Tag Archives: #weightloss

What does Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s HEALING look like?

Healing comes from a deeper place from within yourself, and taking the necessary steps to come into alignment with the truth. Every step, breath and decision you take that brings you closer to your truth, it will simultaneously bring you one step closer to what your healing will look like.
It doesn’t matter what treatment you undertake for hypothyroidism. This is your truth and your healing journey. To deny this is to miss the great opportunity and message that hypothyroidism brings. We all have different paths to walk and we must learn from our walk and grow from it or we will stay stuck on that hamster wheel and continue to fall down that rabbit hole of uncertainty.
Asking the questions, finding the answers and ultimately learning how to step on that path to create change is where the true healing begins then you will soon see the beginning steps of your body becoming whole again. For those who are finally fed up with false promises, unrealistic expectations, fad diets, and yo-yo weight gain—there is help.
Finally, a drop of truth in this Ocean of Propaganda we are given daily.

Are you tired of not feeling your best? Have you been taking thyroid medications and they just don’t seem to be working? Are your hypothyroidism symptoms getting worse? For those of you who are finally fed up with false promises, fad diets, and feeling like your living your life on the side lines-there is help.
This is my strategy and what you will learn out of this book
*How to reverse your hypothyroidism naturally
*Learn what is really going with your body
*Discover a new and exciting you
*Learn a new way to begin to heal
Wouldn’t this book be certainly worth it if you were able to
Gain Energy
Lose Weight
Grow Hair Back
Feel like your Old Self Again
Resolve Memory Issues
Heal Your Gut

A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your ThyroidThe Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.   This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.

Supporting Thehypothyroidismchick.com

As a independent blogger and freelance journalist, I fight for truth that holds power of knowledge that is just not optional but It is essential. Like many informational organizations, Thehypothyroidisimchick.com has been significantly impacted by the pandemic. I rely to an ever greater extent on our readers, both for the moral force to continue doing journalism at a time like this and for the financial strength to facilitate that reporting. I believe every one of us deserves equal access to fact-based news and analysis. I have decided to always keep Thehypothyroidismchick journalism free for all readers, regardless of where they live or what they can afford to pay. This is made possible thanks to the support we receive from readers across America and the world. As our business model comes under even greater pressure, we’d love your help so that we can carry on our essential work. If you can, support Thehypothyroidismchick.com from as little as $1 – and it only takes a minute. Thank you.



The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Breaking the Body Fat Code: Why Some of Us Are Fatter in Certain Area’s, More Than others. Here’s Your Answer!


Have you ever wondered why people respond differently to diets?

In the last fifty years what has changed in our society? We have the same predisposition genetics as our grandparents.  We are unique and come in all different shapes and sizes.

We can’t blame is all on genetics being unhealthy solely on the DNA that was passed down to us. Everyone’s genetic makeup is different. It’s like your fingerprints.

I was always the tall, skinny, flat chested , flat butt girl in school. I remember being plagued at school for being too skinny. Having no shape. While other school mates were well endowed with large boobs, hippy hips and a nice rounder booty.   Our metabolisms certainly dictate how we use energy and our genetics can dictate how we are shaped but what has started to interests me more-so lately is  why we store fat on certain areas of our bodies when others don’t.

These questions have confused and frustrated people and health care practitioners for decades. But why is it so confusing? One thing we have learned is each of us are unique and have our very own biochemistry that sets us apart from everyone else. Although we might share the same common traits and perhaps the same overlapping metabolic tendencies. We can’t continue to say that one-size-fits-all when it comes to our very own unique body chemistry.  There are over 7 billion people on this planet and we come in all different shapes, colors and sizes. With this being said wouldn’t  you think the one-size-fits-all- approach to losing weight wouldn’t work since we are  we are all unique.

Why is it that one person can eat all they want and never gain an inch, while someone else gains weight just looking at food? The fact is some people are wired to simply burn fat better than others. There are sneaky little things in your body that can halt your weight loss success.

Where you store your body fat isn’t a topic most of us women like to discuss but I feel it is one that will enlighten you and help you more on your journey to a better healthier you.

Every cell in our body responds to the foods we eat, the products we put on our bodies and the household chemicals that we come in contact with every day. Although some of us were born with the predisposition genetics as our parents that gives us our hair color, eye color, height and if we are pear shaped, apple shaped, straight or hourglass this doesn’t mean we can’t win the battle when it comes to our hormones. Our hormones have a direct impact on every major system in our body.  Remember our bodies love balance. Everything has a domino affect so we have to try to figure-out that balance in what our individual body needs are. Whether it be the more fiber , fixing our gut, helping our skin get more moisture, speeding up our metabolism so we can get out of that fat storage mode and into the fat burning mode.

After researching many hours on this topic, I’ve found that where your body stores fat is hint to what is going on with you internally with your hormones. As our hormone levels change with age, pregnancy, exercise, eating habits, or other life events, fat adjusts itself to our every changing hormonal events and places itself in different area’s in our body.  Our hormones have a direct impact on how much body fat we store and where it is stored on our bodies.  Wouldn’t it be wonderful to know what approach to take to fix those thunder thighs or that muffin top?   Now even with this information its just a stepping stone of knowledge to better equip you a healthier you. So what exactly does it mean to have fat stored in certain area’s of your body and not others?

Love handles/belly:  Love handles often means that you are way to stressed out and when your stressed out it raises your cortisol levels.  it could also be a indicator that you might have adrenal fatigue.  Cortisol adds fat around my mid-section. You are eating to much sugar where you become insulin resistant. If your body is in  constant elevated levels of insulin (a hormone that regulates the metabolism of carbohydrates in the bloodstream) it will accumulate around your mid section. A lack of sleep also may lead to metabolic issues and help encourage those love handles. It also could mean you have  elevated estrogen levels and more insulin production. So what do you need to do? Stop eating crap, those processed carbs and avoid sugar, even the fake sugars which are even more horrible for you. You should also go easy on the exercise, sometimes if you exercise more it adds more cortisol to your body so you are fighting a losing battle, try yoga, more sleep, meditation, Pilates , planks,  lifting weights and walking are good ways to start. Don’t forget fat gained around the waist is dangerous in terms of it increases the risk of heart disease, diabetes and other chronic diseases. My book Reset your Thyroid . This is a 21-day Meal plan to reset your thyroid and jump start your weight loss journey. It is filled with 21 breakfast recipes, 21 lunch recipes and 21 dinner recipes. They are packed full of nutrients, healthy fats and proteins. All are easy to make and I’ve done all the thinking for you! 

Thighs: Sometimes its our genetic bone structure that was passed down from our parents that gives us more hips or fatter thighs than the next person and other times it can mean that we have elevated estrogen levels. This is the female sex hormone. Thigh fat is a little harder to burn off than belly fat. You can also have fluid retention in your thighs. So many think that fluid retention only takes place only in the abdomen but that isn’t true It actually occurs all over your body. So what do you need to do? Start drinking your daily needed allowance of water. Your body weight and divide it by two. that’s the least amount of water to drink per day and please don’t drink it all in one sitting. there is a think called water toxicity and it will kill you. Space out your water consumption. Choose better skin care products in my blog 21 Successful Tips on Clean Beauty Swaps. I share with your what skin care products are healthier. You want to avoid chemicals such as BPA ( that can be found in plastic containers, water bottles and pretty much anything plastic unless it states BPA FREE) , parabens or phthalates. Your food should be 100% organic and you most defiantly should be avoiding all soy products like the black plague. let’s not forget that getting in a good nights sleep will also help to improve your estrogen levels.  In my book , A Survivor’s Cookbook Guide to Kicking Hypothyroidism’s Booty, I’ve included clean food recipes, recipes for your home and body that are super easy to make, who doesn’t want a healthier home?

Back of Arms: This could mean that you have  lower testosterone levels as well as an excess insulin.Women do have a small amount of testosterone in our adrenal glands and ovaries although this is thought as a male hormone.  Start eating more avocados, as in healthy fats  and fatty fish such as salmon can help improve this area. Try to  avoid all red meat and all dairy products. Start trying to lift some weights.  Building muscle through weight lifting can and may also increase testosterone levels.

Upper Back: This could mean you have lower levels of Thyroxine and higher levels of insulin. Thyroxine  is a thyroid hormone that plays a role with your metabolism and calorie burning rate and this hormone is secreted into our bloodstream.  You can help boost your thyroxine naturally by eating foods such as shellfish, seafood and cruciferous vegetables, avoiding gluten and soy, and increasing healthy fat intake.

Our metabolism does not decide to burn or store body fat based on calories. It makes these decisions based on the hormones those calories trigger. That is why the quality of calories matters so much….higher-quality calories trigger body-fat-burning hormones while low-quality calories trigger body-fat-storing hormones.

– The Smarter Science of Slim

As the conclusion,  Body fat is important necessity for life. It is our source of energy and it stores some much needed nutrients, a major ingredient in brain tissue.  Moreover, it provides a padding to protect internal organs and insulates the body against the cold.  But yet, getting too fat (more than 30 percent body fat in females and 25 percent in males) can be dangerous and is  associated with increased risk of disease and premature death, regardless of where the fat is stored in the body. As a American society, we are tipping the scales to the point that obesity is now a national health epidemic.

Think about this each time you eat, hormones are released into your body and the type of calories consumed (i.e. fat, carbohydrates or protein) determines which hormones are released and where it is placed throughout your body.  The only way to achieve your goal is to start eating to cater to your bodies needs. Along with proper exercise. I’ve given you all solutions to fight that fat storage on those certain areas of your  body part. I  suggest eating a particular way to combat the hormone imbalances and I know for a fact that if you put forth the effort it will be easily attainable.

There are no shortcuts, stop eating so much sugar, fake foods, exercise more and eat more leafy green vegetables!

Please check out my other books online @ Amazon, Barnes n Noble or Books a Million.   

Food is thy medicine, right? Actually, it can work one of two ways. Food can be thy medicine or food can be thy death. This book is a guide that will inform you from the perspective of a women. You will also be able to determine what areas in your life that may need a little bit of work and the skills needed to improve those issues along with some fabulous recipes to help get you started on how to eat KETO AIP. I will also help you understand how to fix your gut, strengthen your immunity and fight inflammation with an autoimmune approach. The Keto AIP removes all the common inflammatory food triggers that stimulate a possible autoimmune reaction in the body. We’re going to start resetting those adrenals, boosting that energy and doing a little booty kicking to those hormones that have decided to act like a wild college student and pull an all-nighter the day before final exams.

The Keto Autoimmune Protocol Healing Book for Women: Strengthen Your Immunity, Fight Inflammation and Love Your Incredible Body


A Women’s Holistic Holy Grail Handbook for Hypothyroidism and Hashimoto’s: How I healed my Hypothyroidism and Autoimmune Disorder with Personalized Nutrition

Poisoned Profit

Holiday Hypothyroidism

Finally a Holiday cookbook that will have you sincerely appreciating all the hard work that I put into creating it. This cookbook not only has recipes that caters to your hypothyroidism but the recipes are extremely easy to prepare while still being delicious as they promote your health, help you begin to heal, and you’re eating cleaner on top of it all. These recipes can be used year-round not only around the holidays and will be a great addition to your library. I hope you find this Holiday book a godsend to the particularly crazy holiday season. This book includes a good variety of recipes that I know you will find to be delicious, full of flavor, healthy and just perfect for your Thanksgiving and Christmas dinner table. From appetizers to main meals, side dishes and desserts these recipes are just wonderfully delicious. I am not kidding when I tell you that the recipe options in this book are endless and you won’t be disappointed! You will be able to find that perfect recipe in this book that makes your taste buds soar, fits your dietary needs and has your family bragging on your cooking skills. They may even think you secretly took lessons from Gordon Ramsay or Julia Childs


Hashimoto’s crock-pot recipes: Added Bonus: How I put my Hashimoto’s into remission

There’s nothing like the aroma of a home-cooked dinner welcoming you at the door. No time to be in the kitchen? The wonderful thing about a crock pot is you have little prep time. You won’t have to stand over a hot stove cooking your food and it’s perfect for those hectic days. We all want that convenience! Do you need foods that promote thyroid health? You can start today healing your body from the inside out. Over 101 wholesome and nourishing Hashimoto’s fighting recipes that will cater to your mind, body and soul. This helpful book will start to guide you in the right direction along with a step by step plan that is clear and doable.
It’s not about being skinny, it’s about energy, vitality & feeling good when you look in the mirror.


