Tag Archives: #hypothyroidismconsequences

Chapter 1: Setting up your Hypothyroidism Holiday Kitchen

“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”

― Hippocrates

Throughout history in various different cultures all around the world food has been used for its wonderful healing properties. The problem is with our current culture today is we are eating food like products. Our generation is the age where we are consumed with overly processed, genetically modified, artificially flavored and preservative loaded foods.

We are in such a state of denial. Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you consume.  These foods have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. So many of us have these crazy phantom-like health problems.  Our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body while certain foods can inhibit your body’s ability to absorb the replacement nutrients needed.

Did you know that products we use every day may contain toxic chemicals and has been linked to women’s health issues? They are hidden endocrine disruptors and are very tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. “We are all routinely exposed to endocrine disruptors, and this has the potential to significantly harm the health of our youth,” said Renee Sharp, EWG’s director of research. “It’s important to do what we can to avoid them, but at the same time we can’t shop our way out of the problem. We need to have a real chemical policy reform.” The longer the length of ingredients on your food label means how much more unhealthy it is for you to consume. When an item contains a host of ingredients that most likely you can’t even pronounce or remember to spell you can bet your lucky dollar that the natural nutrients are long gone. These highly processed frank n foods are very difficult for the body to break down and some of the chemicals will become stored in your body. Look at it another way. When is the last time that you see an Azodicarbonamide grazing in a field or Sodium benzoate being grown in a garden?

Here’s a list of the top food additives to avoid:

    Artificial Sweeteners. …

    High Fructose Corn Syrup. …

    Monosodium Glutamate (MSG / E621) …

    Trans Fat. …

    Common Food Dyes. …

    Sodium Sulfite (E221) …

    Sodium Nitrate/Sodium Nitrite. …

    BHA and BHT (E320)

These chemicals will increase production of certain hormones; decreasing production of others; imitating hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormone signaling; telling cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones; accumulating in organs that produce hormones. Woah! That’s a lot of work being done by these fake food chemicals. Another thing you should think about is to start making your own all natural cleaning supplies and being aware of the chemicals that you may purchase for your home, body and yard.  There is no one size fits all program when you are dealing with your body. When you start to eat smarter and are aware of what foods feed your body, despite the condition, you can start to feel better and manage your health better.

I write from the deepest part of my soul. I want you to understand that everything that I write, if you were to apply it to your life can and will make the difference between you having the energy to live your life as you want, or merely dragging yourself through life.

Remember, what we eat, governs what we become.

There is a major disconnect between what we believe to be healthy foods and what research tells us is healthy In fact, many of the health foods today that people go out of their way to eat daily are extremely thyroid suppressive.

As consumers we put our trust in the research and development of scientific studies, the FDA and the CDC. 

I can’t stress enough the importance of reading the ingredient labels on the foods that you are consuming. Food manufacturers are brilliant and they hope you don’t realize how tricky and clever they can be. Before you purchase that item, make it a point to know and understand each ingredient on that label. If you see a word on the label that you can’t pronounce or can’t define much less understand what it means. My personal rule of thumb is that if I can’t pronounce that food ingredient OR, I don’t know what the food ingredient is, then I don’t eat it!

There are literally thousands of food additives that can cause health-related problems. The book Consumer’s Guide to Food Additives is a great source that defines each individual, and often unpronounceable, ingredient or you can just go ahead and open up your web browser on your phone and google the item. 

Here is a list of a few things you can go ahead and mark off your list of things you need to avoid while purchasing your groceries.  

GMOs: Scientists don’t know exactly the implications of these genetically modified foods. They have not been tested on the long term effects on humans. It may take a few generations to see exactly how they change our DNA, scramble our genes like eggs and rearrange our chromosomes. There have been studies performed in mice that show a great deal of evidence to indicate that the GMOs can cause a host of illnesses. Peer review studies implicate GMO’s in the development of grotesque tumors, premature death, organ failure, gastric lesions, liver damage, kidney damage, severe allergic reactions, cancers, and a viral gene that disrupts human’s functions. Nearly all the corn and soy sold in the United States are GMO. Those are two things right there that you need to avoid completely when purchasing your groceries.

Soy: Soy products have hormone disrupting effects. Soy is also high in isoflavones (or goitrogens), which can damage your thyroid gland. Products containing soy protein appear in nearly every aisle of the supermarket. That’s because soy doesn’t just mean tofu. Traditional soyfoods also include soymilk, soynuts and edamame (green soybeans), just to name a few. Food companies also develop new food products containing soy protein from veggie burgers to fortified pastas and cereals. READ your labels. Dont worry you still can eat fried brown rice but replace it with Coconut amino’s instead.  Soy is estrogen mimicking, goitrogenic, hexane filled, protease inhibiting, GMO & an environmental destroying food.”

Hormones and Antibiotics: Most Livestock animals that provide meat and dairy products unless they are from an all organic farm are tainted with growth hormones, antibiotics and GMO feed. These chemicals pass through the food chain to us the consumers.  Growth hormones can cause opposite sex characteristics in developing children, early puberty, the development of cancer, and infertility. Even scarier is the world is becoming immune to antibiotics and these superbugs. Due from all the constant exposure from our food supply. Our bodies are becoming more resistant to the antibiotics that use to be able to easily treat an infection or a foreign body invader.

Pesticides: The use of pesticides in farming, on our foods and in our homes have become e rampant. The EPA knows what it’s doing to our bodies but the money is too good for them to stop allowing this to happen. It makes you wonder if they are bought off by the Round up giant Monosato. They do warn us of the birth defects, nerve damage and cancer that it can cause after being exposed or the other effects on our bodies after long term exposure but yet people still use weed killers and house hold chemicals every day.

 Neurotoxins: As I’ve said before unless you have a well your water supply is spiked with fluoride. Which is a neurotoxin that lowers IQ’s, has been linked to cancer, causes infertility, and hardening of the arteries. Every prepackaged food on the self has a chemical makeup of things to keep it from going bad and to taste better.

Monosodium glutamate (MSG): Never eat this neurotoxic, brain-damaging, genetically modified and concentrated spicy salt substitute. Causes brain damage in infants and unbearable migraine headaches in children, teens and adults. This is also used to make cheap, lower quality foods taste better aka “flavor enhancer”.

Aspartame, sucralose, sorbitol, saccharine, acesulfame potassium: These are all synthetic, IBS-causing, neurotoxic artificial sweeteners designed to make humans sick and fat.

Diacetyl: This synthetic artificial butter flavoring is often added to microwave popcorn. Able to cross the blood-brain barrier, this food additive nightmare causes beta-amyloid clumping associated with Alzheimer’s disease. You may not see the word diacetyl, so just look for “artificial butter flavor” and you’ll know.

Mercury, (listed as thimerosal), aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG: all very common ingredients in vaccines and flu shots.

Food can be a powerful medicine. I bet you never thought about your kitchen as a powerful belly-shrinking tool. Once you get your kitchen set up and stocked the right way, it certainly will make a difference in your health.  Simple food swaps, organizing your cabinets and the right tools at your fingertips can make all the difference. Creating a healthy kitchen environment that is inviting will put you in the right mindset that will mentally prepare you for success. The space around us makes a big difference between grabbing those bag of chips or that organic apple. 

