus Iudaeos 8.

10. There are other relevant texts for this element of argument, including Hippolytus and the (pseudo-Cyprianic) De pascha computus; see Talley, Origins, pp. 86, 90–91.

11. De solstitia et aequinoctia conceptionis et nativitatis domini nostri iesu christi et iohannis baptistae.

12. Augustine, Sermon 202.

13. Epiphanius is quoted in Talley, Origins, p. 98.

14. b. Rosh Hashanah 10b–11a.

15. Talley, Origins, pp. 81–82.

16. On the two theories as false alternatives, see Roll, “Origins of Christmas.”

Image result for christmas




The Flu is NOT a Season

Image result for flu season

The #FLU is NOT a #season. It is an inability to adapt due to decreased sun exposure & quality #food and #water intake, combined with increased #sugar intake and accumulated stress that not being handled well.

Create #health. Create resistance.

  1. Don’t wait to get treated. If you think you have the flu, get ahead and get checked out. Don’t wait. Tamiflu only helps if you take it in the first 48 hours of symptoms but it can have life threatening side effects. Take with caution.
  2. Why take a chance? I always try to fight the flu ahead of time. I never get the shot and I’ve never had the flu. There are strains which are not covered when or if you decide to get the shot but I am one of those people who wont take a chance with the other things in the shot. Its up to you to decide if the shot is for you.
  3. More flu facts. Here is a list of symptoms that can help you figure out if you have a simple cold or the flu. The biggest difference is how fast the flu comes on. With a cold, you feel under the weather for a few days, but with the flu, it’s like you got hit by a truck. Suddenly, you’re a zombie.

We need to be kind to ourselves. Give our bodies a fighting chance. If you constantly feed your body crap then you are making it susceptible to inflammation, virus’s and disease. These two pictures below are actual  medications that were given to people who became ill.  These two pictures are certainly a blast from the past. But their sudden re-appearance is a chilling reminder of what life was like in the early 20th Century when companies were permitted to sell anything to anyone, no matter how dangerous, regardless of the consequences. Heroin was restricted to prescription-only use in the U.S. in 1914 and eventually banned by the nascent FDA altogether in 1924, except under very strict medical conditions. Bayer, the venerable German drug company, made its first fortunes in the late 1890s when it commercialized both aspirin and heroin as cough, cold and pain remedies. Many people have seen the sepia images of vintage Bayer’s “Heroin” brand medicine bottles. But it’s less widely known that Bayer promoted heroin for use in children suffering from coughs, colds and “irritation” as late as 1912, according to an anti-Bayer watchdog group. (See the ads below.) That was years after reports first began to surface in 1899 that patients were developing a “tolerance” for Heroin, and that addicts in the U.S. were clamoring for more, according to this history of the drug.

The sun keeps your bones healthy. That’s because your body produces vitamin D when exposed to the sun. The so-called “sunshine vitamin” helps the body absorb calcium, which is essential for bone health.  Studies have shown that a sensible amount of sun reduces your risk of several cancers and other serious health conditions  15 Reasons Why the Sun is Good for You 

Here are a list of whole foods that help fight inflammation and keep mucus at bay. You also need to boost your immunity by making your guy healthy.  Beneficial bacteria supports your immune system. For most people, taking a quality probiotic supplement doesn’t have any side effects other than higher energy and better digestive health. As a society we have drastically cut back on our consumption of vegetables and of beneficial essential fatty acids ( flax, pumpkin, black current seed oil, dark green leafy vegetables, hemp, chia seeds, fish) such as those found in certain fish (including salmon, mackerel, and herring) and flaxseed. We are consumed with little fiber and an excess of sugar, salt, and processed foods. Stress, changes in the diet, contaminated food, chlorinated water, and numerous other factors can also alter the bacterial flora in the intestinal tract. When you treat the whole person instead of just treating a disease or symptom, an imbalance in the intestinal tract stands out like an elephant in the room.  So to play it safe, I recommend taking a probiotic supplement every. Start taking a quality probiotic. By adding in good Bacteria back it will start supporting your immune system and allow your body is get back into balance and flush things out of our system.


Garden Of Life Dr. Formulated Probiotics Once Daily Women’s, 30 Count

Garden of Life RAW Enzymes Women, 90 Capsules

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


Bone Broth. The new green Juice? Immune support. Mark Sisson, author of The Primal Blueprint, actually calls bone broth a “superfood” thanks to the high concentration of minerals. He says that the bone marrow can help strengthen your immune system. (Something that won’t surprise your grandma who always made you her famous chicken soup when you got sick!) A Harvard study even showed that some people with auto-immune disorders experienced a relief of symptoms when drinking bone broth, with some achieving a complete remission. Click on this link for a great recipe!   