Kicking Hypothyroidism’s booty, The Slow Cooker way: 101 Slow Cooker recipes!

I wanted to create a user-friendly handbook to help anyone affected by this disorder. I’ve seen many doctors over the years and none offered me ideas on diet change. I’ve included recipes, ideas on solutions for a healthier home, what you should be eating and shouldn’t, how to shed those extra pounds, regain your self-confidence and vitality back into your life. I want you to feel strong, sexy, and beautiful. This is my heartfelt guide to you. Together, once again, you can start to gain that wonderful life that you deserve. I am a student in this thing called life. I want to be remembered as a pioneer who thought, imagined, and inspired. What we feel at times is the impossible or unthinkable. Life is a wonderful journey.


 A Survivors Cookbook Guide to Kicking Hypothyroidism’s booty.

Do you need foods that promote your thyroid health? Let’s heal your body from the inside out. We’ve all heard that our gut is called the “second-brain”. Given how closely the two interact with each other one thing you may not realize is your emotions and weight gain can start in the gut. Your gut and digestion can also cause you to hold onto that excess weight and just feel lousy. I’ve included 101 hypothyroidism fighting recipes that cook themselves. Our main concern is kicking hypothyroidism’s booty. I hope this book inspires you to use your slow cooker more often and create your own new recipes. Let’s together shed those extra pounds, regain your self-confidence and vitality back into your life.


Reset Your Thyroid, 21 day Meal plan Thyroid reboot

This is a 21-day Meal plan to reset your thyroid and jump start your weight loss journey. It is filled with 21 breakfast recipes, 21 lunch recipes and 21 dinner recipes. They are packed full of nutrients, healthy fats and proteins. All are easy to make and I’ve done all the thinking for you! All you have to do is prepare the foods and eat. It takes 21 days to form a new habit, it will most likely take that long for your mind and body to stop opposing your new lifestyle change. Three weeks really isn’t a very long time. If you find yourself in a rut and coming up with excuses. You can regain control by reminding yourself that you only have to do it for 21 days. Motivate yourself to exercise. Choose something you honestly like to do and won’t loathe at least 3 times a week. Create an exercise plan that seems easy to accomplish. (And, stick to it!) Give yourself a chance and commit to yourself to stay with the program for 21 days.


Hypothyroidism Clarity

Hypothyroidism clarity is designed to help give you FREEDOM and EMPOWERMENT. I’m sharing the EXACT STEPS I’ve used to overcome my eating issues WITHOUT dieting. All the recipes are specially crafted to be easy, super delicious and they have been kid tested-mother approved. A family-friendly way to eat that your entire family will enjoy. This book contains wonderfully crafted hypothyroidism recipes for your home and body that will help transform you and your family’s life.


Hypothyroidism: The beginners Guide

This book thanks everyone suffering from hypothyroidism and looking for answers. Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. This book is not for readers looking for quick answers. There is not one size fits all. You have to be in charge of your health. I didn’t write this book to sell you any “snake oil” in a bottle. I’ve written this book to be an eye opener for you and to share with you what I have learned on my journey. The solutions in this book has helped so many people. There are many incredible holistic practitioners, authors and researchers with experience and expertise in this area. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed. Get ready to go on a journey of discovery where you are going to learn how everything ties into one. A lack of knowledge is a lack of power.


Secrets to my Hypothyroidism Success: A personal guide to Hypothyroidism freedom

I wish somebody had given me a step-by-step road-map back when I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The solutions in this book has helped so many people. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also want you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed. Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek. I hope this book will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health


The Best Little Hypothyroidism Autumn Cookbook

I wanted to create a fall cookbook for those of us suffering from hypothyroidism that makes you feel as if you’re inviting an old friend in for coffee. If you’ve been considering switching to a hypothyroidism diet, you may be wondering if you have to give up your favorite foods along with flavor. This is far from the truth. Switching to a hypothyroidism diet means that you are catering to heal your thyroid. You can still enjoy your favorite fall recipes following a hypothyroidism diet- you’ll just need to learn what substitutions you will need to make to create wonderful fall hypothyroidism recipes. This is where this book that I’ve written for you comes into play. In this book, you will find a collection of many fall favorite recipes that you and your family are sure to love. If you’ve ever considered a hypothyroidism diet, this recipe book is a great starting resource.


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness.


Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website Thehypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way.  and Secrets to my Hypothyroidism Success:: A Personal Guide to Hypothyroidism Freedom. 

   You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.


WebMD. Body fat measurement: Percentage vs. body mass. 2017. http://www.webmd.com/diet/features/body-fat-measurement#1






Honestly, What it’s Really Like To Have Hypothyroidism?


There no real way to sugar coat having hypothyroidism, I like to call it  “ The Invisible Disease”. Many people with hypothyroidism  often feel as if  they’ve  lost control over their own bodies and mental health. Some people are blessed to only have a few symptoms and others seem as if every area of their functioning life has been affected by this disorder.  A lack of energy, anxiety, depression, weight gain, scary heart palpitations, brain fog, our sleeping cycles are disrupted, thin eye brows,  body temperature, appetite, fertility, hair loss, constipation, increased or decreased blood pressure,  numbness in your finger tips, an emotional roller coaster, aches and pains that you can’t explain are only a few things associated with having hypothyroidism. The simplest tasks can seem like the hardest. Many of us don’t really understand the whole life impact of our condition, because the wide ranging  symptoms of hypothyroidism are often brushed off as being part of everyday life, stress or getting older.

After being diagnosis you were probably relieved and excited to finally have an answer, some kind of answer,  to what have been going on with your body but soon you were disappointed again only to find out that  the thyroid medications that you thought was going bring you back to yourself only fixed a few of your symptoms and your still having to deal with a dozen more remaining issues. Your are tired of hearing, its all in your head too. You want to scream to the world and let everyone know that your quality of life has drastically been affected and there has to be answers.

Somewhere, Someone, Anyone at this point, hello? Help me , I feel like I am drowning, slowly dying and the world just keeps turning.  Why isn’t anyone listening to me?

You see, the main problem with hypothyroidism is a very tricky condition and complicated disorder to manage. There is no one size fits all program when you are dealing with hypothyroidism.

Your quality of life is affected.

Have you ever stopped to think what the underlying reason to why you hypothyroidism? 

Many different factions can play a role in your thyroid health. We do know that hypothyroidism is a chronic condition of an under-active thyroid in which it affects millions of Americans.  Environmental chemicals and toxins , pesticides, BPA, thyroid endocrine disruptors, iodine imbalance, other medications, fluoride, overuse of soy products, cigarette smoking and gluten intolerance.  A nonprofit group called Beyond Pesticides warns us that 60% of pesticides used today have been shown to affect the thyroids glands production of T3 and T4 hormones. All these commercially available insecticides and fungicides are also just as guilty.

We need a our thyroid in order to live and feel good.  Our thyroid is our master gland of metabolism and energy.  Basically, our thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies how busy they should be. Your cells are not getting enough oxygen and energy that is required for every singly body function to work properly. It impacts our entire body from our head to our feet.

One-thing many  thyroid patients have in common is having to deal with is a world that can’t apprehend our struggles, fails to notice the importance, downplays it at times and sometimes we are even looked down upon for our condition.

Hypothyroidism isn’t “easy to diagnose”e nor is it “easy to treat”.  It’s a shame that a  vast majority of medical professionals are poorly trained in the treatment of hypothyroidism. It’s really is a uncharted territory.

(A tale of caution: Your doctor is trying to provide the best treatment for you within his or her

Knowledge. But doctors are not taught about nutrition in medical school – only about disease. Most doctors do not receive but a few hours training on nutrition during their four years of medical school. The pharmaceutical industry is a multi-billion dollar industry. It provides much of the funding for research in medical schools and nearly all of the advertising in medical journals. It’s the old GOLDEN RULE: he who has the gold – rules! So doctors learn about medication and disease.)

I wish somebody had given me a step-by-step road-map back when I was first diagnosed with hypothyroidism. The solutions in my books have helped so many people. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an  easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.

After being diagnosed with hypothyroidism over 25 years ago. I knew there was something more than just being labeled with a medical condition. There wasn’t a lot of information on how to heal myself from the inside out. You really must begin to understand that there really isn’t a one size fits all diet for everyone who is has been diagnosed with Hypothyroidism but there are certain ways you can eat that will certainly help begin the healing process. Diet alone isn’t enough to help your body start fighting this battle that is raging in your body. The food you eat is your first line of defense against hypothyroidism. You must start addressing other areas in your life.

My new purpose is to empower people to embrace who they are, to add value to their life, to inspire them and to connect with those who are struggling with hypothyroidism.  You need to realize that you have to invest in your health. You are worth investing money into yourself and take charge of your health. Will it “hurt” a little? Ha, you bet, but it will change your life.


Click on the link and orders yours today!

 Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.



Dieting for Your Thyroid

When it comes down to it, the proper diet for our thyroid is one that has balance. We need to constantly be incorporating a healthy amount of the three major sources of macronutrients:

  • Proteins
  • Fats
  • Healthy Carbohydrates

The mix here is important, and by purchasing my book  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, I will show you exactly how and what you should be working each day  into your diet so that you start healing  your health.  Break that cycle today, start eating to cater to your thyroid and replenish your life.




What am I am going to eat? This might have been your first thought when you started on your discovery after being diagnosed with Hypothyroidism.  I’ve put together a sample 21 day meal plan as a way of sharing with you some of the many delicious possibilities while you start on your new adventure. You have 21 thyroid healing  salad recipes in this book….

I have complete faith in you. I want to challenge you to make a promise to yourself to take the 21 day step. I have given you the blueprint of what you need to do to achieve extraordinary results. The reason for this book is to help you reach your fullest potential. You are going to kick your body out of fat storage mode and into a fat burning mode.

Click on the link to order yours today.

Reset your Thyroid,


Healthy hypothyroidism meal idea’s for your fast paced life. 

The true appeal of eating healthy would be its simplicity and freedom. Quite often we find it hard to manage finding the time to cook a meal let alone a healthy meal.  At the end of a busy day, who doesn’t want a delicious home cooked meal with little to no dishes to wash? Good Nutrition is one of the best gifts that we can give ourselves and our loved ones.

This book will help you enjoy your busy life with a little more ease. All you have to do is prep a few simple healthy ingredients and toss them in a skillet, casserole dish, or a slow cooker. This is a great way for fast-paced families to enjoy a hearty, delicious and mouth-watering meals with a little less stress.

It’s a proven fact that we all wished there was more time in a day. The secret to stretching your day is to make every moment count. You can do this and in the process eat amazing healthy and hearty meals from your kitchen. The blueprint breakthrough is here. All you have to do is invest in your health.

All of my hypothyroidism inspired dishes are sensational, easy to prepare and are amazingly simple.  You will be able to clean up in a flash.  This book will magically help you to start a new tradition.

This book contains over 100 mouthwatering recipes that can help transform your life.

Hypothyroidism Clarity is designed to help give you FREEDOM and EMPOWERMENT.  I’m sharing the EXACT STEPS I’ve used to overcome my emotional eating issues WITHOUT dieting.


All the recipes are specially crafted to be easy, super delicious and they have been kid tested-mother approved. A family-friendly way to eat that your entire family will enjoy.

This book contains wonderfully crafted hypothyroidism recipes for your home and body that will help transform you and your family’s life.   

Click on the link below and order yours today!

Hypothyroidism Clarity,



Look into getting a  Knowledgeable Health Practitioner:

The main reason why you should work with a knowledgeable health practitioner is its  patient-centered medical healing at its best. Unfortunately  when it comes to hypothyroidism there isn’t a one size fits all approach to dealing with it and often times you are left still searching for the answers to your symptoms when all you want is your zest for life back. A knowledgeable health practitioner will care for you as a individual as they won’t look at your body as a whole they will treat each individual body symptom, imbalance and dysfunction. They certainly move from the confusion of the “one size fits all treatment” approach that we know isn’t working to the one that will cater to what you body needs.  Let’s not forget that each of us are a unique case and unless you get a proper thorough clinical evaluation, trying to figure what medical advise you need online is dubious at best.



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.
You can always click on this Facebook group and order my books too.  A Survivors Cookbook Guide to Kicking Hypothyroidisms Booty.



The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health. The highlighted links are affiliate links in my blogs.