Setting up your Hypothyroidism Holiday kitchen

All too many times when the holidays rolls around we try to do too much, too fast and it certainly comes back to bite us in the butt. Having a chronic illness already gives us day to day challenges.  Instead of jumping in with both feet blazing why not follow these simple tricks to make your life easier. You don’t need to do it all in one day. Approach it gradually. If you can get help from your loved ones then assign a task to everyone where you’re not overwhelmed or bombarded with things that need to be done.  Keeping your stress to a minimal is the key.  Stop expecting so much from yourself. Adjust your expectations and become more realistic of what your current abilities are. It’s not a downfall. It’s life and how it is for you. Don’t look at it like you’re less of a person. Everyone has their own issues and they might be better at hiding them than you. If you only have the energy for a few hours of activity, don’t push yourself, take your time and accomplish those activities as you can. You have to realize what is worth devoting your time and energy to, and try to stay clear of those things that don’t make the list. Of course, you want your house to be fully decorated with a holiday village, outside decorations, and other things but if you only have energy for a tree then only put up that tree.  We seem to forget what really makes the holidays memorable isn’t an impeccably decorated home. It’s spending time with each other, talking and laughing, and sharing wonderfully delicious foods. I prefer to not be curled on the couch in exhaustion and pain the day after and just focus on what’s really important. With these simple tricks in my book you can learn how to prepare slowly, always listen to your body, enjoy each moment and stay stress free. 

Always to remember to be kind to yourself.

2-3 weeks before Thanksgiving or Christmas day 

Plan the guest list

Ask guests if they have any dietary restrictions

Try to collect RSVPs

Decorate with seasonal decor

Plan your menu

Assign a dish or beverage to each guest this way everyone shares in the day

Write your grocery list

Make sure you have the necessary kitchen tools

-Roasting pan


-Meat Thermometer

-Serving platters and utensils

Menu items can include

-Turkey and Gravy


-Gluten Free Stuffing

-Mashed Potatoes

-Sweet potatoes

-Glazed carrots

-Green bean Casserole

-Cranberry sauce

-Side salad

-Gluten free dinner rolls


The week before Thanksgiving or Christmas

Prepare the Kitchen

-cleanout the fridge

-dig out what pots, pans or slow cookers you will use

-cleanout coolers for beverages

Prepare the house

-Each day pick a room to clean

-Plan the table seating

-Plan the table settings

Day before Thanksgiving or Christmas

-Bake your pies

-Prepare make-ahead side dishes

-Set the table

My favorite Turkey Gravy

    6 cups turkey pan drippings or 6 cups chicken stock

    1/2 cup King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour (or your flour of choice)

    1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

    1/ 2 cup Kerry Gold Butter, ghee or coconut oil or non-dairy whipped butter

I prefer to use the pan drippings and add chicken stock if need be. I also like to boil the gizzards, neck, onion, celery, carrot, onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns in my chicken stock if I don’t have enough pan drippings. I cook it for about 25 minutes. Brig it to a boil and simmer for 25 minutes. 

If you decide to cook the gizzards, neck, onion, celery, carrot, onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns in the chicken stock to give it an extra sting make sure to drain it through a mesh strainer and throw away the gizzards, neck and an onion. 

Melt the butter in a sauce pan, add the flour, and stir with a whisk to combine.  Slowly add your stock as your was whisking the roux.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and yum!

It’s easier than you think to prepare a lavish holiday dinner with the main attraction being you; A gorgeous hypothyroidism ass kicker. Delectable side dishes and mouthwatering desserts will help you be the life of the party while feeding your friends and family this extraordinary Holiday dinner.

Thanks to the growing demand for hypothyroidism-based food, it’s easier than ever to eat the hypothyroidism way. So, whether you are a gluten free pro or someone looking to cut-down on your diary consumption, you certainly don’t need to miss out on a tasty centerpiece this holiday season. Here’s some of the authors favorite recipe choices in her book Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

You will also find 75 plus recipes in this amazing holiday book!

Finally a Holiday cookbook that will have you sincerely appreciating all the hard work that I put into creating it. This cookbook not only has recipes that caters to your hypothyroidism but the recipes are extremely easy to prepare while still being delicious as they promote your health, help you begin to heal, and you’re eating cleaner on top of it all. These recipes can be used year-round not only around the holidays and will be a great addition to your library. I hope you find this Holiday book a Godsend to the particularly crazy holiday season. This book includes a good variety of recipes that I know you will find to be delicious, full of flavor, healthy and just perfect for your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. From appetizers to main meals, side dishes and desserts these recipes are just wonderfully delicious. I am not kidding when I tell you that the recipe options in this book are endless and you won’t be disappointed! You will be able to find that perfect recipe in this book that makes your taste buds soar, fits your dietary needs and has your family bragging on your cooking skills. They may even think you secretly took lessons from Gordon Ramsay or Julia Childs.

Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

Needing more recipes? Order your book today and you will find 75+ recipes.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

I don’t know where to start

Hang in there. This wont happen overnight.

I know, there is so much information overload that most people are confused as to where to start.  You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get a idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a  path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino affect. If you have something in your body that is overworked  it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.

Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. A number of things can be the reason why you have hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, personality changes, leaky gut, depression, an autoimmune disorder, chronic pain, no metabolism and low sex drive, bloating, anxiety, menstrual problems and infertility. It starts with becoming aware and how your health can be influenced by many different circumstances.
How would you define good health? Logically one would define good health as absence of a disease or following some sort of ground rules that avoid developing a disease. This book can help you begin to understand what a Keto Autoimmune protocol is and start guiding you in the redevelopment and healing of your body. You will begin to understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. Along with helping to reset those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little ass kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.
Your health doesn’t have to be a difficult situation but a positive realization that things need to change. This new lifestyle change has many parts to it and I hope you will embrace not only the physical but the spiritual awakening. Common food intolerances that are known to trigger inflammation are eliminated in this Keto AIP protocol are Nightshades, Eggs, Grains (gluten), Dairy, Legumes, Corn, Soy, Dairy and lectins.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


Poisoned Profit

Thehypothyroidismchick.com is dedicated to covering health and science news that matters most to our generation. We cover a wide range of stories, but ultimately we are driven by two core values: first, to contribute to our readers’ understanding of what is a very complex and constantly changing field of information, and second, to keep in mind the ultimate “smell test” — we want our stories to be the kind of things you talk about at a bar with your friends. Thehypothyroidismchick.com determines coverage based on relevance, clinical significance, and editorial integrity. We give no priority to commercial considerations, and will always clearly distinguish between factual content, commentary, and opinions to avoid misleading readers with institutional propaganda and speculation.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

The views and services offered by Thehypothyroidismismchick.com are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical service, but as an alternative for those who are seeking solutions for better health. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself. Keep in mind that results may vary, and if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a serious condition, you should consult a physician or other appropriate medical professional prior to using any products or information on this site. Thehypothyroidisimchick.com assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms. Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.

This site is designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice, legal advice, or professional services. If you feel that you have a medical problem, you should seek the advice of your physician or health care practitioner. For additional information please see Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.


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The Gardein Holiday Roast. Credit: Gardein

Perfect Turkey Gravy Recipes

There are many wonderful and different ways that you can make turkey gravy. Some people like to make it with giblets or just with chicken broth or even the drippings from the turkey. I’ve even made it weeks ahead of time to save myself some kitchen craziness on Thanksgiving Day.