Chicken Soup for the Flu Plague

  • Bones from 2 Roasted Chickens (either homemade or supermarket bought)
  • 6 carrots, peeled and chopped
  • 1 large onion, chopped
  • 2 celery ribs, chopped
  • 6-8 cups of water
  • spices to your liking
  • salt and pepper to your liking
  • 3 tablespoons of olive oil
  1. In a large soup pot, heat the olive oil.
  2. Add the onions and saute until soft and translucent, about 5 minutes.
  3. Add the carrots and celery, and saute for another 3 minutes.
  4. Add salt, pepper, and spices.
  5. Add the chicken bones and cover with water. Bring to a boil. Reduce heat to medium low to bring to a simmer. Cook for an hour.
  6. Strain into a container once cooled. Remove the chicken bones. Put the vegetables back into the broth.
  7. Optional: pick the meat from the chicken bones and add back into the soup. I often skip this part and just add a little leftover chicken into the soup. Picking the meat off the bones takes a lot of time and often yields yucky looking meat the kids turn their noses up at.

You must pamper yourself and help release toxins out of your body!

A good nights rest is a must!

I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Image result for flu season

Diet: The OTHER Four Letter Word

Image result for diet the 4 letter word

Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.



Congratulations! You’ve clicked on this blog interested in what it has to say. I am very pleased that you might be deciding to take control of your health.  I’m here to help you by taken many of the most difficult steps in the journey of dieting and health by identifying your obstacles, seeking out reliable solutions, and then showing you have to take action to get and use the resources you need for success by reading my blog posts or joining the popular Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group.

I know you can do this and that you’re someone who will take action to overcome any obstacles in your life. Why do we seemed so challenged with everyday dieting. This is the 1st step to help you become  successful in your healthy journey by applying the empowering techniques many of my blogs have to offer. This article has been  written by a person who has had real struggles with a hypothyroidism diet but has worked through them. I am going to  “keep it real” with you.

Who Are You And Why Should I Listen To You? What makes your tips different from all the other million guru’s out there?

I didn’t always use to be a  super healthy hypothyroidism health fanatic that I am today. I started out as a 25 year old recently diagnosed young mother with a new “label”. Struggling a fulltime job, 3 kids under that age of 3 and I ate what I could to what it seemed to merely survive.  I didn’t know that I had to eat to cater to my thyroid. All I knew was I was exhausted, mentally fogged, bloated, my hair was falling our, bags for days under my eyes and felt like completely horrible. I also didn’t know the 1st thing about eating healthy. The only exercise that I got was sitting down in front of the t.v. briefly to catch a break from my chaotic life. I only later joined the gym because they offered free childcare and I needed that precious time away to regroup and gather what I felt was left of my sanity.

I started to research about the side effects of an unhealthy thyroid and how diet does take a toll on the body. So, I decided to make a commitment to change for a better me.  Even though I loathed exercising and  hated every thing that I becoming. I began to  research about what to eat for my thyroid. I soon discovered how to change my mindset and stick with a healthy eating plan that allowed me to shed those 30 pounds of fat around my midsection and gain a cute ass in the process.

Since then I have managed to help others accomplish losing weight and gaining their energy back that your thyroid seems to of forgotten to produce.

People have managed to go from eating ghastly diets that never catered to their thyroid to doing a complete 180 and moving that muffin top back in the muffin pan where it belongs.  And most importantly, I will teach you why you should make these healthier habits.

You see, by following the valuable information and life changing techniques you will read in all of my articles,  you’ll discover how to successfully stick to your new way of eating.

Today, I am a health coach and the author of five of  Amazon most popular hypothyroidism books.   A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.  I am also the creator and found of the popular website and lets not forget to mention the popular Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group.

I write my blogs because I want to help others avoid all of the mistakes I’ve made, and give you the secrets that I’ve picked up over the years for how to make healthy decisions even when if you’re on a busy, and/or unmotivated.  A lot of the information I’ve picked up after spending hundreds of hours on research to figure out what works and what doesn’t. You’re going to save all that time and money and just gain the helpful insights I’ve picked up in one easy to read and a valuable guided blog.

These new changes that  you will acquire  are based on what has worked for me and many others.  You may find this is simply a launch pad for your own personal growth design. So , I need you to open your mind and give this useful tools and techniques a chance to start to change things in all aspects of your life, but don’t allow this to be the only  means to your success.  All my blogs can do  is provide you with tools, but it is up to you to take action and be the source to your success.

My blogs are NOT for…

People looking for an “easy” fix and who want to avoid a challenge.

People who are looking for the one stop shop ultimate diet blog

People who are not willing to make a change

People who are not willing to step out of their comfort zone.

People who love yo-yo diets fads and doesn’t take eating healthy seriously

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I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

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