The Perfect Storm-Hypothyroidism

Having hypothyroidism can be utterly devastating at times. Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat. It makes the hormones that control the way your body uses energy. Basically, our thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies how busy they should be. Our bodies will go into overdrive with too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and our bodies slow down with too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). Around 20 million Americans and 250 million people worldwide will be affected by low thyroid function or hypothyroidism. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime, and up to 90% of all thyroid problems are autoimmune in nature.

Hypothyroidism is a consequence of actions taken. It is a combination of sequences that you allowed to take  place to get  you to this point in  your life.  Yes, I am pointing the finger at you. I am pointing the finger at myself. I am so busy of “not being aware” and ” grabbing what is easy” that I’ve allowed this to happen. There is this big lie that we all got stuck in.   Listen to me when I say  there’s a major disconnect between what YOU believe to be healthy foods and what research tells us is healthy. In fact, many of the health foods today that people go out of their way to eat daily are extremely thyroid suppressive.

As diseases go, you would think that it would be a cinch to diagnose and pretty straightforward to treat. Each of us are unique individuals with different sensitivities. None of  has the same exact routine as far as what foods we eat, what chemicals we are exposed to and what medications we take but yet we all are similar when it comes to our thyroids not working properly.

Environmental chemicals and toxins, pesticides, BPA, thyroid endocrine disruptors, iodine imbalance, other medications, fluoride, overuse of soy products, cigarette smoking, and gluten intolerance. All of these play a very important role in your thyroid health. A nonprofit group called Beyond Pesticides warns that some 60 percent of pesticides used today have been shown to affect the thyroid gland’s production of T3 and T4 hormones. Commercially available insecticides and fungicides have also been involved. Even dental x-rays have been linked to an increased risk of thyroid disorders.


As consumers we put our trust in the research and development of scientific studies, The FDA and  The CDC. Drug store chains have quota’s to meet and even some of our Doctors get yearly bonus’s. Little do we do that behind closed doors corporations often pay scientists and these companies to  support their product for profit.  Some Politicians seem to have a revolving door between the private and public sector.  The synthetic chemicals we face everyday that is in our food, our water, and  the air that we breathe . 

Did you know that products we use every day may contain toxic chemicals and has been linked to women’s health issues? They are hidden endocrine disruptors and are very tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. “We are all routinely exposed to endocrine disruptors, and this has the potential to significantly harm the health of our youth,” said Renee Sharp, EWG’s director of research. “It’s important to do what we can to avoid them, but at the same time we can’t shop our way out of the problem. We need to have a real chemical policy reform.” The longer the length of ingredients on your food label means how much more unhealthy it is for you to consume. When an item contains a host of ingredients that most likely you cant even pronounce or remember to spell you can bet your lucky dollar that the natural nutrients are long gone. These highly processed frank n foods are very difficult for the body to break down and some of the chemicals will become stored in your body. Click on this link to see what you should avoid.

Pesticides, herbicides, GMOs in our food, fluoride and chlorine and trace pharmaceutical residue in the water supplies, methane, carbon monoxide and industrial pollutants in the air, and the toxic chemicals in our everyday household products.

No wonder our bodies are completely bombarded and overwhelmed with the constant exposed to toxic chemicals through the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, and the personal care products and cleaning products we use.

Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you eat, the products you put on your body to the house hold chemicals that you purchase for your home. All of these things have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. Not to mention that our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body. The foods that we consume, oh, the foods we consume.

Most of your “conditions” and labels are a lack of the proper nutrition and/or vitamins and minerals. Why not do a little research and find what is causing your disorder? Look up what nutritional steps you need to start taking. What environmental things have an effect on your disorder and start avoiding that.  Why not give you body a fighting chance to heal the issue at hand with herbs, specific vitamins & other natural supplements.  In each stage of  our lives our bodies change and we must learn to adapt and adjust what it needs. Trust me when I say, there certainly isn’t a substitute for figuring out the real underlying reason for your “condition”.  I am not saying try this solely on your on I would  recommend that you get qualified practitioner that will be able to order the appropriate tests for you, and also help you interpret them. You can click on this link and just place in your zip code. It will help you find a Naturopath Doctor in your area.  

Looking at the big picture. Like an onion, You must start to work on each layer and see what needs to be addressed, peeling it back, layer by layer.

You have the power to make a difference in your life. You’ve always had the power. No one can force you to become more aware of what you put on  your body and what you put in your body. What you eat is just as important as what you put on your body.   Adjusting your life, reading labels and catering to your specific health needs isn’t easy but it will benefit you in the long run. This is one of the smartest decisions that you can make. Not only will you start to look and feel better but think of the medical cost that you could be saving your future self.

We need to be kind to ourselves. Give our bodies a fighting chance. If you constantly feed your body crap then you are making it susceptible to inflammation, virus’s and disease.  I want to help you become  successful in your healthy journey by applying the empowering techniques many of my blogs have to offer. This article has been  written by a person who has had real struggles with a hypothyroidism  but has worked through them. I am going to  “keep it real” with you.

  1. Reduce your inflammation: Cut out foods like gluten, sugar, refined carbs, fake foods, soy, vegetable oils and add in fresh whole fruits, healthy fats and fiber. (click on this link for a free list of foods to eat and foods to avoid)
  2. Drink bone broth daily: if you start to drink bone broth daily this will add collagen protein and good bacteria to your gut. ( click on this link for a great recipe)  
  3. Drink a Green smoothie daily: This will give you a daily boost in your fiber plus cut out some calories. ( click on this link for some great recipes)
  4. Fermented Foods: start eating fermented foods this will start to heal  your gut. ( click here for some fermented foods idea’s)
  5.  Take Supplements:  You need probiotics, fish oil, vitamin b, D3 and a great multi vitamin.
  6. Nurture your adrenals: Start doing yoga and limit your caffeine .
  7.  Reduce your stress: Stress plays a major role in your health. Cortisol ( the stress hormone) affects every single one of you hormones and it add fat around your mid section. You can start meditating, yoga, Epsom salt baths, massages and reading.
  8. Get out in the Sun! The sun is a natural vitamin D and it makes you feel good.
  9. Avoid harsh chemicals: You can start making your own natural cleaning supplies cheaply and without the cost of your health.
  10. Change your personal care products:  Did  you know that it takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in personal body care products to enter into your bloodstream?
  11. Eat Sea Vegetables Twice a Week: Sea vegetables are a good natural source of iodine to support the thyroid.

You have to start addressing what the root cause is of  your hypothyroidism. Would you take Motrin if you got a rock stuck in your shoe? Hypothyroidism does has a root issue. We often ignore the underlying cause of hypothyroidism.  Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. A number of things can be the reason why you have hypothyroidism. It could be a wide range of things from  celiac disease, Hashimoto’s, leaky gut,  autoimmune disease disorder, nutrient deficiency’s, adrenal fatigue, exposure to chemicals, gluten or other food allergies, and hormonal imbalance.  It starts with the foods we eat to the chemicals in the environment, your thyroid can be influenced by many different circumstances.

Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. This blog is not for readers looking for quick answers. There is not one size fits all. You have to be in charge of your health. I didn’t write my books to sell you any “snake oil” in a bottle. I’ve written my books to be an eye opener for you and to share with you what I have learned on my journey. The solutions in this new book  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving has helped so many people. There are many incredible holistic practitioners, authors and researchers with experience and expertise in this area. I’ve done my best to pull from all their expertise, as well as my own knowledge and clinical experience. I want to make it easy for you to find the answers quickly, all in the one place, because I’m all too familiar with that awful side effects of hypothyroidism. I certainly don’t want you to have to spend years finding solutions, like I did. I also what you to understand that there isn’t an easy “one pill” solution, but the “one pill” approach that our current medical system is using is NOT WORKING because the underlying cause for hypothyroidism is not being addressed.


Sometimes in life we just need clarity. You have to step out of your comfort zone and focus on where your path is headed. You were born with the capacity of abundance. You need to clear away any of the emotional, mental and energetic debris that is in the way of your ability to see who you really are in order to create the life you really deserve. My goal in this book is to help you understand and show you how easy it is for you to start cutting out the foods that don’t nourish your body. Hypothyroidism is a very tricky condition and complicated disorder to manage. The foods we eat can interfere with your treatment. Our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of our thyroid gland while certain foods can inhibit your body’s ability to absorb the replacement hormones. There is no one size fits all program when you are dealing with hypothyroidism. When you start to eat smarter and are aware of what foods feed your body, despite the condition, you can start to feel better and manage your symptoms. Americans are in such a pathetic health crisis. We have the abundance of everything at our finger tips but yet we 1 in 3 people are on some sort of medication. It doesn’t matter if it’s Prescribed or over the counter. Why are we are in such a state of denial? Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you eat, the products you put on your body to the house hold chemicals that you purchase for your home. All of these things have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. Not to mention that our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body. The foods that we consume, oh, the foods we consume. It is my immense pleasure to write another book on hypothyroidism. In this age of overly processed, genetically modified, artificially flavored and preservative loaded foods. It’s no wonder that more people are wanting to eat a more wholesome and a more all natural diet. We are trying to find our way back to the basics. I hope this book encourages you and inspires you to seek out the truth and start healing your body from the inside out. All I can give you is the blueprint of things you can start doing today to incorporate a healthier you. I am living this way. I can talk about what has worked for me and share my knowledge with you. Taking charge of your health doesn’t have to be complicated. The journey has just begun. Each day is filled with the opportunity to make an impact and have that ripple effect with your health. My mission is to do everything in my power to start to heal and reach your fullest potential. To help be a source of inspiration you seek and attract what you desire with the faith that your vision of success is your destiny! You deserve to be healthy. You have the power and you have the mindset. Never forget: What we eat, governs what we become. Success is getting what you want. Happiness is wanted what you get.

I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.  Like my page! A Survivors Cookbook Guide to Kicking Hypothyroidisms Booty ..

Health and Happiness,

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

32 “Not Eggs Again” Recipes! Breakfast Idea’s That Are Healthy and Don’t Include EGGS.


One of the most difficult things about transitioning to a healthier lifestyle is the diet.

I’ve never been a big breakfast fan. I wake up, meditate for a few minutes, then grab some herbal bullet proof tea but breakfast gets your metabolism buzzing and will help keep you focused and energized throughout your day.

Not eating breakfast can make your body left feeling fatigued, added weight gain, skin problems and cause you to have a low metabolism.

“Your body needs to be rebooted. You’ve got to “jump-start” that metabolism. Eating a healthy breakfast has been medically proven to have many health benefits, including weight control , reducing the risk of obesity , it certainly will boost your fiber intake to help you reach your daily goal of 20 to 35 grams (for adults). Eating breakfast has been shown to improve performance, have heart health advantages, helps you avoid fluctuating glucose levels, which can lead to diabetes later in life, helps you consume less calories throughout the day, so you’re not binge eating of starvation at lunch time. It will give you that mental edge by enhancing your memory, your clarity, and the speed in which you are processing information, your reasoning skills, your creativity and how you absorb information. Scientists at the University of Milan in Italy reviewed 15 studies and found some evidence that those benefits. One theory suggested that if you eat a healthy breakfast it can reduce hunger throughout the day, and help you make better food choices at other meals. You should eat no later than 2 hours of waking up. Also, if you skip breakfast your hunger hormones are boosted and it can also throw your body into survival mode. Which in return starts breaking down protein in your muscles and your muscles will slowly start to break down. “

Did you know that your pituitary gland controls metabolism, mood, and many other organ functions, and it’s either weakened by toxins or fueled by nutrients each time you eat, starting with breakfast – again makes this the most important meal of the day.

Your breakfast  should be a powerhouse for metabolic function and it needs to be full of healthy essential fats that burst with nutrition.

All of the egg-haters shall  unite in victory. I want you to believe in breakfast again so I’ve searched and found many awesome, healthy, eggless options that are filling. Who needs to eat the same boring thing every single day? The best way to ensure you’re getting enough of all the vitamins and minerals that your body needs to function optimally is mixing  things up and eating a variety of foods .

Yes-Eggs are high in protein but you can also get what your body needs from plant-based proteins and other food sources. Let’s be inspired together. I think its wonderfully fantastic that you are taking charge of your health and nutritional needs. Honestly, its the little things that count like cutting out sugar, adding more plant based foods, and exercising .The wisdom your gathering today will make a positive change your life for tomorrow.