My favorite is an old-fashioned gravy from the pan drippings made in just seconds before setting the food on the table. A deep flavorful gravy will enhance everything on your holiday plate with a touch of savory deliciousness.

You can make the Perfect Turkey Gravy Recipe with or without drippings. All you need is butter, flour, black pepper, chicken or turkey stock and/or drippings!

There are a few things you need to keep in mind when making your Perfect Turkey Gravy Recipe.

If you are using cornstarch to thicken instead of another gluten free flour you will skip the roux-making process. You see after you’ve deglazed your roasting pan and added the stock, all you need to do is transfer about 1 cup stock mixture to a medium bowl. Whisk in cornstarch until smooth (you’ll need 1 tablespoon + 1 teaspoon cornstarch for every cup of gravy base in the pan). Return the mixture to the gravy base in roasting pan and whisk over medium-low heat until thickened and smooth.

If you are using arrowroot keep in mind that it can’t be reheated and it’s kind of hard to use as an ingredient.  I know, some of you prefer to use it as a thickener. Proceed with gravy recipe as you would for cornstarch (skipping the roux-making process). Transfer about 1 cup gravy base to a medium bowl and whisk in arrowroot (you’ll need 2 tablespoons arrowroot for every cup of gravy base). Just before serving, return arrowroot mixture to gravy base and whisk until thickened and smooth.

If you are using King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour.  I personally like this the best. I normally use gluten free flours but once a year I can be bad and eat my gluten. This flour is used just like regular flour in a roux—a 1:1 ratio of flour to butter. Cook the flour in the butter until it’s slightly browned, then add to your stock and pan drippings and whisk away.

If you are using coconut flour or almond flour you would use the same steps as you did with the King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour. A 1:1 ratio of flour to butter. Cook the flour in the butter until it’s slightly browned, then add to your stock and pan drippings and whisk away. Don’t worry this recipe is easy and has a wonderful step by step instructions. You can’t go wrong!

My favorite Turkey Gravy

    6 cups turkey pan drippings or 6 cups chicken stock

    1/2 cup King Arthur Gluten-Free Multi-Purpose Flour (or your flour of choice)

    1 tsp freshly ground black pepper

    1/ 2 cup Kerry Gold Butter, ghee or coconut oil or non-dairy whipped butter

I prefer to use the pan drippings and add chicken stock if need be. I also like to boil the gizzards, neck, onion, celery, carrot, onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns in my chicken stock if I don’t have enough pan drippings. I cook it for about 25 minutes. Brig it to a boil and simmer for 25 minutes. 

If you decide to cook the gizzards, neck, onion, celery, carrot, onion, bay leaf, and peppercorns in the chicken stock to give it an extra sting make sure to drain it through a mesh strainer and throw away the gizzards, neck and an onion. 

Melt the butter in a sauce pan, add the flour, and stir with a whisk to combine.  Slowly add your stock as your was whisking the roux.  Season with salt and pepper to taste and yum!

It’s easier than you think to prepare a lavish holiday dinner with the main attraction being you; A gorgeous hypothyroidism ass kicker. Delectable side dishes and mouthwatering desserts will help you be the life of the party while feeding your friends and family this extraordinary Holiday dinner.

Thanks to the growing demand for hypothyroidism-based food, it’s easier than ever to eat the hypothyroidism way. So, whether you are a gluten free pro or someone looking to cut-down on your diary consumption, you certainly don’t need to miss out on a tasty centerpiece this holiday season. Here’s some of the authors favorite recipe choices in her book Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

You will also find 75 plus recipes in this amazing holiday book!

Finally a Holiday cookbook that will have you sincerely appreciating all the hard work that I put into creating it. This cookbook not only has recipes that caters to your hypothyroidism but the recipes are extremely easy to prepare while still being delicious as they promote your health, help you begin to heal, and you’re eating cleaner on top of it all. These recipes can be used year-round not only around the holidays and will be a great addition to your library. I hope you find this Holiday book a Godsend to the particularly crazy holiday season. This book includes a good variety of recipes that I know you will find to be delicious, full of flavor, healthy and just perfect for your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. From appetizers to main meals, side dishes and desserts these recipes are just wonderfully delicious. I am not kidding when I tell you that the recipe options in this book are endless and you won’t be disappointed! You will be able to find that perfect recipe in this book that makes your taste buds soar, fits your dietary needs and has your family bragging on your cooking skills. They may even think you secretly took lessons from Gordon Ramsay or Julia Childs.

Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

Hypothyroidism Holiday RECIPE Guidebook: Surviving the Season

Needing more recipes? Order your book today and you will find 75+ recipes.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

I don’t know where to start

Hang in there. This wont happen overnight.

I know, there is so much information overload that most people are confused as to where to start.  You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get a idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a  path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino affect. If you have something in your body that is overworked  it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.

Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. A number of things can be the reason why you have hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, personality changes, leaky gut, depression, an autoimmune disorder, chronic pain, no metabolism and low sex drive, bloating, anxiety, menstrual problems and infertility. It starts with becoming aware and how your health can be influenced by many different circumstances.
How would you define good health? Logically one would define good health as absence of a disease or following some sort of ground rules that avoid developing a disease. This book can help you begin to understand what a Keto Autoimmune protocol is and start guiding you in the redevelopment and healing of your body. You will begin to understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. Along with helping to reset those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little ass kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.
Your health doesn’t have to be a difficult situation but a positive realization that things need to change. This new lifestyle change has many parts to it and I hope you will embrace not only the physical but the spiritual awakening. Common food intolerances that are known to trigger inflammation are eliminated in this Keto AIP protocol are Nightshades, Eggs, Grains (gluten), Dairy, Legumes, Corn, Soy, Dairy and lectins.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


Poisoned Profit

Thehypothyroidismchick.com is dedicated to covering health and science news that matters most to our generation. We cover a wide range of stories, but ultimately we are driven by two core values: first, to contribute to our readers’ understanding of what is a very complex and constantly changing field of information, and second, to keep in mind the ultimate “smell test” — we want our stories to be the kind of things you talk about at a bar with your friends. Thehypothyroidismchick.com determines coverage based on relevance, clinical significance, and editorial integrity. We give no priority to commercial considerations, and will always clearly distinguish between factual content, commentary, and opinions to avoid misleading readers with institutional propaganda and speculation.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

The views and services offered by Thehypothyroidismismchick.com are not intended to be a substitute for professional medical service, but as an alternative for those who are seeking solutions for better health. We do not claim to diagnose, treat, prevent, or cure any disease, but simply help you make physical and mental changes in your own body in order to help your body heal itself. Keep in mind that results may vary, and if you are pregnant, nursing, taking medications, or have a serious condition, you should consult a physician or other appropriate medical professional prior to using any products or information on this site. Thehypothyroidisimchick.com assumes no responsibility for the use or misuse of this material. Your use of this website indicates your agreement to these terms. Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.

This site is designed for educational purposes only and is not engaged in rendering medical advice, legal advice, or professional services. If you feel that you have a medical problem, you should seek the advice of your physician or health care practitioner. For additional information please see Our full disclosure, terms of use, and privacy policy.


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Why Are My Eyebrows Becoming Thinner—and What to Do About It

Eyebrows are one of women’s most prominent facial features because of the many functions they perform. They help accentuate the eyes, shape the face, and play a powerful role in communication. 

As we get older, gray hairs and crow’s feet aren’t the only thing we have to look forward to . Our eye brows can show signs of aging, too.

This seems to happened so gradual that you barely even notice it happening. Skimpy eyes brows seem make us look older that what we are and our faces look undefined and tired.

I’ve never been blessed with thick full eyebrows.  But in the last few years around the age of 40, I noticed them thinning and by age 48 they were practically non-existent. So, I decided to go on a quest to research why and possible solutions.

During my research I found out there are many reasons that could possibly play a part. For example abrupt hormone changes like postpartum and menopause. Another common one is it a symptom of a thyroid deficiency. Nutritional deficiencies can cause sparse brows. Genetics may also dictate the age you’ll start to notice a change to your brows.

A 2011 study on Science Direct, a platform for peer-reviewed research, found that a lack of vitamin A can hinder the production of sebum, which is essential for moisturizing hair and promoting its growth.

Overgrooming could also make all of these worse. “We also see thinning eyebrows, especially in women, as a result of too much tweezing or waxing earlier in life. If the hair follicles suffer trauma and die out as a result, a permanent thinning of the eyebrows can occur,” says New York City–based board-certified dermatologist Judith Hellman, M.D.

So, what is going on? Just as the hair follicles on your scalp grow thinner and finer hair as you get older, so too, can the follicles above your eyes, said dermatologist Dr Sejal Shah, a fellow of the American Academy of Dermatology

Actually, eyebrow hair loss is a fairly common occurrence. It can be due to any number of reasons, ranging from hormonal changes or nutritional deficiencies to an infection, skin condition, stress, or even an overactive immune system that’s attacking the hair follicles. This type of hair loss has a number of different possible treatments, depending on the cause.

Getting to the Source of Eyebrow Hair Loss

Specific causes for eyebrow hair loss include:

  • Alopecia areata – The same autoimmune disease that is oftentimes responsible for scalp hair loss can also affect your eyebrows. In this case, your immune system mistakenly targets and attacks your eyebrow follicles, thereby slowing or halting eyebrow hair production.
  • Nutritional deficiencies – Your body requires a healthy balance of carbohydrates, proteins, fats, amino acids, vitamins, and minerals. Since some of these nutrients sustain and influence hair growth, a lack in any of them could result in hair loss. For example, a deficiency of vitamins C, E, B-12, D, iron, cysteine, and/or omega-3 fatty acids could trigger hair loss, including in the eyebrows.
  • Dermatitis – Skin conditions, such as eczema and psoriasis, can interfere with proper hair growth. Any type of dermatitis can block hair from growing hair follicles normally.
  • Thyroid disease – The thyroid gland, located in the front of the neck, produces hormones that regulate your metabolism. When it produces too much or too little of a hormone, your body’s normal processes – including hair growth – can be disrupted.
  • Excessive stress or anxiety – Psychological issues are known to contribute to eyebrow hair loss. If you have recently experienced a traumatic event or major lifestyle change, this may be the root cause.
  • Telogen effluvium (TE) – This refers to a temporary, but dramatic, loss of hair that happens when your normal hair growth cycle is interrupted. This can be due to stress, changes in your diet, medications, hormonal or other changes in your body chemistry.
  • Overplucking – This practice creates minor trauma to the follicle, which can result in the hair no longer growing in that spot.
  • Scar tissue – can be the result of trauma, burns (chemical or thermal) and skin conditions typically involving problems with the immune system attacking the body’s own tissues.
  • Aging – Generally starting in our 40s, as levels of estrogen in women and testosterone in men dwindle, both genders may start to experience thinning of hair on the scalp and in the eyebrows.
  • Chemotherapy – Chemo is specifically designed to affect all rapidly dividing cells, including hair follicles. Therefore, chemotherapy can stifle hair production in the brows.

So what’s a 40+ women to do about disappearing eyebrow dilemma? How can she bring her face back to life?

  There are certainly a ton of products on the market and online tutorials.

1. Take care when waxing, plucking, and threading.

“The trauma inflicted on hair follicles during waxing, tweezing, and threading can lead to permanent follicular damage,” explains Dr. Umar. “Women who grew up in the height of the ’90s overplucked, pencil-thin brow trend have begun to notice the difficulty in growing thicker eyebrows after years of this habit.”

2. Fake fuller brows with finesse.

“The biggest mistake I see is people being too heavy handed with their eyebrow products,” says Megan Studabaker, a registered nurse and owner of Finespun Brow Design in Scottsdale, Arizona. “I recommend applying products in hair-like strokes, versus just filling in with powder because it often gets smeared and messy which isn’t achieving the polished look you are going for.”

She recommends using a tinted eyebrow gel as a finishing step. “It’s relatively foolproof and comes in a tube like mascara,” Studabaker says. “Brush your hairs into shape to keep them in place and you can achieve more definition by choosing a gel with a tint.”

3. Try microblading for a more permanent solution.

Microblading is a semipermanent way to fill in brows that looks more natural than permanent makeup or tattooing. “Microblading differs from tattooing and the traditional form of permanent makeup in that it is typically done by hand versus a machine and doesn’t go as deep into the skin,” explains Studabaker. “In the past, tattooing and traditional permanent makeup usually resulted in a solid line and the color could change significantly with time.”

The process takes about two hours to complete, but you’ll need to go in for a touch up about once a year after the initial appointment (and possibly a second follow-up). Microblading costs between $500 and $1,000, and the results should last for one to three years. Your natural brow hair will continue to grow, but you likely won’t need to get waxed as often. “Most people find their regular maintenance decreased because they have the shape they want after microblading,” Studabaker says.

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Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

As a independent blogger and  freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is  just not optional but It is essential.

Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting.

I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have  decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. 

As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work.

 If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com  from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.

Support Thehypothyroidismchick.com 

Supporting Thehypothyroidismchick.com

As a independent blogger and freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is just not optional but It is essential. Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting. I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work. If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you. Support Thehypothyroidismchick.com


I don’t know where to start

Hang in there. This wont happen overnight.

I know, there is so much information overload that most people are confused as to where to start.  You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get a idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a  path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino affect. If you have something in your body that is overworked  it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.

Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. A number of things can be the reason why you have hormonal imbalances, food intolerances, thyroid issues, adrenal fatigue, weight gain, insomnia, personality changes, leaky gut, depression, an autoimmune disorder, chronic pain, no metabolism and low sex drive, bloating, anxiety, menstrual problems and infertility. It starts with becoming aware and how your health can be influenced by many different circumstances.
How would you define good health? Logically one would define good health as absence of a disease or following some sort of ground rules that avoid developing a disease. This book can help you begin to understand what a Keto Autoimmune protocol is and start guiding you in the redevelopment and healing of your body. You will begin to understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. Along with helping to reset those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little ass kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.
Your health doesn’t have to be a difficult situation but a positive realization that things need to change. This new lifestyle change has many parts to it and I hope you will embrace not only the physical but the spiritual awakening. Common food intolerances that are known to trigger inflammation are eliminated in this Keto AIP protocol are Nightshades, Eggs, Grains (gluten), Dairy, Legumes, Corn, Soy, Dairy and lectins.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

What does Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s HEALING look like?