Sweet Potato Hash with Creamy Avocado Sauce

The sauce:
  • 1 avocado, skin and seed removed
  • ⅓ cup fat-free plain Greek yogurt
  • 1 clove garlic, minced
  • 1 lime, juiced
  • 2 tbsp minced cilantro
  • 2 tbsp water
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¼ tsp ground pepper
The potatoes:
  • 1¼ lbs sweet potatoes, peeled and cut into ½-inch dice
  • ¾ lb. russet potatoes, peeled and cut into ½-inch dice
  • 1 tbsp olive oil
  • 2 garlic cloves, minced
  • ½ tsp salt
  • ¾ cup black beans (cooked)
  • 4 strips cooked bacon
  • ¼ cup minced cilantro
The sauce:
  1. In the bowl of a food processor or blender, combine the avocado, yogurt, garlic, lime juice, cilantro, water, salt and pepper. Blend until smooth.
The potatoes:
  1. Bring a large saucepan of lightly salted water to a boil over high heat. Add sweet and russet potatoes and cook until just tender, about 5 to 8 minutes. Drain.
  2. Heat the olive oil in a large skillet (preferably cast-iron) set over medium-high heat.
  3. Add garlic and cook for 1 minute, stirring frequently.
  4. Stir in the cooked sweet and russet potatoes and salt. Cook, stirring occasionally, until the potatoes start to brown, 8 to 10 minutes.
  5. Stir in the black beans, bacon and cilantro.
  6. Divide between 8 plates and top with each portion with 1 tablespoon of the avocado sauce.

Oatmeal Power Breakfast Bowl


  • 1 ripe banana, mashed (the riper/spottier the better)
  • 2 heaping tablespoons chia seeds
  • 1/3 cup rolled oats (use certified gluten-free if necessary)
  • 1/4 teaspoon cinnamon
  • 2/3 cup almond milk
  • 1/3 cup water
  • 1 tablespoon ground flax (optional, see note)
  • For garnish: soaked almonds, pepita seeds,  cinnamon, toasted coconut, nut butter, spices (cinnamon, ginger, allspice)


  1. The night before: Grab a medium bowl and mash the banana until smooth. Now stir in the chia, oats, cinnamon, milk, and water until combined. Cover and refrigerate overnight.
  2. In the morning: Scoop the oat mixture into a medium pot. Increase heat to medium-high and bring to a simmer. Reduce heat immediately to medium-low, and stir frequently until heated throughout and thickened. At the end of cooking, stir in flax, if using.
  3. Pour oats into bowl. Garnish with your desired toppings.

Frozen Matcha Green Tea Smoothie

1 cup unsweetened almond milk or coconut milk or rice milk
1 frozen banana or 1/2 cup frozen blueberries (Tip: if your banana isn’t frozen, add ice and greek yogurt to get a creamy consistency)
1 tablespoon matcha green tea mix


1. Prepare the ingredients and place them in blender.

2. Blend until smooth.

Mango and Coconut Chia Seed Pudding

Mango and Coconut seed Pudding


1/2 cup coconut milk
1/2 cup unsweetened almond milk*
2 tablespoons chia seeds
1 tablespoon shredded coconut
3/4 cup fresh mango: chopped and peeled
1 teaspoon   honey to taste
1 teaspoon lime zest (for garnish)

*Note: I swear by Whole Foods brand almond milk. It’s much thicker and creamier than traditional almond milks (like Almond Breeze), which lends itself better for something like pudding.


  1. In a mason jar or other closed container, add coconut milk and almond milk. Shake the jar until thoroughly combined.
  2. Add chia seeds and shredded coconut, shake well.
  3. Add chopped mango and refrigerate immediately.
  4. Add agave nectar or other sweetener to taste (usually a light squeeze does the trick)
  5. Refrigerate for 5-6 hours and then shake again to distribute the chia seeds. Refrigerate again for rest of 24 hours or until pudding-like consistency.
  6. Top with extra shredded mango, shredded coconut and 1 teaspoon of lime zest if desired.

Healthy Pumpkin Spice Granola

¼ cup uncooked quinoa, rinsed well and patted dry with paper towel
1 ½ cups rolled gluten-free oats
¼ cup ground flaxseed
¼ cup pepitas/pumpkin seeds (or other seed)
¼ cup pecans, chopped
½ cup raisins
¼ cup real maple syrup
¼ cup canned pumpkin purée
1 teaspoon coconut oil (or vegetable oil, like olive)
1 teaspoon pumpkin pie spice (or more to taste)
¼ teaspoon cinnamon
Pinch of salt
½ teaspoon vanilla extract

1. Preheat oven to 325°F.
2. Spread oats and quinoa evenly on a baking pan. Toast in oven for 10 minutes, stirring halfway through. Meanwhile, chop your pecans.3. In a large bowl, combine toasted oats and quinoa, ground flaxseed, pepitas, pecans and raisins.4. Reduce oven to 300° F.
5. In a medium bowl, combine maple syrup, pumpkin purée, oil, pumpkin pie spice, cinnamon, salt and vanilla.6. Pour mixture over oats and stir until combined.7. Spread mixture on baking sheet and bake for an additional 20 minutes, or until golden brown.

The Basic overnight oats

1/3 cup GF steel cut or rolled oats (steel cut for a crunch or rolled oats for a smoother oatmeal)

1/3 – 1/2 cup almond milk or coconut milk [depending on how thick you like it]

1/3 cup plain So Delicious Greek style yogurt

1/2 banana, mashed

1/2 tbsp. chia seeds (Omega 3 fatty acids)

½ Teaspoon ground cinnamon


Stir everything together in a bowl. Put in a mason jar with lid. Refrigerate for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight. 

Almond butter and Banana Overnight Oats

   1 large ripe banana, mashed (about ½ cup)

¼ cup creamy almond butter

1 cup GF steel cut or rolled oats (steel cut for a crunch or rolled oats for a smoother oatmeal)

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

1 tablespoon chia seeds (optional) (Omega 3 fatty acids)

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

½ teaspoon ground cinnamon

1 teaspoon raw honey

In a medium bowl, mash your banana with a fork.

Add the remaining ingredients to the bowl and mix until well combined.

Pour the mixture into two 8 oz mason jars with lids, seal tightly and Refrigerate for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.

When ready to eat, give the oats a good shake and dig in! 

Almond Butter Chocolate Overnight Oats

1/2 cup GF steel cut or rolled oats (steel cut for a crunch or rolled oats for a smoother oatmeal)

1 tsp chia seeds

1 tsp flax meal

2 tsp cacao powder

1 T almond butter

1 chopped medjool date or 2 tsp grade B maple syrup

1/2 cup almond milk


Pour the mixture into a 8 oz mason jars with lids, seal tightly and Refrigerate for at least 6 hours, preferably overnight.

When ready to eat, give the oats a good shake and dig in! 

No-bake oatmeal bites

1 cup dry quick oats

2/3 cup coconut flakes

1/2 cup almond butter

1/2 cup dark chocolate chips

1/3 cup raw honey

1 tsp vanilla

Directions: Mix all ingredients, form into 1 inch balls. Place balls in refrigerator and this is a quick and easy fast just grab n go healthy breakfast option.

Rice-Free Nori Rolls

The recipe and fillings below make one roll. Double or triple as needed.
For the Rice-free Paleo Nori Rolls:
  • 1 sheet Nori seaweed
  • 1-2 small cos lettuce leaves
  • coconut amino’s or tamari, to serve
  • ¼ cup (or tuna or smoked salmon) drained and mashed
  • small handful of sauerkraut or Kimchi
  • 1 sprig coriander or parsley
  • chilli powder or pepper, to taste
  • 2 tablespoons crumbled feta, I like sheep’s milk
To make the Rice-free Paleo Nori Rolls:
  1. Lay Nori sheets flat on a cutting board and place 1-2 small cos lettuce leaves alongside the edge closest to you.
  2. Top the leaves with your choice of fillings then using a knife press the ingredients down as you fold over the edge closest to you. Wrap snugly toward the edge furthest away.
  3. Repeat with any additional rolls. Cut rolls in half or eat whole, serve with coconut amino’s or tamari.

Homemade Turkey Sausage Patties

Turkey is rich in protein, low in fat and is a source of iron, zinc, potassium, phosphorus, vitamin B6 and niacin. It also contains the amino acid tryptophan, selenium and is lower on the GI index scale.

1 lb of ground turkey

1 teaspoon of dried sage

½ teaspoon of fennel seeds

Dash of cayenne, black pepper and ground all spice

Mix all ingredients in a bowl. Shape into small 3 inch patties and allow to refrigerate for 2 hours to help form. In a cast iron skillet on medium heat, cook the patties until completely cooked through on both sides. This would be great with some freshly scrambled eggs.

Honey-lime Fruit Salad

This easy-to-make breakfast is full of vitamins and antioxidants


2 cups chopped seasonal fruits (I use red grapes, kiwis, mandarins, and bananas)

1 teaspoon lime juice

1 tablespoon organic honey


Combine all the ingredients in a mixing bowl. 

Breakfast Quinoa with Blueberries

Quinoa is naturally gluten-free and contains iron, B-vitamins, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, calcium, vitamin E and fiber. Quinoa is a health food superstar. This ancient grain is one of only a few plant foods that are considered a complete protein and has all essential amino acids. Quinoa is a slowly digested carbohydrate, naturally high in dietary fiber so this makes it a great low-GI option and an awesome choice for diabetics! Can you believe it!?


1/2 cup of dry quinoa, rinsed

1 cup of unsweetened vanilla almond milk

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

2 tablespoons of almond butter

½ teaspoon Cinnamon

½ cup of organic Blueberries


Add quinoa, almond milk and vanilla extract to a saucepan and bring to a boil. Lower heat and simmer with cover on until liquid is absorbed. Fluff quinoa with a fork and let sit uncovered for about a minute.   Mix in almond butter, cinnamon and the blueberries.

Apricot Squares

2 c gluten free old fashion oats

¼ c ground flaxseed

¾ tsp ground cinnamon

¼ tsp ground cloves

¼ tsp salt

½ c almond butter

¼ c raw honey

1 tsp vanilla extract

½ c finely chopped apricots

PREHEAT your oven to 350°F. Coat your 8″ x 8″ pan with spray.

1st mix the dry ingredients in a bowl. Next, mix the wet ingredients in a separate bowl. Add to the dry ingredients and your wet ingredients and mix to combine. Mix in the apricots until well combined. PRESS the mixture firmly into your prepared pan. BAKE for 25 minutes, or until the edges are browned. Let it cool completely before cutting into eight bars.

1.Anti-inflammatory Juice

( a recipe out of my book)


1/2 cup pineapple chunks

1  organic cucumber, wash, cut

2 stalks of  organic celery

1 lemon or lime, cut and left with skin on

2 springs of fresh parsley

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola! Add this delicious combo of ingredients to make a great tasting juice or if you add 1 cup of coconut water make it a smoothie!

2.Skin-Tastic Juice


1 organic green apple, washed and cut ,skin left on

1/2 inch ginger root, peeled cut into chunks or turmeric

1 med organic cucumber, cut into slices

1 lemon, cut into chunks, skin left on

handful of fresh mint leaves

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)


Great tasting juice and awesome for  your skin complexion. Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola! Instead of juicing this recipe  you can also add 8 cups of filtered water and place all the ingredients. Allow to sit overnight and drink on it the next day.

3.Breakfast Juice Tonic


handful of cranberries( 1/2 cup)

1 organic carrot, no need to peel if organic just wash off

1 organic cucumber, sliced with skin on

2 organic celery sticks

1 whole lemon, sliced, skin left on

1 organic granny smith apple

1/2 inch ginger, peeled and cut into chunks or turmeric

1 spring of parsley

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!

4.Orange Carrot Ginger Juice Recipe


6 organic carrots

1 orange

1/2 ginger, peeled or turmeric

1 whole cucumber

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!

5. Mediterranean Juice


1 organic red pepper, cut and discard the seeds

1/2  beet, peeled and rinsed off

1 lemon, peeled and cut

1 whole organic cucumber, cut

4 springs of oregano

pinch of Himalayan sea salt

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!

6.Audrey’s Thyroid Juice Elixir

1/3 bunch dandelion greens

2/3 cup parsley

3 celery stalks

2 inches fresh ginger or turmeric

1 apple

1 lemon

1/2 cup of fresh flesh from a coconut

Add 1 cup of fresh coconut juice


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!