Healing comes from a deeper place from within yourself, and taking the necessary steps to come into alignment with the truth. Every step, breath and decision you take that brings you closer to your truth, it will simultaneously bring you one step closer to what your healing will look like.
It doesn’t matter what treatment you undertake for hypothyroidism. This is your truth and your healing journey. To deny this is to miss the great opportunity and message that hypothyroidism brings. We all have different paths to walk and we must learn from our walk and grow from it or we will stay stuck on that hamster wheel and continue to fall down that rabbit hole of uncertainty.
Asking the questions, finding the answers and ultimately learning how to step on that path to create change is where the true healing begins then you will soon see the beginning steps of your body becoming whole again. For those who are finally fed up with false promises, unrealistic expectations, fad diets, and yo-yo weight gain—there is help.
Finally, a drop of truth in this Ocean of Propaganda we are given daily.

Are you tired of not feeling your best? Have you been taking thyroid medications and they just don’t seem to be working? Are your hypothyroidism symptoms getting worse? For those of you who are finally fed up with false promises, fad diets, and feeling like your living your life on the side lines-there is help.
This is my strategy and what you will learn out of this book
*How to reverse your hypothyroidism naturally
*Learn what is really going with your body
*Discover a new and exciting you
*Learn a new way to begin to heal
Wouldn’t this book be certainly worth it if you were able to
Gain Energy
Lose Weight
Grow Hair Back
Feel like your Old Self Again
Resolve Memory Issues
Heal Your Gut

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Supporting Thehypothyroidismchick.com

As a independent blogger and freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is just not optional but It is essential. Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting. I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work. If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.



The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

A Poor Functioning Thyroid is the Victim of Something Else Brewing in the Body

Most people think that their thyroid (or absence of) is the reason for their inability to lose weight or even keeping it off.
In fact, that’s what some specialists may say
This is completely backwards and absolutely wrong
It seems that when our thyroid goes astray, their go-to solution is to destroy it or prescribe medications.
Then, when we are left with the aftermath of weight gain, a poorly functioning body, and many ghost like symptom’s.

You may hear your specialists say:
“Keep taking the medications , we can adjust them as we monitor your blood work and we will figure it out as we go on.”
The major problem is that medications or removing the thyroid doesn’t figure out what the root reason of having hypothyroidism is in the 1st place.

What has changed? You are lucky if you do improve but most end up back in the same cycle of weight gain, achy joints and muscles along with your energy plummeting.

And here we are struggling with this weight for the rest of our lives.
The standard advise to help shed those pounds actually makes weight gain worse.
Bootcamps, fad diets, shakes, and pills tend to dig  people into a deeper hole.

Your  poor functioning thyroid is something completely else brewing inside your body.
And that is the relentless build up of inflammation, stress, and toxins that aren’t being addressed.

When you look in the mirror, do you see a stranger?

I know, I have for many years. Who was this person that clearly isn’t me starring back at me in this mirror.
I felt trapped inside this layer of skin that was inflamed, stressed, full of toxins and overweight.
If this is my current life then looking at my future self really scared me.
If I was experiencing so much unhappiness now when I looked in the mirror or having this much pain now, what will it be like later?

We must break the cycle and stop repeating it over and over.
We must focus on the root cause by eliminating the inflammation, de-stressing the body and supporting it in letting go of the toxins to allow our body to stay literally pist off  and unable to heal itself naturally.

What the F#@%, Hypothyroidism?

Why your thyroid is conspiring against you:


My book —-

For those who are finally fed up with false promises, unrealistic expectations, fad diets, and yo-yo weight gain—there is help.

Are you tired of feeling not your best?

Have you been taking thyroid medications and they just don’t seem to be working?

Are your hypothyroidism symptoms getting worse?

This is my strategy and what you will learn out of this book-

*How to reverse your hypothyroidism naturally

*Learn what is really going on with your body*

Be able to start addressing the root issues that will allow you to begin the healing process

*Discover a new and exciting you

*Learn how to give your body a fighting chance.

Wouldn’t this book be certainly worth if you were able to-Gain energy, Lose weight, Grow hair back, Feel like your old self again, Resolve memory issues, and certainly Heal GI issues

For those who want to get rid of the inflammation, release the weight for good, and return to their real energetic selves, purchase my book where I help to break down exactly how and what  you need to do to break the cycle of sickness.

What does HEALING look like? Healing comes from a deeper place from within yourself, and taking the necessary steps to come into alignment with the truth. Every step, breath and decision you take that brings you closer to your truth, it will simultaneously bring you one step closer to what your healing will look like. It doesn’t matter what treatment you undertake for hypothyroidism. This is your truth and your healing journey. To deny this is to miss the great opportunity and message that hypothyroidism brings. We all have different paths to walk and we must learn from our walk and grow from it or we will stay stuck on that hamster wheel and continue to fall down that rabbit hole of uncertainty. Asking the questions, finding the answers and ultimately learning how to step on that path to create change is where the true healing begins then you will soon see the beginning steps of your body becoming whole again.

Finally, a drop of truth in this Ocean of Propaganda we are given daily.

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Bio-individuality is a Fancy Word For Personalized Nutrition. How Can You Use Personalized Nutrition to Begin to Heal With Hypothyroidism?

Bio-individuality is a fancy word for personalized nutrition.

There is a new word being coined for an old topic . It’s called bio-individuality.

Bio-individuality is a fancy word for personalized nutrition.

Bio-individual diets aka personalized nutrition plans have been proven to help a person begin to heal because frankly just general health recommendations don’t and won’t always work, therefore people need to use bio-individuality aka personalized nutrition plan to figure out what is the best fit for their health care needs.

I’ve been writing about bio-individuality aka personalized nutrition for years because we are all wired differently and what works for one many not work for another. Also, we have different health issues plus gut microbes. I certainly didn’t need a scientist or any fancy computerized algorithm to confirm what I’ve been writing about this entire time.

Personalized nutrition simply caters and is tailored to an individual based on any health issues such as heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes,  high blood pressure, hypothyroidism, autoimmune disorders, cancer and whatever else is going on within the walls of your skin.  Genetic history, current blood work and food intolerances are also taken into consideration. Other things that need to be taken into consideration is gut microbe along with blood sugar balances.

The first results from the Personalised Nutrition Project, run by leading researchers in Israel, are due to be unveiled on Friday at the Human Microbiome conference in Heidelberg, Germany.
The project challenges the idea that general recommendations about healthy foods are suitable for everyone, and instead aims to produce optimized diets based on people’s unique biological make-up.

Personalized nutrition is ambitious, rigorous and vague because if you don’t know the person you are working with then its throwing away time.

Personalized nutrition can be very liberating for people and provide an eye-opening experience that in reality, healthy eating does not have to be as limiting or depriving as they perceive.

The human gut microbiome is being recognized more and more as having a fundamental role in our human health and physiology. Gut microbiome is has been proved to be affect more by the environment than by their genetics.
*Scientists and researchers believe the tailored diets could help stem the rising tide of diabetes, heart disease and obesity, by personalizing people’s daily meals and so helping them to adopt healthy eating habits.
*Scientists have created bespoke diets using a computer algorithm that learns how individual bodies respond to different foods…

One of the greatest gifts you can give yourself is a nutrition plan that are specific to your needs and health conditions to ultimately help you meet your goal.