7. Pumpkin Pie Juice

1 small pumpkin, cut into chunks, discard the pulp and seeds

3 organic carrots

1 organic apple

1/2″ ginger, peeled or turmeric

After you juice, stir in your favorie spices such as cinnamon, cloves, allspice and nutmeg

( if you want more green, you can add a few leafs of romaine lettuce)

Pumpkin seeds are rich in magnesium and other minerals. You might want to save those seeds and bake them later.


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!

8. Healing Juice Recipe

1 small head romaine
1 organic green apple
3 stalks organic celery
½ organic  cucumber
1 lemon
1/2 fresh ginger or turmeric


Cut everything to fit into your juicer. Drink and enjoy. Viola!


Super Charge Green Smoothie

½ organic cucumber, chopped

2 celery stalks

¼ cup parsley

½ lemon, peeled

½ avocado, peeled and pitted

2 cups of organic romaine lettuce

1 scoop of raw meal- garden of Life

1 cup of coconut water

1 cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


Blueberry Chocolate Delight

½ cup of frozen blueberries

1 cup of romaine lettuce

2 celery stalks

½ teaspoon of Ceylon Cinnamon

1 scoop of raw meal –garden of life- chocolate flavor

2 tablespoons of almond butter

1 cup of unsweetened nut milk

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy! 


Happy Colon Smoothie

1 cup pumpkin puree

2 stalks of celery

1 tablespoon raw honey

½ of a peeled grapefruit

1 cup unsweetened almond milk

2 tablespoon flaxseed meal

½ inch fresh raw ginger

½ teaspoon cinnamon, nutmeg & turmeric

This a delicious, easy drink to make. Add all ingredients into the blender and voila!


Green Boosting Smoothie

1 cup mixed baby greens

½ avocado, peeled and pitted

2 organic celery stalk

½ cucumber

2 springs of parsley

1 cup coconut milk

1 scoop of raw meal-garden of life

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


Seaweed-Me Green Smoothie

1/2 cup Organic Kelp, chopped

1 Organic Apple, sliced

2 celery stalks

1/2 Organic Avocado

1 cup Coconut Water

1 scoop of raw meal-garden of life

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


****Keep in mind that many hypothyroidism cases are actually caused by Hashimoto’s thyroiditis. It was found in some research that increasing iodine intake could actually cause your thyroid issues to worsen if you have Hashimoto’s. Instead, reducing iodine intake may be the solution. If you have Hashimoto’s, please check with your health care provider before adding any iodine to your diet. Organic Kelp is loaded with natural Iodine.


Simple Pina Colada Smoothie

1 cup of Organic Pineapple

1 cup of Coconut Milk

2 celery stalks

1 tablespoon of raw, unprocessed, unfiltered coconut oil

1 tablespoon of ground flaxseed

1 tablespoon of spirulina

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy! 


Alamo Splash Smoothie

1 orange, peeled & deseeded

1 cup of fresh pineapple

2 celery stalks

Juice from 1 lime

½ avocado, peeled & pitted

1 cup of coconut water

1 tablespoon of ground flax seed

1 tablespoon of spirulina

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


Bahama Mama Smoothie

1 whole lemon, peeled and deseeded

1 cup of pineapple, chunked

2 celery stalks

1 cup of green tea (or my favorite Matcha green tea)

1 tablespoon of ground flax seed

1 tablespoon of spirulina

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


Coconut Shake-me Smoothie

1 cup of unsweetened coconut milk

½ inch fresh ginger, peeled

2 celery stalks

1 teaspoon of Ceylon cinnamon

2 tablespoons of almond butter

½ cup of shredded unsweetened coconut flakes

1 scoop of vanilla flavored raw meal-garden of life

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


Flaming Flamingo Smoothie

1 cup 100% organic cranberry juice

2 celery stalks

1 cup pineapple, diced

1 whole lemon, peeled and seeded

1 tablespoon of ground flax seed

1 tablespoon of spirulina

½ cup of ice

Add all ingredients to blender and blend until smooth. Enjoy!


I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

Discover-The Truth Behind Why You Can’t Shed Those Hypothyroidism Pounds! Today. Free Printable check List Too


It certainly can be frustrating after a few weeks of hard work, you step on the scale only to find the number hasn’t budged at all. Things you might not realize  your doing can counteract your hard working efforts to shed those unsightly pounds. More often than none  you can’t figure out why you moved that muffin top. Let’s be realistic you won’t start to look like that celebrity or  fitness model unless you can clone them. Everyone’s genetic makeup is different. It’s like your finger prints. NO two sets are the same. Even identical twins are one egg that split but they are very different in more ways than one. The fact is some people are wired to simply burn fat better than others. Don’t raise that white flag and give in, just yet. See there are a few sneaky little things that can secretly halt your weight loss success without you even realizing. I’m going to try to help you get to the root of your problem. I want you to make changes in your life that are doable and successful.

First of all , dieting can be stressful. Never restrict your calories that will produce stress hormones and your fat cells will increase the amount of abdominal fat because your body is thinking your starving.  Next, keep a food diary . I want you to write down everything you stick in your mouth, everything you drink, how many ounces and even look at the body products you use, house hold chemicals and  the exercise that you do. Do this for a week. Now, you will have a overall picture of what you are doing and how you need to adjust and change things.  So let’s get down to the nitty-gritty of it all.

Looking at the big picture. Like an onion, You must start to work on each layer and see what needs to be addressed, peeling it back, layer by layer.

You have the power to make a difference in your life. You’ve always had the power. No one can force you to become more aware of what you put on  your body and what you put in your body. What you eat is just as important as what you put on your body.   Adjusting your life, reading labels and catering to your specific health needs isn’t easy but it will benefit you in the long run. This is one of the smartest decisions that you can make. Not only will you start to look and feel better but think of the medical cost that you could be saving your future self.

Most importantly before you begin to read this … Embrace your body. Whatever size and shape you are always think positive about yourself.

Do you have a underlying health condition that will make you gain weight?

There are other health conditions other than hypothyroidism  that will contribute to weight gain. Whatever other medical issues you might have  don’t feel you are a lost case because you can take this in consideration. What you need to do is research about your medical condition on how to lose weight or get with a registered dietitian who can help you create a meal plan just for your specific body needs.

17 Underlying health conditions/reasons that add can weight

Underactive thyroid, Diabetes treatment, Ageing, Steroid treatments, Cushing’s syndrome, Stress, chronic fatigue syndrome, Fluid retention, fibromyalgia, Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS), Menopause,  Depression, heart disease, hormonal disorders, sleep disorders, Adrenal fatigue, Cellular toxicity, leaky gut, Candida, No motivation , No extra time

Are you on a medication that makes you gain weight?

Certain medications, notably steroids, and also some antidepressants, antipsychotics, high blood pressure drugs, allergy medication, birth control, and seizure medications has been linked to adding the extra lbs to your waistline. Keep in mind we are all different not everybody will experience the same side effects if any with medications.

Don’t ever stop taking any medications without first consulting your doctor. Your on that medication for a reason and it just may be critical to your health. Please always consult with your  doctor so they can try to help you figure out what’s going on but be honest. Don’t go into the doctors office saying your gaining weight and you can’t figure it out knowing you had that diet coke & twinkie for breakfast!

Here is your check list!

1.Are you eating to cater to your bodies needs? For example: if you hypothyroidism, are  you eating to cater to that? ( click on this link to read more on hypothyroidism) 

2. Are you on medications that make you gain weight? If you don’t know, research the medications and then consult with your doctor to see what can be done to help you shed those lbs.Maybe change your medications?

3. Do you have a underlying health condition that has a history of weight gain in patients? If so, research on how other people have successfully lost weight with that medical condition, join a support group if need be to get idea’s and tips and extra support.

4. Have you taken antibiotics?   Did you know that it has been proven by scientist that it can take up to a year to fix your gut flora after taken antibiotics. ( click on this link to read more on this) 

5.Did you know artificial sweeteners will stale or mess up your gut flora, causing a inflammatory response and your body will become resistant to weight loss. Read labels. Avoid all those fake sugars. No diet diet drinks, processed food or artificial anything!   if its made in a lab, avoid it.


6. Are you drinking plenty of water? Not drinking enough water or being dehydrated will halt your weight loss. Take your weight divide by two and that is how many ounces you should be drinking each day.   Here is a simple yet effective flavored water drink of mine.

Water Boosts Metabolism

Lots of people don’t realize the true importance of drinking enough water everyday and how it can impact both your health and your weight loss efforts. “Water’s involved in every type of cellular process in your body, and when you’re dehydrated, they all run less efficiently — and that includes your metabolism. Think of it like your car: if you have enough oil and gas, it will run more efficiently. It’s the same with your body.”

Your metabolism is basically a series of chemical reactions that take place in your body,” says Trent Nessler, PT, DPT, MPT, managing director of Baptist Sports Medicine in Nashville. “Staying hydrated keeps those chemical reactions moving smoothly.” Being even 1% dehydrated can cause a significant drop in metabolism

Aim for at least 100 ounces a day – especially in the first couple of weeks until your body adjusts.



7.Eat breakfast- breakfast is the most important meal to the day. never ever skip breakfast. the right breakfast foods can help you concentrate, give you energy and get  your metabolism moving.   In my book A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty I have over 25 amazing breakfast recipes that will teach how to make the perfect overnight oats to make your mornings totally effortless, quick and you’ll have no reason to not eat breakfast again!

No Bake Dairy Free Sugar Free Overnight Oats

3 cups Bob’s Red Mill Gluten-Free Old Fashioned Rolled Oats
3 cups unsweetened almond milk

3 tablespoon of chia seeds

1/2 teaspoon of vanilla extract

  1. In a large bowl stir together all ingredients except fruit toppings.
  2. Let stand for 30 minutes.
  3. Divide mixture into 4 mason jars, about 3/4 cup each or 6 mason jars, about 1/2 cup each.
  4. Add fruit toppings to each if desired.
  5. Cover and refrigerate overnight.

8. Replace a meal with a smoothie or a fresh juice!

8 Hypothyroidism Juicing Recipes

10 Hypothyroidism Fighting Smoothies

9.Do you have chronic candida?

Click on this link to see if you chronic candida and what you can do to fix it.

10.Do you have parasites?

When we have any of the GI infections listed above (parasite, bacteria, fungal), damage has been (and is being) done to our gut lining. This means that we aren’t able to digest and absorb the nutrients from our food, and this negatively affects our tissues and organs. This is why we may likely experience symptoms in other body systems that do not appear to be directly related to the gut.
In terms of weight gain or inability to lose weight, we must remember the cortisol connection. When we have a chronic GI infection, this triggers inflammation and therefore sends the message to our body that we need more cortisol, a primary anti-inflammatory hormone. Cortisol is also a sort of fat storage hormone, so when we are over-producing it, our body holds onto weight (particularly around the mid section). Click on this link to read more on it. 
11.The Chemical romance that we call food.
Did you know that products we use every day may contain toxic chemicals and has been linked to women’s health issues? They are hidden endocrine disruptors and are very tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. “We are all routinely exposed to endocrine disruptors, and this has the potential to significantly harm the health of our youth,” said Renee Sharp, EWG’s director of research. “It’s important to do what we can to avoid them, but at the same time we can’t shop our way out of the problem. We need to have a real chemical policy reform.” The longer the length of ingredients on your food label means how much more unhealthy it is for you to consume. When an item contains a host of ingredients that most likely you cant even pronounce or remember to spell you can bet your lucky dollar that the natural nutrients are long gone. These highly processed frank n foods are very difficult for the body to break down and some of the chemicals will become stored in your body. Click on this link to see what you should avoid.

12. Did  you know that it takes 26 seconds for the chemicals in personal body care products to enter into your bloodstream? Endocrine disruptors are tricky chemicals that play on our bodies.They increase production of certain hormones; decreasing production of others; imitating hormones; turning one hormone into another; interfering with hormone signaling; telling cells to die prematurely; competing with essential nutrients; binding to essential hormones; accumulating in organs that produce hormones.  You can start avoiding these chemicals by starting with detoxifying your beauty routine. If you want to protect your body from the harmful ingredients that are used in most commercial brands, you should check out organic skin care products and organic make-up. Start reading labels and asking questions.  Click on this link to read more on

21 Successful Tips on Clean Beauty Swaps

13. Do  you food allergies? Many people have food sensitives continue to eat these foods that causes a leaky gut, candida and ph imbalances. Gluten, dairy, soy, eggs and processed foods are just to name a few.