“For example, someone with a hypothyroidism, high blood pressure and chronic insomnia often has to limit or eliminate many types of foods that would traditionally be deemed healthy for others. Also it also should personally tailored to your glucose food responses, along with what health issues your have, your lifestyle and your gut microbe.

This is why the size-fits-all diets dont work for people and although friends and family members may have good intentions their good hearted diet recommendation could actually complicate an individuals health condition even further.
Personalized nutrition isn’t simply a way for you not to eat certain foods or to concentrate solely on consuming others. It’s a completely new lifestyle approach that also incorporates fitness, stress reduction and becoming a healthier you.

I’ve been writing about bio-individuality aka personalized nutrition for years and I talk about it in many of my already published books.

Bio-individuality is a fancy work for personalized nutrition.

What does HEALING look like?
Healing comes from a deeper place from within yourself, and taking the necessary steps to come into alignment with the truth. Every step, breath and decision you take that brings you closer to your truth, it will simultaneously bring you one step closer to what your healing will look like.
It doesn’t matter what treatment you undertake for hypothyroidism. This is your truth and your healing journey. To deny this is to miss the great opportunity and message that hypothyroidism brings. We all have different paths to walk and we must learn from our walk and grow from it or we will stay stuck on that hamster wheel and continue to fall down that rabbit hole of uncertainty.
Asking the questions, finding the answers and ultimately learning how to step on that path to create change is where the true healing begins then you will soon see the beginning steps of your body becoming whole again. For those who are finally fed up with false promises, unrealistic expectations, fad diets, and yo-yo weight gain—there is help.
Finally, a drop of truth in this Ocean of Propaganda we are given daily.

Are you tired of not feeling your best? Have you been taking thyroid medications and they just don’t seem to be working? Are your hypothyroidism symptoms getting worse? For those of you who are finally fed up with false promises, fad diets, and feeling like your living your life on the side lines-there is help.
This is my strategy and what you will learn out of this book
*How to reverse your hypothyroidism naturally
*Learn what is really going with your body
*Discover a new and exciting you
*Learn a new way to begin to heal
Wouldn’t this book be certainly worth it if you were able to
Gain Energy
Lose Weight
Grow Hair Back
Feel like your Old Self Again
Resolve Memory Issues
Heal Your Gut

Buy Your book today! Just $9.99 Click on the link below

What the F#@%, Hypothyroidism?: Why your thyroid is conspiring against you


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.








The Power of Support for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto Patients

A strong support system can help people manage the stress of their illness, both emotionally and practically. Part of life is experiencing ups and downs. Research has shown that having a support system has many positive benefits, such as higher levels of well-being, better coping skills and a longer and healthier life.  Some people react better with a large support group, while others need a smaller support system.

There are many different layers of support that people develop and create around them only help. Your support system can come in many forms—like a family member, a mental health professional, your pet, a faith-based community, a clergy member, a neighborhood, or a support group—and it will vary from patient to patient.

Each person who experiences hypothyroidism or Hashimoto’s  experiences it differently.

Illness is a unique experience that each individual responds to differently and that looks different for everybody. “I feel like every person has a cup. You need to always leave room at the top and always try to replenish that cup in some way.” Support groups within the community can be helpful or in an online chat group but if you try to talk to people who are walking a parallel process like you they tend to understand better. It’s as if they have walked in your shoes.  Finding a good support system is so important.

The bottom line
Remember that a goal of building your  support team  is to reduce your overall stress level, not add to it. Be mindful of  situations that seem to drain your energy. For example, avoid spending too much time with someone who is constantly negative, critical and unhealthy behaviors. Negative people can drain your energy and bring you down.

It does take time to build a support network but it is a wise investment not only in your mental well-being but also in your physical health and longevity. Start making more friends or improving the relationships you already have. It doesn’t matter if you’re the one getting the support or the one doling out the encouragement, you will certainly reap the rewards..

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.




NHS Choices (2014). “Struggling with stress?” Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/understandi… [Accessed on 17/11/15].
Crum, A.J., Salovey, P. & Achor, S. (2013). Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104 (4), 716-733.
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Cohen, S., Janicki-Deverts, D. & Miller, G.E. (2007). Psychological Stress and Disease, JAMA, 298 (4), 1685-1687.
Lazarus, R.S. & Folkman, S. (1984). Stress, Appraisal & Coping. Springer Publishing Company: New York.
McEwen, B.S. (2008). Central effects of stress hormones in health and disease: understanding the protective and damaging effects of stress and stress mediators. Eur J Pharmacol., 583 (2-3), 174-185.
NHS Choices (2014). “Struggling with stress?” Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/understandi… [Accessed on 17/11/15].
Morrison, R. & O’Connor, R.C. (2004). Predicting Psychological Distress in College Students: The Role of Rumination and Stress. Journal of Clinical Psychology, DOI: 10.1002/jclp.20021.
Anxiety UK. “Stress.” Available at: https://www.anxietyuk.org.uk/our-services/get-help/ [Accessed on 22/11/16].
Health and Safety Executive. “Causes of Stress.” Available at: http://www.hse.gov.uk/stress/furtheradvice/causesofstress.htm [Accessed on 23/11/15].
Byrd, O’Brien, T. & DeLongis, A. (1997). Coping with Chronic Stress: An Interpersonal Perspective. In B.H. Gottlieb. (Eds). Coping with Chronic Stress. Springer Science+Business Media: New York.
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Moneysavingexpert.com. (2015). “Mental Health & Debt 2015.” Available at: http://images.moneysavingexpert.com/images/documents/mentalhealth2015v3.pdf [Accessed on 01/12/15].
NHS Choices. “Coping with money worries.” Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/coping-with… [Accessed on 23/11/15].
McManus, S., Gill, V. & Bennett, C. (2015). Informing the UK National Suicide Prevention Strategy. The European Journal of Public Health, DOI
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National Institute of Drugs Abuse. “Medical Consequences of Drug Abuse: Mental Health Effects.” Available at: http://www.drugabuse.gov/publications/medical-consequences-drug-abuse/me… [Accessed on 23/11/15].
Crum, A.J., Salovey, P. & Achor, S. (2013). Rethinking stress: The role of mindsets in determining the stress response. Journal of Personality and Social Psychology, 104 (4), 716-733.
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Hammen, C. (2005). Stress and depression. Annu Rev Clin Psychol., 1, 293-319.
NHS Choices (2014). “Struggling with stress?” Available at: http://www.nhs.uk/conditions/stress-anxiety-depression/pages/understandi… [Accessed on 17/11/15].
Amine, E. et al. (2002). “Diet, nutrition and the prevention of chronic diseases: report of a Joint WHO/FAO Expert Consultation”. World Health Organization, Geneva, Switzerland. Available at: http://www.who.int/dietphysicalactivity/publications/trs916/download/en/ [Accessed on 24/11/15].
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Mental Health Foundation (2011). “Sleep Matters: The impact of sleep on health and well-being.” Available at: https://www.mentalhealth.org.uk/publications/sleep-report [Accessed on 22/11/16].