14. Do you have adrenal fatigue? The adrenal fatigue put my body in a battle and my cortisol levels were out of this world! Cortisol add fat around my mid-section. So, the harder I exercised, the more “cortisol”-fat added to my stomach.

15.Do you have a leaky gut? Then let’s mention the leaky gut. My gut played a vital role in my autoimmunity. Most often undiagnosed.

16. Do you have Metabolic syndrome?

17. Replace Canola oil or other vegetable oils with coconut oil and grass fed butter because those other oils will slow down your weight loss and they will start to store unwanted body fat. Those genetically modified hydrogenated oils will cause inflammation in your body, along with cellular toxicity.

18. NO SOY products or NO GLUTEN products

19. Take THYROID-Boosting vitamins!

Theses  Thyroid ESSENTIAL NUTRIENTS: Provides an excellent source of any of these  thyroid-boosting nutrients:

    • Selenium
    • Zinc
    • Copper
    • Iron

20. FREE your home and body of HORMONES, PESTICIDES & TOXINS: These things are  thyroid endocrine-disrupting toxins that are found in our conventional food supply along with body products and household chemicals.  This means NO BPA, PCBs, dioxins, rBST, PFCs, pesticides, antibiotics, artificial sweeteners, heavy metals, PFOA, chlorine, fluoride, harmful additives or preservatives.

21. No farm raised fish!

  • Farmed salmon contain 10 times more carcinogenic toxins (PCBs, dioxin, etc.) than wild salmon, according to a study published in the journal Science.
  • Eating more than one meal of farmed salmon per month contains enough PCBs to raise cancer risk.
  • Farmed fish are administered more antibiotics by weight than any other livestock.
  • Seven out of 10 pieces of farmed fish tested had concentrations of cancer-causing PCBs high enough to trigger health warnings from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency.
22. Stop weighing yourself everyday
Weight loss is a process.  If you continue to jump on that scale every day, you will notice higher weight days and lower weight days. If your exercising and gaining muscle you still could be losing fat and the scales are just not showing it. Go with how your clothes feels.  Try taking pictures where you can look at the process.
23. Stop eating all those carbs!
People have food allergies and just don’t know it but others are more sensitive to carbs.
Keep a food journal. Write down what you eat, how many carbs and calories your consuming.   You may need to start under  50 grams of carbs per day and try to temporary eliminate fruits.  After you go under  50 grams per day if that’s not working for you then try 20 grams but let that only be temporary. Just to see if it works. Make sure your eating healthy organic proteins,  healthy fats and leafy green vegetables . Avoid raw cruciferous veggies 
 such as cabbage, kale, Brussels sprouts, broccoli and cauliflower contain natural chemicals called goitrogens (goiter producers) that can interfere with thyroid hormone synthesis.  
24.  Are you stressed out?
it’s sad that sometimes it isn’t always enough to just eat healthy and exercise.  We need to make sure that our bodies are functioning optimally and that our hormonal environment is favorable.  Being stressed all the time keeps the body in a constant state of “fight or flight” – with elevated levels of stress hormones like cortisol.  This cortisol is stored around your midsection too.  This elevated cortisol levels will  increase your hunger and cravings for unhealthy foods.  All this chronic stress will  have a negative effect on your hormonal environment and in return make you hungrier and hault your weight loss goals.
25. Stop eating crap!
You must throw away all that processed crap and start eating real, nutritious foods.  You need to be eating healthy fats, organic proteins and low carb veggies. We want to get your body into a optimal hormonal environment to fat burning mode.
26. Are you getting enough sleep?
Sleep is so important to our heart health and our waist lines. Studies have shown that a lack of sleep correlates with weight gain and obesity.  Not getting enough sleep can make us feel hungrier too. Along with feeling tired and less motivated to exercise.   Sleep is one of the pillars of health.
27. That diet drink is NOT your friend.
Artificial sweetener are so bad for us and it makes us fat! It can also make us hungry. Avoid any artificial sweetener at all costs.
28. You need to move it or loss it
The right kinds of exercise will improve your bodies hormonal state, increase your muscle mass and boost  your serotonin levels with make you feel good. Exercise is important for both your physical and mental health
29. Keep a food journal.
You really need to keep a food journal of everything you stick in your mouth, on your body and chemicals you come in contact with.  Write down how many carbs & calories your consuming too. You could be eating to many calories.   Losing 1-2 pounds per week is a realistic approach. it takes some longer than others to lose the extra weight and we all cant look like fitness models.
Other idea’s to help you in  your journey:

Set Up Your Food Storage, Meal prep, Take out all the bad food in your house, go swimming, work your muscles, join a support group,get some sun, get sleep, reduce stress, Eat soluble fibers,  Eat mostly whole, unprocessed foods & Drink water a half hour before meals.


This has been my secret to my success to my weight loss.
What will yours be?

I added more things like:


 Studies have shown that this lifestyle change will; 

  • Cholesterol. This lifestyle change has shown to improve triglyceride levels and cholesterol levels most associated with arterial buildup.
  • Weight Loss. As your body is burning fat as the main source of energy, you will essentially be using your fat stores as an energy source while in a fasting state.
  • Blood Sugar. Many studies show the decrease of LDL cholesterol over time and have shown to eliminate ailments such as type 2 diabetes.
  • Energy. By giving your body a better and more reliable energy source, you will feel more energized during the day. Fats are shown to be the most effective molecule to burn as fuel.
  • Hunger. Fat is naturally more satisfying and ends up leaving us in a satiated (“full”) state for longer.
  • Acne. Recent studies have shown a drop in acne lesions and skin inflammation over 12 weeks.

-Day Sample Eating Plan

coconut berry Smoothie with berries around it

Breakfast: Overnight Chia Seed Pudding

2 cup coconut milk
1 cup berries
1 scoop grass-fed protein
2 tablespoon chia seeds
1/4 teaspoon cinnamon

  1. Add all ingredients except sweetener to a mixing bowl and whisk vigorously to combine. If not blending (which I preferred!), sweeten to taste with maple syrup at this time. If blending, you can sweeten later with maple syrup or dates.
  2. Let rest covered in the fridge overnight or at least 3-5 hours (or until it’s achieved a pudding-like consistency).
  3. If blending, add to a blender and blend until completely smooth and creamy, scraping down sides as needed. Sweeten to taste.
  4. Leftovers keep covered in the fridge for 2-3 days, though best when fresh.


glass bowl of Salad and oil on the side

Lunch: Greek Salad

1 sliced chicken breast
1 cup organic romaine lettuce
1/4 cup sliced cucumber
1/2 tomato sliced
1 ounce goat cheese
1 tablespoon olive oil
1 tablespoon apple cider vinegar


grilled salmon with broccoli and cauliflower on white plateDinner: Organic Meat (bison burger, salmon, chicken)
6 ounces organic meat
1 serving sautéed zucchini
1 serving sautéed sweet potatoe

or you can make a casserole dish, something in the crock pot


Stuffed Cabbage Casserole


  • 1½ lbs green cabbage
  • 13 lb butter
  • 1 lb grass fed ground beef
  • 1 teaspoon salt
  • 1 teaspoon onion powder
  • ¼ teaspoon ground black pepper
  • 2 tablespoons tex-mex seasoning
  • 1 tablespoon white wine vinegar
  • 23 lb shredded cheese, preferably cheddar cheese
  • 13 lb leafy greens or lettuce


  1. Preheat oven to 400°F (200°C). Shred the cabbage finely with a sharp knife or in a food processor.
  2. Fry the cabbage in 3 ounces of butter in a large frying pan or a wok on medium-high heat. Fry until soft, but don’t let the cabbage turn brown. This can take a little while; roughly 10 minutes.
  3. Add spices and vinegar. Stir and continue to fry for a couple of minutes. Set aside on a plate.
  4. Melt the rest of the butter in the same pan. Sauté the ground beef and fry on medium-high heat until most of the juices have evaporated. Lower the heat to medium-low.
  5. Add cooked cabbage and sauté together with the beef for a minute. Remove from heat and add salt and pepper to taste.
  6. Stir ⅔ of the cheese into the cabbage mix and place in a baking dish.
  7. Sprinkle the rest of the cheese on top and bake for 15–20 minutes or until the cheese browns nicely.
  8. Serve with a green salad.

Cajun Salmon Patties

1 Can Pink salmon, boneless & skinless
2 Tbsp Coconut Paleo Mayonnaise
1 Large Egg, beaten
2 Tsp Lemon juice
1 Tbsp Parsley, dried
1/4 Tsp Garlic powder
2 Tbsp Green onions, chopped
1 tablespoon of Cajun seasoning
1. Drain and flake your salmon in a colander. Transfer the contents to a large mixing bowl, and combine with mayonnaise and an egg to help your recipe bind together.
2.Mix in garlic powder, chopped green onion, and squeeze in 2 teaspoons of lemon juice.
3.Mix in parsley for added flavor and texture.
4.Once all ingredients have been incorporated, it’s time to make the patties with your hands. To keep your patties from sticking to your hands, keep a small bowl of water and damp your hands while you form the patties.
5.Once your patties are ready to go, spray a skillet with coconut oil non-stick cooking spray and bring it to medium heat. Place your patties, and cook both sides until they’re lightly browned and heated through.

Coconut Paleo Mayonnaise

  • 2 egg yolks
  • 1 tsp mustard (this is optional)
  • 3 tsp lemon juice
  • 1/2 cup olive oil
  • 1/2 cup coconut oil
  1. In a medium bowl (blender, food processor) mix the yolks, mustard, if using, and 1 tsp lemon juice.
  2. Start whisking vigorously (blender or food processor on low) while dripping the oil very slowly, even drop by drop in the beginning. You’re creating an emulsion and if you put too much oil at once, it will separate and will be very hard to save. Whisk non-stop and use a towel under the bowl to help stabilize it.
  3. As you add more oil, the emulsion will form and the mayonnaise will start to thicken and you can pour the oil faster at this point.
  4. When all the oil is incorporated and the mayonnaise is thick, whisk in the rest of the lemon juice and taste your creation. You can season to taste with salt and pepper.
  5. Enjoy without guilt and keep the leftovers in the refrigerator!


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Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism and  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.






I Hope You Like it old School Cause I ain’t Playing With this Hypothyroidism No More.

12968093_10209143914333752_7503512854962499329_oThis hypothyroidism is no joke. People play with it all the time. But why? It completely fucks with your life. Sorry to be so blunt but it does. As diseases go, you would think that it would be a cinch to diagnose and pretty straightforward to treat. Each of us are unique individuals with different sensitivities. None of  has the same exact routine as far as what foods we eat, what chemicals we are exposed to and what medications we take but yet we all are similar when it comes to our thyroids not working properly. Why is that?

See we have to understand is when  your thyroid isn’t working properly it can wreck havoc on your life. Your thyroid is responsible for so many things. It regulates  your metabolism, makes energy, adjusts your mood, helps you sleep, even helps aid in good digestion but your see this is where you come into play. Like anything else in life you get back what you give. Start today following my tips and you will start healing your thyroid naturally.

Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s like a domino. One thing in your  body that is overworked   can cause a major shift in how things operate. Sometimes we have to do a little pruning of the branches, in order for the tree to be healthy again. There is not one size fits all.

I know, there is a information overload and most people are confused as to where to start.  You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get a idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a  path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino affect. If you have something in your body that is overworked  it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.

One of the biggest issues is that many patients are being under treated or under dosed.

Not all medications are created equal. Trust and believe that! Also, medications can interact with other medications or interfere with how your body works.  Sort of like help one thing but hinder another.

So much of our lives revolve around food. Its a staple everywhere from ads on social media to mouth watering  commercials  on television. I am a major foodie to the point where all of my books are about food! I blog about food all the time. Food is certainly a social lubricant at meetings, family gatherings,  award dinners, and basically every function you must attend but loathe with every being of your fiber. Food understands our emotions in ways no words will never. It certainly makes it easier to bear and a lot less painful with the understanding  that something tasty might be at that gathering that you are dragging yourself to attend.   It’s all fun and games until we step on that scale , we can’t button our pants or our skin starts to break out with acne like we are hormonal teenagers . What we eat should be fun, healthy, healing, sometimes funky and always fresh.

A least less talked about area that people seem to ignore is starting to become more widely recognized. It’s food sensitivities. Most of the time these sensitivities seem to be more of a annoyance and not an immediate and/or severe allergic reaction. Therefore more people with food sensitivities are willing to annoy it, never look into their symptom’s without realizing that it can actually be disastrous to their health. More doctors, mainstream media journals and clinical practices are starting to realize how if they can start to identify and remove the  food sensitivities it can and will improve the  overall health and well-being of a individual. Thus, leading to a much better quality of life.

A food sensitivity has a  delayed allergic reaction. Food sensitivities trigger the delayed antibody response after being consumed.  For example, there are four different antibodies involved in a delayed reaction. IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgD — each of which can have a different and significant effect on our immune system.

Sometimes the delayed response can take up to three weeks before symptoms may appear. This makes it very hard to pin point which food, pollen, or substance is the cause of your symptoms! Some of the more common health concerns that can be triggered by a food sensitivity are:

  • Digestive disorders (gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea)
  • Migraines
  • Weight gain
  • Mood/Attention disorder (anxiety, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, lack of concentration)
  • Joint pain/muscle stiffness
  • Skin conditions (itching, redness, swelling, eczema, rashes)
  • Lung conditions (Asthma, Bronchitis)
  • Loss of memory
  • Fatigue
  • General malaise

Americans are in such a pathetic health crisis. We have the abundance of everything at our finger tips but yet we 1 in 3 people are on some sort of medication. It doesn’t matter if it’s Prescribed or over the counter. Meanwhile, there are people around the world who are in better health than the average American and they don’t have to be on some sort of medication but yet they seem to be in  their correct body mass index. New York Times best-selling author and Blue Zones Founder  Dan Buettner has written a book called: The Blue Zone Solution in his book he speaks about how people in these blue zones are living to be over 100 years old.  We are in such a state of denial. Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you consume.  These foods have a direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. So many of us have these crazy phantom-like health problems.  Our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body while certain foods can inhibit your body’s ability to absorb the replacement nutrients needed.

Did you know that products we use every day may contain toxic chemicals and has been linked to women’s health issues? They are hidden endocrine disruptors and are very tricky chemicals that play havoc on our bodies. “We are all routinely exposed to endocrine disruptors, and this has the potential to significantly harm the health of our youth,” said Renee Sharp, EWG’s director of research. “It’s important to do what we can to avoid them, but at the same time we can’t shop our way out of the problem. We need to have a real chemical policy reform.” The longer the length of ingredients on your food label means how much more unhealthy it is for you to consume. When an item contains a host of ingredients that most likely you cant even pronounce or remember to spell you can bet your lucky dollar that the natural nutrients are long gone. These highly processed frank n foods are very difficult for the body to break down and some of the chemicals will become stored in your body. Look at it another way. When is the last time that you seen a  Azodicarbonamide grazing in a field or  Sodium benzoate being grown in a garden?

  • Artificial Sweeteners. …
  • High Fructose Corn Syrup. …
  • Monosodium Glutamate (MSG / E621) …
  • Trans Fat. …
  • Common Food Dyes. …
  • Sodium Sulfite (E221) …
  • Sodium Nitrate/Sodium Nitrite. …
  • BHA And BHT (E320)

Many different underlying reasons can play a role. We do know that hypothyroidism is a chronic condition of an underactive thyroid and affects millions of Americans. Environmental chemicals and toxins, pesticides, BPA, thyroid endocrine disruptors, iodine imbalance, other medications, fluoride, overuse of soy products, cigarette smoking, and gluten intolerance. All of these play a very important role in your thyroid health. A nonprofit group called Beyond Pesticides warns that some 60 percent of pesticides used today have been shown to affect the thyroid gland’s production of T3 and T4 hormones. Commercially available insecticides and fungicides have also been involved. Even dental x-rays have been linked to an increased risk of thyroid disorders.

Hypothyroidism means what exactly?

Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat. It makes the hormones that control the way your body uses energy. Basically, our thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies how busy they should be. Our bodies will go into overdrive with too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and our bodies slow down with too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). The most common causes of hypothyroidism worldwide is dietary and environmental. The most common cause of hypothyroidism is dietary and environmental! What does that mean exactly? That means you need to be eat to cater to your thyroid and stop using all these harmful chemicals to clean your home with and put on your body! It’s not hard. Yes, a little adjustment will be needed but isn’t everything we do in life for the better of our health worth a little inconvenience until it becomes a habit?

“You must realize that the thyroid has a relationship with all the hormones. It’s a very complex balance and there is no straight forward treatment of just treating your thyroid alone. 1st you must make sure your adrenal glands are in total support. Adrenal fatigue is a very common amongst people with hypothyroidism.  Next you have to get your cortisol levels stabilized. Having hypothyroidism your cortisol levels are already above average. Next finding the right medication for you. Everyone is different it isn’t an easy one size fits all task.”  

So this bullshit is up to you!

Start following my plan & listen to your body!!


You have to start removing the thyroid suppressive foods that are in your diet and instead focus on the right foods that stimulate your thyroid to produce an abundant amount of thyroid hormone to keep your cells happy and healthy. When you eat foods full of thyroid suppressive toxins its just like throwing fuel on the fire. This will only continue to drain you of your energy, continue to make your symptoms worse, promote even more inflammation in  your body, contribute to a leaky gut and further damage your thyroid.

Listen to me when I say  there’s a major disconnect between what YOU believe to be healthy foods and what research tells us is healthy. In fact, many of the health foods today that people go out of their way to eat daily are extremely thyroid suppressive.

It seems that the  testing for thyroid is a dead end road at times  with the test appearing to be normal but you has all the symptoms. Get this, your blood work can look just fine but there is major resistance at the receptor site. Most practitioners are unfamiliar with natural treatments for the thyroid and the meds they give sometimes just don’t work. Some  doctors just don’t have a lot of experience with alternative treatments. Endocrinologists have the training to diagnose and treat hormone imbalances and problems by helping to restore the normal balance of hormones in the body. This is where you come into play. You have to take control of  your health! Your gut’s ability to digest and absorb critical nutrients is very important for proper thyroid hormone health.

I am telling you to not fucking listen to what they are saying… Do your own research… learn how to read test results and become your own health advocate!! No body else will do it for you but you…

disclaimer:::::::::::::::: Bitches::::::::::::::::::: Listen::::::::::::::::  I am here to help & educate. I am not a medical doctor nor  your personal guru specialist. …. You’ve got to do this!

A full thyroid panel for hypothyroidism should at least include these 7 key thyroid lab tests:
Free T4
Free T3
Reverse T3
Thyroid Peroxidase Antibodies
Thyroglobulin Antibodies
Reverse T3

How Is Hypothyroidism Diagnosed?

If you have symptoms of hypothyroidism, your doctor will order blood tests to check hormone levels. Lower-than-normal T4 levels usually mean you have hypothyroidism.
However, some people may have increased TSH levels while having normal T4 levels. This is called subclinical (mild) hypothyroidism. It is believed to be an early stage of hypothyroidism. If your test results or physical exam of the thyroid are abnormal, your doctor may order a thyroid ultrasound, or thyroid scan, to check for nodules or inflammation.

 I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Only  you know how you feel………….. dot..dot…dot….dot…dot…. need I say more?

Thehypothyroidismchick.com is committed to providing information on natural and alternative health, but I am not a health care professional. All material provided by my website is for informational purposes only, and is not to be taken as medical advice or recommendation. Any health concern or condition should be addressed by a doctor or other appropriate health care professional. The information and opinions found on this website are written based on the best data available at the time of writing, and are believed to be accurate according to the best of my discernment .

If your serious about fighting hyperthyroidism.. Purchase one of my books…. Research this !   Teach yourself….


Links on this website may lead you to a product or service that provides an affiliate commission to the owners of this site should you make a purchase. In no way does any affiliate relationship ever factor into a recommendation, or alter the integrity of the information we provide.

Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

But The Journey Takes Its Toll…


Having hypothyroidism can be utterly devastating at times. Hypothyroidism is the kind of disease that carries a bit of mystery with it. Hypothyroidism means your thyroid is not making enough thyroid hormone. Your thyroid is a butterfly-shaped gland in the front of your throat. It makes the hormones that control the way your body uses energy. Basically, our thyroid hormone tells all the cells in our bodies how busy they should be. Our bodies will go into overdrive with too much thyroid hormone (hyperthyroidism) and our bodies slow down with too little thyroid hormone (hypothyroidism). Around 20 million Americans and 250 million people worldwide will be affected by low thyroid function or hypothyroidism. One in 8 women will struggle with a thyroid problem in her lifetime, and up to 90% of all thyroid problems are autoimmune in nature.

Are you sick and tired of being sick and tired? Disease DOESN’T just strike at whim. What do if I told you that most diseases have an underlying ROOT cause? That YOU aren’t some random number picked by  nature to have an Autoimmune Disorder, Hypothyroidism, Hashimoto’s, Cancer, Diabetes or Alzheimer’s. Would you believe me if I told you that you hold the key to the answer.

Taking charge of you health doesn’t have to be complicated. Americans are in such a pathetic health crisis. We have the abundance of everything at our finger tips but yet we 1 in 3 people are on some sort of medication. It doesn’t matter if it’s Prescribed or over the counter. Why are we  are in such a state of denial? Every Cell in your body responds to the foods you eat, the products you put on your body to the house hold chemicals that your purchase for your home. All of these things have a  direct impact on your hormones and in return your hormones have a direct impact on every major system in your body. Not to mention that our body is lacking certain nutrients that heavily influence the function of every cell in our body. The foods that we consume, oh, the foods we consume.

Today’s America is over processed, malnourished, dumbed down and slowly being poisoned.

Hypothyroidism is a consequence of actions taken. It is a combination of sequences that you allowed to take  place to get  you to this point in  your life.  Yes, I am pointing the finger at you. I am pointing the finger at myself. I am so busy of “not being aware” and ” grabbing what is easy” that I’ve allowed this to happen. There is this big lie that we all got stuck in.   Listen to me when I say  there’s a major disconnect between what YOU believe to be healthy foods and what research tells us is healthy. In fact, many of the health foods today that people go out of their way to eat daily are extremely thyroid suppressive.

There is only one major disease and that is malnutrition. All Ailments and afflictions to which we may fall heir are directly traceable to this major disease.” –D.W. Cavanaugh, M.D., Cornell University

Environmental chemicals and toxins, pesticides, BPA, thyroid endocrine disruptors, iodine imbalance, other medications, fluoride, overuse of soy products, cigarette smoking, and gluten intolerance. All of these play a very important role in your thyroid health. A nonprofit group called Beyond Pesticides warns that some 60 percent of pesticides used today have been shown to affect the thyroid gland’s production of T3 and T4 hormones. Commercially available insecticides and fungicides have also been involved. Even dental x-rays have been linked to an increased risk of thyroid disorders.


As consumers we put our trust in the research and development of scientific studies, The FDA and  The CDC. Drug store chains have quota’s to meet and even some of our Doctors get yearly bonus’s. Little do we do that behind closed doors corporations often pay scientists and these companies to  support their product for profit.  Some Politicians seem to have a revolving door between the private and public sector.  The synthetic chemicals we face everyday that is in our food, our water, and  the air that we breathe . 

No wonder our bodies are completely bombarded and overwhelmed with the constant exposed to toxic chemicals through the air that we breathe, the water we drink, the foods we eat, and the personal care products and cleaning products we use.

Pesticides, herbicides, GMOs in our food, fluoride and chlorine and trace pharmaceutical residue in the water supplies, methane, carbon monoxide and industrial pollutants in the air, and the toxic chemicals in our everyday household products.

Are you starting to see my point?

The root cause of nearly all diseases can be linked to  an overload of toxins and chemicals accumulating inside your body.  Most people ignore the toxic overload that is taking a toll on their bodies. Western medicine teaches us that almost all illnesses are caused by germs or genetics. So the money making solution is to slap a name on it. Label each disease (over 10,000 of them) and then have us believe that each one can be remedied by surgery or drugs.

Think about it  this– fish can’t live in toxic water, no matter how fancy the food is that you’re feeding them.

Neither can our bodies thrive if they are toxic.

5 Things you need to working on.

#1: Immune System

#2: Digestive System

#3: Inflammation

#4:  Stress

#5:  Start Being Aware


” I don’t know where to start.”

I know, there is so much information overload that most people are confused as to where to start.  You can start by taking ownership of your health. I wanted you to understand or get a idea of how everything has a part to play in your body. I am on a  path to help you, lead you and inform you through this terrible illness. Being diagnosed with hypothyroidism isn’t just here take this pill and it will fix your issues. Hypothyroidism has a root cause. Once you start addressing the root of your problems then your body can start healing itself. Your body is an awesome design but there is a complex balance between everything. It’s a domino affect. If you have something in your body that is overworked  it will cause a major shift in your body. Don’t worry the good news is it can be healed.