How to get out of survival mode Tip #4: Avoiding Sneaky Thyroid Disruptors Sneaky Thyroid Disruptors

There are many things in your life moving forward that need to be changed where you can begin to heal. Cleaning up your endocrine disruptors is only one part of the puzzle.
#4 Let’s identify and address those sneaky thyroid disruptors

Endocrine disruptors are tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. They increase production of certain hormones; decrease productions of others; intimation hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormones signaling; tells cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones and accumulating in the organs that produce hormones.
Our bodies are completely bombarded and overwhelmed with the constant exposed to toxic chemicals through the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, the personal care products and cleaning products we use.
Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you eat, the products you put on your body to the house hold chemicals that you purchase for your home. All of these things have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. Not to mention that our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body.
Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s like a domino. One thing in your body that is overworked can cause a major shift in how things operate. Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. Again, there are not one size fits all nor any magical pill to swallow when it comes to healing your hypothyroidism.
As we have all found out when your thyroid isn’t working properly it can wreak havoc on your life. Your thyroid is responsible for so many things from regulating your metabolism, making energy, adjusting your mood, helping you sleep, it even helps aid in good digestion but you see this is where you must come into play.
Like everything else in life you get back what you give.
For example, imagine a car. Its parts are specialized and they each perform specific tasks, but yet they all depend on each other. The human body is the same way. When one thing is being over worked or needs repair it puts a strain on the rest where they can’t perform their specific tasks as designed.
Did you know that it takes 26 seconds for the chemicals to enter into your bloodstream? Most commercial personal care products are full of endocrine disrupting chemicals that wreak havoc on our hormones. On average women use 9 personal care and cosmetic products per day and this can add up to a mixture up its about 126 different hormone disrupting chemicals and add this to the toxins you’re exposed to each day when you got out into the world. Over 1000 of these ingredients have already been banned in Europe but not here in the United States where our FDA has only banned 11 of those ingredients in our personal care products.
These chemicals in our body products, our food, our beverages, the vaccines and the pharmaceuticals create a breeding ground for sickness. Have you heard of gene mutation? It’s when the cells are changed by chemicals they are either damaged, lost or copied. These processed foods that are full of man-made chemicals, fluoridated municipal tap water, genetically modified foods, refined oils, herbicides like roundup, Artificial sweeteners, Vaccines and the yearly flu shot – often contain mercury, aluminum, formaldehyde and MSG. Pharmaceutical medications and a lot of the Pharmaceutical medications are loaded with fluoride, OTC (over-the-counter) medications for colds, allergies, headaches, anesthetics, anti-anxiety medications, antidepressants, antifungals, cholesterol-lowering medications, chemotherapy, appetite suppressants, arthritis medications, steroids – often contain heavy metal toxins, artificial sweeteners and toxic industrial-based food dyes. Let’s not forget to mention the over use of antibiotics, antacids, aspirin, and other nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs (NSAIDS) which completely change the environment in our gut.
So may products in the environment are laced with chemicals that are known to be endocrine disrupting, which means that they can block or mimic the natural hormones. Here is a list of endocrine disrupting things in your life that you can take control of and change.

Do you want to learn more? Purchase my book!

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Our entire body is at the mercy of our thyroid. After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 25 years ago. I knew there was something more than just being labeled with a medical condition and taking a daily pill. I was frustrated, overwhelmed along with feeling fat, foggy and fatigued. There wasn’t a lot of information on how to heal myself.
A sluggish thyroid has an incredible impact on our health. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime. As diseases go, you would think that it would be a cinch to diagnose and pretty straightforward to treat but it’s not. My main goal is to help lead people towards good health, boosting wellness and a longevity loving life. If you’re a “quick fix junkie” then this book isn’t for you because you won’t find any of those unreal ramblings written within the pages of this book. This book advocates a clean and healthy lifestyle. I’ve been a mess-in-a-dress struggling with daily life and I can show you have to make the modifications according to your own body’s needs. If you are ready to see a tremendous transformation within yourself and erase years of neglect, then you’re ready to explore what has been written within the walls of this extraordinary life changing book.
The Hypothyroidism Fix: A Women’s Holistic Guide to help her get out of Survival Mode with hypothyroidism
In this unique thyroid book, you will Learn:
*How to fight those Hormones that control your weight*
*What are the right lab tests to order and how to read them*
*Understand why 1 in 8 women will develop hypothyroidism in the United States*
*Be able to identify and address sneaky thyroid disruptors*
*Start shopping for the best foods to begin healing Hypothyroidism*
*Discover powerful thyroid healing recipes for the mind, body & soul
*This book empowers women in the redevelopment and healing of the body along with understanding the necessary skills to help get out of Survival Mode with Hypothyroidism.

The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested. The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published over 10 books that aren’t listed here but some of her books are : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Food, Friend or Foe: A Intimate Look

So much of our lives revolve around food. Its a staple everywhere from ads on social media to mouth watering  commercials  on television. I am a major foodie to the point where all of my books are about food! I blog about food all the time. Food is certainly a social lubricant at meetings, family gatherings,  award dinners, and basically every function you must attend but loathe with every being of your fiber. Food understands our emotions in ways no words will never. It certainly makes it easier to bear and a lot less painful with the understanding  that something tasty might be at that gathering that you are dragging yourself to attend.   It’s all fun and games until we step on that scale , we can’t button our pants or our skin starts to break out with acne like we are hormonal teenagers . What we eat should be fun, healthy, healing, sometimes funky and always fresh.

What do shellfish, tree pollen, bee stings, and peanuts all have in common? These are common allergies that we’ve all heard about. For some of you these allergy can be life threaten. Sometimes even a mild exposure to the above listed often results in an immediate allergic reaction of which create symptoms ranging from itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, severe anaphylaxis or even death.

A least less talked about area that people seem to ignore is starting to become more widely recognized. It’s food sensitivities. Most of the time these sensitivities seem to be more of a annoyance and not an immediate and/or severe allergic reaction. Therefore more people with food sensitivities are willing to annoy it, never look into their symptom’s without realizing that it can actually be disastrous to their health. More doctors, mainstream media journals and clinical practices are starting to realize how if they can start to identify and remove the  food sensitivities it can and will improve the  overall health and well-being of a individual. Thus, leading to a much better quality of life.

A food sensitivity has a  delayed allergic reaction. Food sensitivities trigger the delayed antibody response after being consumed.  For example, there are four different antibodies involved in a delayed reaction. IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgD — each of which can have a different and significant effect on our immune system.

Sometimes the delayed response can take up to three weeks before symptoms may appear. This makes it very hard to pin point which food, pollen, or substance is the cause of your symptoms! Some of the more common health concerns that can be triggered by a food sensitivity are:

  • Digestive disorders (gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea)
  • Migraines
  • Weight gain
  • Mood/Attention disorder (anxiety, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, lack of concentration)
  • Joint pain/muscle stiffness
  • Skin conditions (itching, redness, swelling, eczema, rashes)
  • Lung conditions (Asthma, Bronchitis)
  • Loss of memory
  • Fatigue
  • General malaise

“…Diets high in refined sugars, for example, are harmful to the brain. In addition to worsening your body’s regulation of insulin, they also promote inflammation and oxidative stress. Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function — and even a worsening of symptoms of mood disorders, such as depression.”

Eva Selhub MD

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be so complicated.