Ways To help your body naturally start to Detox


Exercise helps to improve circulation, get rid of toxins, relax the body and stimulate the mind  releasing  of endorphins.


Sweat helps release toxins through your skin. If you can take time to step into a Schedule time to  infrared sauna or steam room which will help to increase circulation and remove toxin even faster.

Dry Skin Brushing

Each day before you shower, brush your skin from head to toe using small circular movements. This helps to break down the fatty deposits in your body. Try to Brush your skin for 5 minutes a day.


Begin your day with by thanking God for all he has done for you. your bed you sleep in , your clean sheets, your water, anything that you have wither it is small or big. Why would God give you more if your ungrateful for what he has given you? Stop blocking your blessings. Slowly inhale, verbally out loud thank God for all he has given you and what he will give you. Ask, Believe and receive.,


Make sure you drink plenty of water per day. Take your body weight and divide it by 2. That’s how many ounces your suppose to drink per day. Water helps flush out toxins from your system.

Epson Salt Baths

Epsom salt baths are absorbed through the skin. It magnesium rich, relieves muscle tension, pain, also improves heart health, circulation, aids as a stress relief and reduces inflammation in joints.

7 Steps To Wake Up Your Thyroid Naturally

21 Successful Tips on Clean Beauty Swaps

20 foods that naturally boost your own body’s detox power

Two weeks of amazingly simple and delicious Hypothyroidism Breakfasts!


Audrey Childers  is a cook and the blogger behind Thehypothyroidismchick.com. After recovering from her own struggle with both Celiac and Hashimoto’s disease, adrenal fatigue, and multiple vitamin deficiencies, Audrey started to write about her experience to share with others and help them realize they are not alone in their struggles. She is a  Nutritional Therapy Practitioner , and is the author of A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving , a guide and recipe books for the hypothyroidism protocol. Audrey has  found her path to better health with the hypothyroidism Protocol. Now it’s her mission to share that approach with nourishing recipes, practical resources, and community connections. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.




Food, Friend or Foe: A Intimate Look

So much of our lives revolve around food. Its a staple everywhere from ads on social media to mouth watering  commercials  on television. I am a major foodie to the point where all of my books are about food! I blog about food all the time. Food is certainly a social lubricant at meetings, family gatherings,  award dinners, and basically every function you must attend but loathe with every being of your fiber. Food understands our emotions in ways no words will never. It certainly makes it easier to bear and a lot less painful with the understanding  that something tasty might be at that gathering that you are dragging yourself to attend.   It’s all fun and games until we step on that scale , we can’t button our pants or our skin starts to break out with acne like we are hormonal teenagers . What we eat should be fun, healthy, healing, sometimes funky and always fresh.

What do shellfish, tree pollen, bee stings, and peanuts all have in common? These are common allergies that we’ve all heard about. For some of you these allergy can be life threaten. Sometimes even a mild exposure to the above listed often results in an immediate allergic reaction of which create symptoms ranging from itchy skin, watery eyes, sneezing, severe anaphylaxis or even death.

A least less talked about area that people seem to ignore is starting to become more widely recognized. It’s food sensitivities. Most of the time these sensitivities seem to be more of a annoyance and not an immediate and/or severe allergic reaction. Therefore more people with food sensitivities are willing to annoy it, never look into their symptom’s without realizing that it can actually be disastrous to their health. More doctors, mainstream media journals and clinical practices are starting to realize how if they can start to identify and remove the  food sensitivities it can and will improve the  overall health and well-being of a individual. Thus, leading to a much better quality of life.

A food sensitivity has a  delayed allergic reaction. Food sensitivities trigger the delayed antibody response after being consumed.  For example, there are four different antibodies involved in a delayed reaction. IgG, IgA, IgM, and IgD — each of which can have a different and significant effect on our immune system.

Sometimes the delayed response can take up to three weeks before symptoms may appear. This makes it very hard to pin point which food, pollen, or substance is the cause of your symptoms! Some of the more common health concerns that can be triggered by a food sensitivity are:

  • Digestive disorders (gas, bloating, cramping, diarrhea, nausea)
  • Migraines
  • Weight gain
  • Mood/Attention disorder (anxiety, depression, irritability, hyperactivity, lack of concentration)
  • Joint pain/muscle stiffness
  • Skin conditions (itching, redness, swelling, eczema, rashes)
  • Lung conditions (Asthma, Bronchitis)
  • Loss of memory
  • Fatigue
  • General malaise

“…Diets high in refined sugars, for example, are harmful to the brain. In addition to worsening your body’s regulation of insulin, they also promote inflammation and oxidative stress. Multiple studies have found a correlation between a diet high in refined sugars and impaired brain function — and even a worsening of symptoms of mood disorders, such as depression.”

Eva Selhub MD

Healthy eating doesn’t have to be so complicated.

 Most stores are starting to jump in this organic bandwagon and offer a nice selection of organic fruits and veggies. Check out Trader Joe’s, Whole Foods, Sprouts, Costco, etc. where the produce, seafood and meat are all very fresh and they give options for meats that are not loaded with hormones, antibiotics or fillers. Start small with a recipe and slowly work your way to more fresh whole foods. You can always look on pinterest for recipe idea’s or purchase any of these books with healthy recipes all ready written out for you all you have to do is make the time and buy the ingredients.  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.

Never skip breakfast. In all my books,  I have a ton of easy healthy breakfast idea’s with amazing delicious recipes from smoothies, overnight Oats, frittata’s and more. Of course, I also have mouth watering healthy lunch and dinner recipes too.

This is a  New Year and a new you. I want you in 2017 regardless of the many daily issues and tasks  that life throws at you. I want you to start putting  YOU and YOUR health first. Try a new recipe, pull out that blender and make a smoothie, throw some ingredients in a crockpot, stop grabbing that take out burger. At the end of the day, the food we eat is the most important step in achieving best health. Eating is also entirely within our grasp. Hippocrates, the father of medicine, famously said, ”   Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food”. In other words, food can be your friend and it can be your foe. It’s all up to you. It’s always been up to you. Eat with thought!

You and your health are important to me, Bon Appetit!

-A.L. Childers aka Thehypothyroidismchick

I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it. 

Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, Hypothyroidism Clarity,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.







Diet: The OTHER Four Letter Word

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Healing is a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity.



Congratulations! You’ve clicked on this blog interested in what it has to say. I am very pleased that you might be deciding to take control of your health.  I’m here to help you by taken many of the most difficult steps in the journey of dieting and health by identifying your obstacles, seeking out reliable solutions, and then showing you have to take action to get and use the resources you need for success by reading my blog posts or joining the popular Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group.

I know you can do this and that you’re someone who will take action to overcome any obstacles in your life. Why do we seemed so challenged with everyday dieting. This is the 1st step to help you become  successful in your healthy journey by applying the empowering techniques many of my blogs have to offer. This article has been  written by a person who has had real struggles with a hypothyroidism diet but has worked through them. I am going to  “keep it real” with you.

Who Are You And Why Should I Listen To You? What makes your tips different from all the other million guru’s out there?

I didn’t always use to be a  super healthy hypothyroidism health fanatic that I am today. I started out as a 25 year old recently diagnosed young mother with a new “label”. Struggling a fulltime job, 3 kids under that age of 3 and I ate what I could to what it seemed to merely survive.  I didn’t know that I had to eat to cater to my thyroid. All I knew was I was exhausted, mentally fogged, bloated, my hair was falling our, bags for days under my eyes and felt like completely horrible. I also didn’t know the 1st thing about eating healthy. The only exercise that I got was sitting down in front of the t.v. briefly to catch a break from my chaotic life. I only later joined the gym because they offered free childcare and I needed that precious time away to regroup and gather what I felt was left of my sanity.

I started to research about the side effects of an unhealthy thyroid and how diet does take a toll on the body. So, I decided to make a commitment to change for a better me.  Even though I loathed exercising and  hated every thing that I becoming. I began to  research about what to eat for my thyroid. I soon discovered how to change my mindset and stick with a healthy eating plan that allowed me to shed those 30 pounds of fat around my midsection and gain a cute ass in the process.

Since then I have managed to help others accomplish losing weight and gaining their energy back that your thyroid seems to of forgotten to produce.

People have managed to go from eating ghastly diets that never catered to their thyroid to doing a complete 180 and moving that muffin top back in the muffin pan where it belongs.  And most importantly, I will teach you why you should make these healthier habits.

You see, by following the valuable information and life changing techniques you will read in all of my articles,  you’ll discover how to successfully stick to your new way of eating.

Today, I am a health coach and the author of five of  Amazon most popular hypothyroidism books.   A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving.  I am also the creator and found of the popular website thehypothyroidismchick.com and lets not forget to mention the popular Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group.

I write my blogs because I want to help others avoid all of the mistakes I’ve made, and give you the secrets that I’ve picked up over the years for how to make healthy decisions even when if you’re on a busy, and/or unmotivated.  A lot of the information I’ve picked up after spending hundreds of hours on research to figure out what works and what doesn’t. You’re going to save all that time and money and just gain the helpful insights I’ve picked up in one easy to read and a valuable guided blog.

These new changes that  you will acquire  are based on what has worked for me and many others.  You may find this is simply a launch pad for your own personal growth design. So , I need you to open your mind and give this useful tools and techniques a chance to start to change things in all aspects of your life, but don’t allow this to be the only  means to your success.  All my blogs can do  is provide you with tools, but it is up to you to take action and be the source to your success.

My blogs are NOT for…

People looking for an “easy” fix and who want to avoid a challenge.

People who are looking for the one stop shop ultimate diet blog

People who are not willing to make a change

People who are not willing to step out of their comfort zone.

People who love yo-yo diets fads and doesn’t take eating healthy seriously

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I want to thank you  for reading my latest blog.  Please let me know if you need any support with it.  Otherwise, are we friends on Facebook yet?  If not let’s do that now, healing Hypothyroidism.   I like to connect on a more personal level there and often; offer social media only products that can only be accessed on my page and share daily updates along with recipes. Remember sharing is caring. Please share and post a comment to this blog! I would love to hear from you. Sign up for my blogs @ thehypothyroidismchick.com .  You can also  Follow me on instagram @ Thyroidismchick or Follow me on twitter @Thyroidismchick.

Health and Happiness,



Audrey Childers is a published author, blogger, freelance journalist and an entrepreneur with over a decade of experience in research and editorial writing. She is also the creator and founder of the website the hypothyroidismchick.com. Where you can find great tips on everyday living with hypothyroidism. She enjoys raising her children and being a voice for optimal human health and wellness. She is the published author of : A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty, Reset your Thyroid, The Ultimate guide to healing hypothyroidism ,  A survivors cookbook guide to kicking hypothyroidism booty: the slow cooker way ,   Hypothyroidism Clarity: How to transition your family  and  Hypothyroidism: The Beginners Guide: How to stop surviving and start thriving. You can find all these books on Amazon.  You can also find her actively involved in her Facebook Group : Healing Hypothyroidism Support Group. This blog may be re-posted freely with proper attribution, author bio, and this copyright statement.


The information and recipes contained in blog is based upon the research and the personal experiences of the author. It’s for entertainment purposes only. Every attempt has been made to provide accurate, up to date and reliable information. No warranties of any kind are expressed or implied. Readers acknowledge that the author is not engaging in the rendering of legal, financial, medical or professional advice. By reading this blog, the reader agrees that under no circumstance the author is not responsible for any loss, direct or indirect, which are incurred by using this information contained within this blog. Including but not limited to errors, omissions or inaccuracies. This blog is not intended as replacements from what your health care provider has suggested.  The author is not responsible for any adverse effects or consequences resulting from the use of any of the suggestions, preparations or procedures discussed in this blog. All matters pertaining to your health should be supervised by a health care professional. I am not a doctor, or a medical professional. This blog is designed for as an educational and entertainment tool only. Please always check with your health practitioner before taking any vitamins, supplements, or herbs, as they may have side-effects, especially when combined with medications, alcohol, or other vitamins or supplements.  Knowledge is power, educate yourself and find the answer to your health care needs. Wisdom is a wonderful thing to seek.  I hope this blog will teach and encourage you to take leaps in your life to educate yourself for a happier & healthier life. You have to take ownership of your health.

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