 Most stores are starting to jump in this organic bandwagon and offer a nice selection of organic fruits and veggies. Check out Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Costco, etc. where the produce, seafood and meat are all very fresh and they give options for meats that are not loaded with hormones, antibiotics or fillers. Start small with a recipe and slowly work your way to more fresh whole foods. You can always look on pinterest for recipe idea’s or purchase any of these books with healthy recipes all ready written out for you all you have to do is make the time and buy the ingredients.  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.

Never skip breakfast. In all my books,  I have a ton of easy healthy breakfast idea’s with amazing delicious recipes from smoothies, overnight Oats, frittata’s and more. Of course, I also have mouth watering healthy lunch and dinner recipes too.

This is a  New Year and a new you. I want you in 2017 regardless of the many daily issues and tasks  that life throws at you. I want you to start putting  YOU and YOUR health first. Try a new recipe, pull out that blender and make a smoothie, throw some ingredients in a crockpot, stop grabbing that take out burger. At the end of the day, the food we eat is the most important step in achieving best health. Eating is also entirely within our grasp. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, famously said, ”   Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. In other words, food can be your friend and it can be your foe. It’s all up to you. It’s always been up to you. Eat with thought!

You and your health are important to me, Bon Appetit!

-A.L. Childers aka Thehypothyroidismchick

I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.







Consequences of Hypothyroidism- Extreme Exhaustion

Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat. It makes the hormones that control the way your body uses energy. Basically, our thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies how busy they should be. Our bodies will go into overdrive with too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and our bodies slow down with too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism).

Around 20 million Americans and 250 million people worldwide will be affected by low thyroid function or hypothyroidism. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime, and up to 90% of all thyroid problems are autoimmune in nature, the most common of which is Hashimoto’s. Many people don’t know that hypothyroidism is an autoimmune disease and the reason why most doctors don’t mention is because it’s simple: it doesn’t affect their treatment plan.  Traditional medicine treats autoimmune disorders with steroids and other methods that suppress the immune system. The number of people suffering from hypothyroidism continues to rise each year. Levothyroxine is the 4th highest selling drug in the U.S. Every Cell in your body responds to your thyroid hormones. These hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body.

People and their doctors sometimes disregard these side affects that come along with  hypothyroidism as a natural ageing process. There are close to 300 symptoms that you can experience  with hypothyroidism. Many people suffer from fatigue, weight gain, depression and memory loss to just name a few. Some of these symptoms are a side affect as we age, our bodies do start to wear down.  You don’t have to accept these seemingly “age-related” diminishes  as part of your everyday quality of life.

Extreme Exhaustion

I was always tired, no matter how many hour of sleep I got each night. I had constant brain fog. I was always cold when others weren’t. No matter what I did I couldn’t shed the lbs. These issues go hand in hand with my diagnosis of hypothyroidism. After being prescribed my hypothyroidism medications I still was having problems. It wasn’t getting any better.  Many doctors over look adrenal fatigue since it is so similar in comparison with my hypothyroidism. The tests for thyroid and adrenal fatigue are often difficult to understand. The two are often confused or misdiagnosed. So, which one do you treat 1st? The chicken or the egg?

According to the Endocrine Society, adrenal fatigue is a myth promoted by health books and alternative websites. ” There is no scientific facts to support the theory that long-term mental, emotional , or physical stress drains the adrenal glands and causes many commons symptoms,” the society says on the Hormone health network website.

Symptoms of adrenal fatigue are very similar to symptoms of hypothyroidism. People might experience all of these are just a few. Some of the common ones are:

  • trouble concentrating
  • find it difficult to obtain quality sleep
  • racing thoughts
  • decreased sex drive
  • body aches
  • extremely tired
  • moodiness and irritability
  • feeling overwhelmed
  • hormone imbalance
  • cravings for sweet and salty foods

So what can  you do about it? Although Extreme Exhaustion is very common with people who have hypothyroidism. There are ways that you can start fighting back.

  1. Start eating foods that help replenish your  energy so you can give your system a chance to  come back to full health.
  2. Next  start removing food that are toxic to your body
  3. Avoid environmental chemicals
  4. Avoid caffeine
  5. Avoid sugars and artificial sweeteners
  6. Avoid microwaved foods
  7. Avoid processed foods
  8. Avoid  Hydrogenated oils

Image result for keto food

Now, you need to start adding  nutrient-dense foods that are easy to digest and have beneficial healing qualities. These foods are low in sugar and have healthy fats along with  much needed fiber.

  • Olives
  • Avocado
  • Cooked Cruciferous vegetables (Limit this to no more than 2x per week)
  • Fermented foods
  • Fatty fish (e.g., wild-caught salmon trout, tuna and mackerel. )
  • Chicken and Turkey (organic hormone & Antibiotic free)
  • Grass Fed Beef
  • leafy greens
  • Nitrate free bacon
  • Nuts, such as walnuts and almonds
  • Seeds, such as pumpkin, chia and flax
  • Coconut Flour, Almond Flour and hemp seeds
  • Chia Seeds
  • Kelp and seaweed
  • Celtic or Himalayan sea salt
  • Low carb fruits and vegetables
  • coconut oil
  • organic butter (preferably Grass fed)
  • ghee
  • Bone Broth
  • Eggs: Look for pastured or omega-3 whole eggs. (if you don’t have a food allergy)
  • Cheese: Unprocessed cheese (cheddar, goat, cream, blue or mozzarella).
  • Fish oil (EPA/DHA)
  • Magnesium
  • Vitamin B Complex
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • Zinc
  • Ancient Nutrition- Bone Broth Collagen Loaded with Bone Broth Co-Factors

Image result for supplements 

Another thing you want to keep in mind is supplementing with the right supplements. of course, eating the right foods will start to heal your body. it’s sad but try most  of the fruits and vegetables that we consume don’t have the same amount of nutrition as they once did 50 years ago due to soil depletion (from over-farmed and unhealthy farming practices.

Some supplements will help give your body an extra boost. These supplements are:

  • Magnesium
  • Fermented fish oil
  • ashwagandha
  • holy basil
  • Vitamin B5
  • Vitamin B12
  • Vitamin C
  • Vitamin D3
  • Zinc
Image result for sleep

Lastly, you want to start giving you mind and body a rest.

  1. Try to rest when feel tired.
  2. Try to sleep 8–10 hours per night.
  3. Try to avoid staying up late and stay on a regular sleep cycle .
  4. Try to watch funny movies and laugh with friends and do something fun every day.
  5. Try to minimize work and relational stress.
  6. Try to exercise
  7. try to avoid negative people and negative self-talk.
  8. Try to do something relaxing.
  9. Try to talk with someone for  any traumatic experiences
  10. Try to find a support partner

I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

  1. Hadithi, M (03/21/2007). “Coeliac disease in Dutch patients with Hashimoto’s thyroiditis and vice versa”. World journal of gastroenterology : WJG (1007-9327), 13 (11),  1715.
  2. Velentino, R, et.al. Markers of Potential Coeliac disease in patients with Hashimoto’s Thyroiditis. European Journal of Endocrinology (2002) 146; 479-483
  3. Sategna-Guidetti C, et.al. Prevalence of thyroid disorders in untreated adult celiac disease patients and effect of gluten withdrawal: an Italian multi-center study. Am J Gasteroenterology; 2001, Mar; 96(3):751-756

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A lack of knowledge is a lack of power.